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I'm going to kill your career!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 27, 2023, 10:34:06 PM

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Date Posted:17/05/2010 12:07 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'm going to kill your career!
 Steve Weigel, Shane Mack, Lacey Daniels
Roleplay #1 for the show!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
The scene opens up with Chris Orton in a suit looking down inside a casket, and the scene shows inside the casket with a paper saying "RIP Steve Weigel Career", so Chris Orton started speaking.

Chris Orton: Ladies & Gentlemen, we are here to celebrate the career of Steve Weigel which will come to end on "Extreme" this coming Wednesday, because he made a foolish decision sticking his nose into my business just moments away putting an end of Shane Mack career. I have not forget what he has done that why I'm going to kill his career and lay his career to rest inside this casket. Steve Weigel has been on my mind this past weekend, and I see in my dreams of Steve Weigel smiling like he enjoy what he did stopping me ending Shane Mack career. At "Extreme", I have this feeling something bad going to happen in this match, and I know for a fact I see myself standing over Steve Weigel body cover in blood.

Chris Orton slams casket door really hard to close it, and he turns around facing the camera started speaking again.

Chris Orton: In two days, Steve Weigel should get on his knees and pray to god that he makes it out of this match standing, because he needs a savior getting in the ring with me. I'm coming into this match to seek revenge maybe I'll do what I was going to do to Shane Mack might as well do it on Steve Weigel, because I will show no mercy beating Steve Weigel ass all over that ring. You people chant "Fuck Chris!" at me on "Extreme" last week, but you should know the only person fuck me is my girlfriend Lacey Daniels, so I suggest you start chanting "God! God! God!" that's who I am god of wrestling which means you should bow down to me.

"You're Going Down" hits the pa system, and Chris Orton smiles in a cocky way, so the scene faded black.

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