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Hotel Conversations - An Extreme RP

Started by Bobby James, September 29, 2023, 10:21:51 AM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:08/06/2010 1:19 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARDS!!!

A slow steady knock on the door and a hand is all that can be seen while the camera centers in on a golden number stating " 514 ".  As the door is opened an indifferent expression is laid upon the face of Bobby James the former International Champion.  Looking the person who knocked upon the door up and down he asks a question.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Just what in the hell do you want?  I ain't in the mood for partying right now dude.
The voice from behind the camera simply states.
" Voice " -- Chillax man the daddy is here for ya.
Suddenly new SEF superstar Joe Daddy steps past the camera.
" Bobby James " -- Yeah yeah I've heard that before he he.  So what in the hell do you want Joe?
Bobby asks looking directly at him.
" Joe Daddy " -- Hey like I said you need to relax for a God Damn minute.  You know me I ain't here to start anything.
" Bobby James " -- Yeah I know that bro but I ain't in a mood to be playing about or getting jerked around so what's up.
He simply states while crossing his arms.
" Joe Daddy " -- Hey so heres the deal right.  Sure you lost your title and now two jokers are gonna fight for it in a steel cage....
Interupting him Bobby speaks up.
" Bobby James " -- Yeah thanks for that reminder Joe.  I don't need to be reminded that some bitch clotheslined me over the top rope.  We all know the great Bobby James lost his title.  So fucking what I ain't the International Champion anymore.  So your fucking right I am pissed that those two dick licks are gonna be in a steel cage for The International Championship.  A title that should still be mine.  I didn't get pinned or submit.  I got tossed over the ropes what kind of pansy assed way is that to lose a title.
" Joe Daddy " -- Dont go flying off the handle brother.  See your looking at the small picture.  Little League shit.  At Glory and Gold those two will square off against eachother for that title but your going for The World Title.  Bobby James is going against Steve Weigel and Shane Mack.
Nodding his head in understanding.
" Bobby James " -- Yeah Steve your brother.  That's really no big deal to be in a match with him.  No offense.
" Joe Daddy " -- No offense necessary man.  Steve is just like you said like a coin being flipped.  Always changing sides.  But yeah I think the real one to worry about is Mack.
Laughing a bit.
" Bobby James " -- Ha ha The Real One.  The Real Deal With No Sex Appeal.  Speaking of sex appeal remember when he thought he was the ladies man and called himself a Pimp Daddy?  Or better yet when he claimed to be a vampire.  Blah ... " I Vant To Suck Your Blood ... Oh No Not Garlic ... Blah.  Ah and now Steve is suppsedly trying to be true to himself now or real or some shit like that now.  A cowboy at heart is what he trully is?  Really I just don't know about that guy sometimes.  But yeah sure Mack for sure will be the real challenge.  I mean it sure will be hard to win against a man who has basically married into the business ya know.  Kinda reminds you of Triple H and Stephanie... ya know?
Bobby winks to Joe who smirks a bit.
" Bobby James " -- But that's for later much much later Joe.  See right now its about vindication.  Showing that I am still the man here.  Fuck Knighthawk cause I know you can take out that pretender.  A guy who thinks he is above it all will soon learn how much it hurts to take a fall.  You'll do that for him no doubt.  Smoke him a kipper cause he'll be home for breakfast.  I'm sure if Knighthawk is truly British he'll understand that but then again alot of those Limey bastards have trouble understanding basic shit like oral hygenie.
" Joe Daddy " -- Fuck you got that right man.  That little fruit booty thinks that he is some sort of executioner well Joe Daddy ain't ready for the gallows just yet.  Joe Daddy is here to get the respect I am rightly due.  I paved the way for many superstars throughout the wrestling world and when I'm though with Knighthawk he'll be just another victim of The Daddy Slam.  Bank on that bitches.
" Bobby James " -- I hear ya about that respect shit and some people need to know it and embrace it.  People that like to abuse there power.  PeopIe that want to question just who I am.  Well I'll say this about Bobby James I don't need to slap people and then hide behind security guards.  But yeah that's for fat bitches who can't get in the ring and can only crow from the sidelines.
" Joe Daddy " -- I think I know who....
" Bobby James " -- It don't matter Joe.  Right now its about getting the job done.  Proving just why Bobby James is truly The International Champion.  The rightful one.  So if I gotta get through Justin Rodgers then so fuckin be it.  I know he hasn't earned my respect as sure as shit I haven't earned his but quite honestly I just don't give a fuck.  Its not about respect its about a victory for me.  That's all.  Now I may be an asshole cause well I am.  But the fact of the matter is he's got alot on his mind right now with Knighthawk supposedly wanting to take him out for a bounty.  On top of dealing wiht family issues and murder and betrayal and lord knows what else.  Maybe someday soon Bigfoot will come down from The Rocky Mountains and impregnate his sister.
Joe who was drinking a bottle of Miller Lite spits some out while Bobby just shakes his head.
" Bobby James " -- I'm serious hell man his whole family life is so fucking ridiculous its like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich had sex with The Weekly World News and out came Justin Rodgers clan.  I just really don't know about it.  Hell I wish I could have mobile updates on who's raping who or who's kidnapping who.  Lets get out the Amber Alert another victim at the Rodgers household.
Luaghing a bit is Joe Daddy while Bobby waves him off.
" Bobby James " -- I'm just hoping that Justin is focused on the match.  I want a fight with a man not someone who is somewhere else.
As that is said Joe tosses Bobby a bottle of Miller Lite while the camera goes black.

This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Kristin Fox

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Re:Hotel Conversations - An Extreme RP
Date Posted:08/06/2010 4:54 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title

Lots of ppl


Justin vs Bobby James


All read-Knight Hawk and Bobby especially

Justin Extreme 174 Promo2  

People Mentioned

Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality

Next Match

You'd have read his bio 

OOC Comment


{{We open on Justin and Ash dressed in MMA gear.  They are instructing two people now somewhat familar to SEF, Taryn and Andrew Fox.  Taryn is a pretty little blond and Andrew is much taller with really short blond hair.  They are trying to take the martial arts training they have to bring it closer to wrestling.  Taryn is a little easier since training with Matt and Justin previously.  Andrew is a surprise to both of them}}

Ash:"I thought you said Drew just did Krav Maga."

{Drew smirked}

Drew:"He's being a bloody glakit.  Ye know Justin, I think you should take Bobby James this week?  I'd like a shot at the bastard for the limey comment."

Justin:"Hell, I don't know.  {Ash and Drew look at him funny} "No I mean I am going to take Bobby on this week.  You know there seems to be a lot of homophobia going on around here.  They keep calling Knighthawk a fruit bootie and Mack's going to snap Riot like a toothpick when he hear's Riot's shit.  Now the thing with Joe Daddy and James in a hotel room....I talked to Weigel and I have to agree that's kinda gay.  Straight from the man's brother!  You know Bobby, if you were any kind of champion you wouldn't be bitching that a member of the Hart family eliminated you.  You'd be in the gym busting your ass for your match with me on Extreme and for damn sure not looking past me at your triple threat match at the ppv.  I don't see how in the hell you got a match with Mack for the title.  You lost your title and I do not believe I've lost a match since coming back.  The International title should be mine but what am I doing about it?  I'm in the gym.  Ash and I have been training and being trainers.  Taryn and Drew are training to come in."

Drew:"Ye want to know why I know what I'm doing?  If they didn't know then they were blind.  Train?  If you paid any attention you'd have realized that Dad trained me.  {He gives him a smug smile}  "Do you not remember in Dragon's Gate being schooled by The British Assassin?"

{Ash starts laughing}

Justin:"That was you?"

Drew:"You've been spot on, mate!"

Justin:"Schooled my ass!  More like pounded me into a fucking draw.  I thought you were just working for Matt."

{Drew snickers}

Drew:"Work for him?  Your head is bloody cracked.  I'm heading up IT for my own company that outsources to Matt and Kris' places.  It affords me a bit of anonymity to perform when and where I like."

{Justin gives him a look}

Justin:"Well thank you for taking off the damn mask to honor us with your presence."

{Drew arches an eyebrow at him}

Drew:"You welcome.  Looks like you need the help, what with your own brother coming after you.  {he stops and frowns.} What?"

{They all turn as a petite blond in a Saints jersey and a pair of black yoga pants comes in}

"You haven't completed your contract with SEF.  So I don't see how you can help Justin."

Taryn:"What are you talking about Danika?"

{the girl steps all the way into the shot.  A 9 and the name Brees is emblazed across the back}

Danika:"I'm talking about the fact that he didn't feel out all of his information.  He just signed it.  I'm not your secretary."

Justin:"Where's your Saints help the Bayou region shirt?"

Danika:"Coach Payton said I could pick it up when I fly in this afternoon."

{Drew nudges Justin}

Drew:"What do ye' mean my contract is not complete?"

{Danika rolls her eyes}

Danika:"Fill it out and fax it yourself.  I work for your sister not you."

{She spins on her heel and walks away.  Ash and Justin look at each other.}

Drew:"Don't give me that.  I'll just get my own secretary to fill it out."

{Ash shrugs}


Justin:"I don't care how you do it.  I don't even know how you talked us into coming in but whatever.  Everyone is talking about how Knighthawk and I have our feud being played out like a freaking soap opera.  Bobby, you may think I'm not prepared for you because of things going on with my family and with the fact I have a steel cage match with Knighthawk for the International Title.  In case you didn't realize Bobby I'm doing pretty well despite all of the things going on.  You know Bobby, I know you got a couple kids with Linda Belle or whatever her name is.  Let me ask you how you feel if someone snatched them?  No, you probably wouldn't like it.  I was old enough to understand what was going on.  I was scared to death.  I didn't know if my mom would ever come home.  Granted, I knew that my Uncle would take care of me.  It's part of why Matt, Maegan, and I are so tight.  Family is important to me.  It's why it is so cold that Lucas has a hit on me.  He has always had this cold streak but I didn't think he'd turn on me.  I've moved on.  I'm not worried about him anymore.  He's got his own focus.  The war could have been epic but it just fizzled.  Now people think I can't focus on one thing and maybe ADD is hereditary but, {shrugs} I've never really experienced it.  My mom has it.  The twins have it.  My focus is on winning and that's what I'm going to continue doing.  Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.  Just deal with the dissapointment of my beating you and watching me go on to defeat KnightHawk in the cage.  I'll be bloody and battered when I emerge from the cage with Knighthawk, I know that but it will be worth it."

{Ash smacked his gloves together}

Ash:"Come on, let's get back to training."


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