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Extreme RP 2

Started by Bobby James, September 29, 2023, 09:15:39 AM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:01/06/2010 2:50 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARDS!!!
The weather outside has calmed down a bit as some water can be heard from around the corner.  Following the sound while the non SEF camera catches Bobby James brushing his teeth.  Looking to his left he kicks the door closed not wanting people to watch him preparing his cleansing ritual.  Spitting can be heard right before the door is opened.  Bobby makes his way out into his master bedroom tossing a sweat stained t-shirt next to a marble lined fireplace.  Shaking his head towards the camera as he opens a door to a walk in closet where he grabs a fresh t-shirt off of a metal hanger.  Pulling it over his wet head as he makes his way back towards the bathroom where he gels his hair into a faux hawk before washing his hands and drying them off.  Moving towards the camera he once again just shakes his head.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Did I invite you jackass into my own personal bedroom?  Did I say come in here while I'm showering and getting clean after a long work and after doing my laps in the pool?  No I didn't you little son of a bitch.  I said stay in my entertainment room.  Hell I even told you to pop a movie in or watch some satellite.  Not to invade my domain.  So you know what you can do?  You can hit the fucking road!  Hit the bricks Sucka!  Get the hell on!

Sneering at the camera guy as it starts to shake while James lunges forward yanking the camera out of his hand.  Tossing it right onto the bed it shows Bobby with a sideways angle dropping the camera guy with a single right cross as he drags him across the wooden floor.  The camera is jarred as Bobby picks it back up to pan in onto the camera guy as he kicks him right in the gut.  Bobby yells out.

" Bobby James " -- What's your name douchebag?!

The frightened camera guy looks up at him and blurts out.

" Camera Guy " -- Um...umm... Niles.

Bobby can be heard laughing a bit.

" Bobby James " -- I got a guy at my old job named Niles.  He was a fucking queer!  He loved that fucking cock!

Bobby kicks Niles in the gut.

" Bobby James " -- You a queer boy?!  Huh what's that?  I don't hear a head shake.

Niles is shaking his head no.

" Niles" -- No I'm not a queer.

Bobby just laughs a bit.  As he kicks him once more.

" Bobby James " -- You whimper like a fudge packing son of a bitch though.  I bet your daddy got drunk and took your virginity didn't he!  Got real drunk and fucked that virgin brown hole of yours.  I don't mess with faggy douches like you that invade my personal space.  People that don't respect personal spaces and try to walk over the line.  So you know what faggy out ya fucking go.

With that Bobby delivers another hard kick and sets the camera up facing a large window as he pulls it open.

" Bobby James " -- I don't want to break a window over a no good fag like yourself.  Time to get up Niles.

Tears streaming from Niles face as he stutters no.

" Bobby James " -- I bet you do.

Yanking him to his feet Bobby just lets loose and tosses that poor man right out the window.

" Bobby James " -- Happy landings fudge pack!

Picking the camera up he leans out the window only to reveal the fact that poor Niles is splashing about in Bobby's pool.

" Bobby James " -- Don't go getting yourself wet on my account ya little fag. 

With that guy taken care of Bobby turns the camera a bit and states.

" Bobby James " -- Well lets get out of my bedroom since none of you tools need to be seeing it.  I'm not here showing my ass off for MTV.

Walking out of the bedroom Bobby walks down a long curved stairway as he enters a room with a large TV hanging on the wall and speakers centered across the walls as he takes a seat on a long tan couch relaxing himself while he places the camera on a glass table in front of him while he leans forward just a bit.

" Bobby James " -- Ahhh Mack you want to talk to Wigglesworth about how I've shit on the title?  Tell me Shane how have I shit on the title?  I'll say it just like I said to that douchebag Frankie.  I put out open challenges.  Venom even accepted on yet somehow management decided not to uphold a rematch of champion and former champion.  If it wasn't for personal issues that you know nothing about.  I'm truly sorry that you can't see beyond your little wrestling world but some of us have responsibilities to handle.    We all can sit around when were not wrestling just getting high and drinking beer.  So yeah I would have been here day in and day out making a stand.  Well the fact is here I am.  I was here last week at Extreme and I'm here right now.  That was then this is now.  I don't live in the past.  When your constantly looking at the past and talking about past this and former that then it takes its toll.  Bobby James looks at the here and now and sometimes even into the just ahead.  So lets talk about that.  First though I'm gonna speak to one man that did his part in holding me back.  Well not exactly holding me back but keeping me out of action and that's Justin Rodgers.  Now Justin maybe you saw me as a target because I'm a champion here or because of our match.  Whatever the case you attacked me and it doesn't go unnoticed.  I don't forget and I     seldom forgive.  Its funny you got enough enemies what with your brother wanting to take you out and you want to get under my skin.  Hell your own brother wants you out of wrestling.  He's gone so far as to basically put a bounty on your head.  So Justin I've never known you before you came back into The SEF.  Have I heard your name mentioned in passing?  Yeah I have but unlike your brother we don't have a history.  Well a tiny insignificant one.  Kind of like your chances of getting the gold from me.  Small and insignificant.  You want to take your shot at me.  Well Wednesday night prove you got what it takes and doing something about it.  Prove your brother wrong.  Prove me wrong.  Prove yourself right.  I doubt any of that shall come to surface but anything can happen here in SEF.

Laughing a bit thinking of the how anything can truly happen here.

" Bobby James " -- Now yeah lots of people have been going gaga over one of the newest acquisitions here in The SEF.  Knighthawk.  What a fucking tool.  He comes in like a true braggart and talks about how me and Weigel are partners?  Where in the hell are you getting your info from?  Supposed wrestling fan boys who claim to know the truth?  Do you believe everything your hear or read?  The earth is flat.  The moon is made of cheese.  British people have good teeth.  Well the first too aren't true.  And well just looking at you tells me the last one is a lie too.  So son you better get your facts straight.  If your knowledge of your fellow coworkers is any indication of your wrestling talent then well your already done.  See this brings me back to the guy you claimed was my partner and that's Steve Weigel.  The Real One?  Really Steve?  What makes you so real?  Now your not a vampire , a pimp or even a minister? Ok so I don't really know if you ever were a minister or not but the point is.  How can this really be you?  You've changed so much that a kid with a bedwetting problem has their sheets changed less than you change who you truly are.  Now your a country hoosier?  Give me a break.  The Steve I knew or know or whatever the case may be didn't need those things.  So if this is truly you being you I commend you for it.  But yet that doesn't mean that guarantees you of anything but getting in line with the rest of these fools who think they can strip me of my gold.  See Steve sure we had a past but unlike you I don't live in it.  Carpe Diem Steve.

Leaning forward as he places his forearms across his knees and interlacing his fingers.

" Bobby James " -- Speaking shortly on the past though Steve because it pertains to our present situation is the fact that your brother and my friend Joe Daddy will be taking place in this match.  And from him I expect everything and anything.  Joe I wont take lightly.  As a wrestler he has done it all just like us.  He may be my boy but come Wednesday night he'll be an opponent that I wont underestimate.  As I'm sure you wont either.

Still leaning forward he carries on.

" Bobby James " -- So we got some new blood here in this match.  We got no knowledge Knighthawk , my boy Joe Daddy and even a guy named Justin Cage who apparently did time with The WWE's own MVP.  Wow that's impressive.  I think.  I don't really know.  I guess to these redneck fans it might be but to me its not.  Your just a an ex-con and hell boy you probably still are.  People like you don't change.  You can take the nigger out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.  Shine a pile of shit up put some gold chains on it but its still just that.  A pile of useless shit.  But speaking of useless piles of shit we have to talk about just why Megan Sorrows is in this match.  Nikky Venom's bitch is gonna be in this fight?  Come on seriously.  The supposed dark one who thinks shes a vampire or whatever is gonna be in the battle royal.  What a joke.  Megan don't even bother showing up since you may have heart and desire but its plain to see you don't have the ability to make it a reality.  The reality is you will lose.  Reality.  There is a name mentioned alot these days.  Reality Shattering?  No Shattered Reality that's it.  Now ladies I'll start with you two.  Jade Hart and Dusty O'Bannon.  I have problems with neither one of you.  You were put in this match I guess for fillers.  To make it more of a chance of me losing my title.  Sadly I don't really think either of you two will make a dent in this match.  Both of you will not be a factor.  Yet your in a match with me and that's a problem.  I don't like fighting women but I will if I have to.  Yeah that's right Knox I'll do just that to keep what is rightfully mine whether people like Mack or Freddie or even that faggy camera man Niles think that I shouldn't be a champion anymore.  I'll do just that to hold onto my championship.  Knox let me say this.  I respect the fact that your military.  A marine at that.  I have a friend named Clyde that went in with the marines during the first crisis in Afghanistan.  He got hurt parachuting but continued to fight.  Marines have a true never say die attitude and I respect that.  Especially during a time like Memorial Day.  Yet I have that same attitude.  I tried to get into the Navy but they told me I was not cut out for it.  I'll admit I was denied by them but for other reasons.  I guess they don't like people that had used anti-depressants and Ritalin in their past.  Just like you I have a fighting attitude.  So don't think for one moment that I won't try to take either you or your ladies out to get to that Pay Per View.  That's all I have to say on the subject for right now because I think someone still needs to be taught a thing or two.

A light moaning can be heard from outside of an open window as Bobby picks up the camera and nears a glass door which he unlocks and steps outside into the humid night air.  Just then the camera is zoomed in on Niles the camera man who is laying next too the pool still dripping wet and trying valiantly to catch his breath.  Bobby once again kicks him.  As he thrashes from side to side in a rolling action.

" Bobby James " -- Wakey wakey faggy faggy time for your shower.

The camera shakes a bit as a zipping is heard as suddenly a stream of piss rains down on poor Niles who flails about trying in vain to cover his body and face.  As the urine finally dies down Bobby speaks some more as the zipping sound is heard once more.

" Bobby James " -- God Damn boy you fuckin stink.  You kiss your boyfriend with that pissy mouth?  Jesus you smell just like this disgusting urinal i used in Mississippi.  You need a bath.

Suddenly Bobby is taking his foot and pushes forward rolling Niles back into his pool with a giant splash as he valiantly tries to keep from falling back in yet to no avail.

" Bobby James " -- Useless fucking bitch.  Just like all of these other pretenders.  They better be prepared to be disappointed in themselves just like your parents were in your faggy ass Niles.  You better get your ass out of my pool before I let my wolf malamute blend tear up your ass but I bet a douche like you would like that.

Bobby laughs a bit thinking of poor Niles being dog handled and then mouths " what the hell. "

" Bobby James " -- Sic the bitch Cinder!!

Suddenly a massive wolf like dog howls a bit as terror is streaked across poor Niles face while he scrambles out of the pool while the dog known as Cinder rushes at his stumbling in his knees he tries crawling away but the weight of the dog holds him down.  The dog lets out a massive howl and bites at Niles shorts tearing them asunder along with his thong underwear.  Flailing and kicking matters not as Cinder begin mount him.  An ear splitting scream of terror booms from Niles as Cinder has penetrated him in an instant.  Crying out for mercy as he claws the concrete trying to crawl away while the dog humps away.  Bobby brings the camera back to his own face.  With a sly smirk he starts to speak.

" Bobby James " -- Ahhh young love ain't it grand folks?  Who knew Niles was such an animal lover?  I bet his folks didn't.  I wonder if he has a wife or a girlfriend.  Does she know?  What about a life partner?  Does his husband know?

Looking back at a screaming Niles.

" Bobby James " -- Hey Niles?!  Does your boyfriend know your a dirty dog fucker?!

" Niles " -- Ahhh fuck!  Make it stop!  Make it stop!  Oh god nevermind.  It's filling me up.  Fuck me Cinder!!!  Fuck me!!!  I'm your bitch!!!

Bobby chuckles a bit.

" Bobby James " -- Different strokes for different folks I guess.  Well I guess I need to let the young lovers have their alone time.  I got a fight to prepare for.

Setting the camera down it shows Cinder pounding away at a Niles who is now on all fours and loving it while it finally fades to a commercial.

TBC BY Me Only
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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