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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Quit Being Like Everyone Else

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 11:05:09 AM

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Date Posted:06-24-2010 11:14 PMCopy HTML

So Lacey speaks up and it's the same shit, same ol' song and dance, just from a different person. So lets hear what Mack has to say and we find him standing on the edge of a the roof of a hotel it may appear to be. The camera looks up at him from the fire escape and Mack sports his usual bandana, a black, long sleeved shirt unbuttoned and flapping a bit in the breeze, his hair flowing in the wind as well. He wears loose blue jeans and a pair of brown, hemp sandals are seen on his feet as he balances perfectly on the ledge, the World Title is strapped around his waist and his eyes are closed as he has his arms spread out wide. Mack looks down now and smirks, then says.
Little Lacey sounds like every other boring so called challenger I have had to contend with over the past weeks. Same old shit, trying to shoot and failing miserably, failing to copy me!
He rolls his eyes and just pats his title, then lets his arms hang down and says.
My personal opinion on you is what I stated before, you got what it takes to be dominant, but also as I stated, your not now. Its natural to dispute, but don't claim its what I think when its actually a shoot, so get a clue Lacey. By the way, you and Lucas need to both realize that this match is no triple threat match, it is a three way dance and maybe neither of you know what an original three way dance was, so let me explain.
Mack shows a serious expression for once and says.
Its basically elimination style triple threat, two falls to a finish. First fall eliminates one person and second fall...
He looks down to his title and says.
Determine who walks out with this title held high!
Mack looks to the camera and flashes a smirk saying.
And boys and girls, ya all know its gonna be me. Lucas, remember, not a triple threat, Mack must be pinned in this match, I must be put down for a fall in order to lose this title, so like Lacey said, you two both need to step up and shut up in order to deal with me. She may be the weak link in your eyes, but compared to me your both a weak link and I believe the past few weeks have shown who truly has who's number.
He keeps his smirk and says.
And what is this shit about Lacey being just a girl? Well I admit yes she is, what exactly was the indication, what was the point to stating that? Sure, like I said before you, Lacey is not great, she isn't dominant, not yet, but she's proven she can hang here more than you have. Hell Lucas, you outta meet some of the chicks I wrestled before SEF, twice as hot as Lacey and they would have schooled your ass, trust me on that cause its not like I never lost to a girl!
Mack shrugs and keeps smirking as he says.
Of course, I married a girl just like that, eh, go figure. Anyways man, you got a lot to learn before your wearing this belt around your waist, a lot to learn! By the way, your boy Riot needs to get a clue about ass kissing and needs to realize the only ones who kiss ass around here are the O'Bannon's and Rodgers kiss each others asses, stroking, and preening each other. Of course, maybe Riot is just bitter about getting schooled, carried, and owned by me last week?
He just smiles and drops off the edge landing on the fire escape, the camera backing up and Mack just smirks and says.
Oh well, fuck that poser, back to the bitches. Lucas and Lacey, ah ha ha, fuck! Seems to be that Lacey has some preoccupation with Strife and obviously she would, but she better stay focused or the only thing in her future is tapping out unless she gets pinned by you Lucas and than it'd be down to just the two of us, one on one for the World strap. You got the opportunity presented in front of you, so use it or lose it, but remember, no matter what ya do, Mack don't ever give under a hundred percent. Even if I may not be at a hundred percent myself!
He shrugs and does a crotch chop, then yells.
Mack then hops in through the window disappearing into the building and the camera is lowered, the voew fading to black now.

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