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Jade Extreme RP 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 06:27:33 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:04/05/2010 8:27 PMCopy HTML


Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay contains sexual content, coarse language, violence, and other material not suitable for all readers. The young, innocent, immature and straight out stupid are advised to STOP, for those of you insistant on reading further remember, you have been warned...
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This layout was created by Majik Ninja and is free for anyone to use as they please. However if I find someone claiming this layout as their own work I will personally see to it that they wake up tomorrow morning with an axe in their dome. [Damn I wish I could be a ninja

__.xxwarning here or slogan here
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Scene opens on Jade in a black corset, black thong, garters, and stockings.  She looks tore up from the floor up from her recent orgy.  The thong is so tiny it may as well not be there.  She's propped back on pillows in the same hotel that Mack left her.  One leg is out straight and the other is up, with a smirk.  She arches her toes and rocks the leg back and forth before stretching and sitting up.}

"I know I have more important things to deal with that breaking in some rich bitch named Dawn.  So she's obsessed with me...uh have you not head Obsessed by Mariah Carey?  As if I didn't have to listen to that whiny cougar bitch alot when I rode with Dusty and Katana, now I'm like the poster child for that damn song.  I mean at least the song was suposed to be about Eminem or something like that.  At least he is a somebody.  I might even like to hit that but then I guess I have gotten used to Motor City Muscle.  You see Dawn you're just like the people I trained with.  You're just concerned about making money because you inherited the money and a company that makes it.  You didn't do anything to earn it.  Most of these people with their heads stuck up their asses because of their overinflated egos....they wonder why they are pissed about what I do.  See bitch, I don't answer to you.  Honestly, I only answer to Mack and his only demands are purely sexual and I can handle that.  {she licks her lips} "You know he's the champ but he's confident but he doesn't run around shooting his mouth off because his ass can't cash the checks his mouth writes.  You see Dawn that's how I see you.  You come in here and you jump on my bandwagon and get your facts mixed up.  Julie's no whore.  She's my friend....even lovers when the occasion strikes us or Mack, {smirks} which is often.  As for Lacey, she's my problem so get off my koolaide!  I don't need your help.  I have all the help I need.  {She steps around the camera.  She finally comes back around.  She's wearing a tube top that says Impact and body paint over her twat making an X} "I sided with the best and that's all you need to know.  On Extreme, live from my home town of Edmonton, Alberta I am going to visit a lifetime of hate out on you, Dawn, why?  I enjoy tears as much , as you claim too especially if I'm the one dealing out the pain."
©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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