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Tarnished Legacy Promo (w/out Justin) 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:39:37 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-29-2010 9:32 PMCopy HTML



The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{The members of Tarnished Legacy are backstage in their gear.  They are about to see if they are booked for any matches at the House Show. Taryn grabs a camera and sets it up.  Taryn & Drew look at each other, not sure who should start the promo.  Ash is angry and once he realizes the red light is flashing on the camera he stands up}}

Ash:"You know Sterling for someone who claims to be all about submission wrestling, {he snickers, dark eyes angry} "You know, maybe its just me,  {gestures to Drew} He likes submission alot so maybe Drew can answer this for me.  Brass knuckles,"

Drew:"Love 'em."

Ash:"You ever use them in a submission match?"

Drew:"Only againist Justin.  He's a big bastard."  {He smirks} "No, mate, I use 'em in hardcore matches but not in submission."

Ash:"Hmm, that's what I thought too.  {he snickers}  You were so worried about me that you had to resort to using a weapon?  Interesting.  We will have to have a weapons match as soon as possible.  {He walks away from the camera and comes back with a pair of tonfas} "For someone who has a background like your's will recognize these.  Perhaps my favorite weapons, except for maybe barbwire singapore canes.  I would forgo the battle royal and a chance at the International Title to have a Clockwork Orange match with you, Sterling!  Hang both of these from a cage wall, these your knucks, light tubes, baseball bats, hell, do it like New Jack.  He brought down a shopping cart full of things, as if he went to a pawn shop before his match.  He even brought an old vcr to the ring once.  It doesn't matter.  As long as we can beat the hell out of each other with weapons I don't care."

{Drew laughs}

Drew:"Do you not want to face your best mate?  Ye know he's going to beat Knighthawk for the title."

Taryn:"This battle royal is a great idea.  At least the three of us know a match like this we'd be all in and can say that the title shot will just be another chance for us to knock some sense into a bunch a people."

{Drew snickers and starts to say something before someone knocks on the door.  Drew is handed and envelope.  He rips it open, scans it, and then signs it.}

Drew:"My contract comes in just in time to add me to the call sheet for the ppv.  I am in t{e battle royal with the two of you and the OBannon bastards and their girls.  I loved wrestling, Justin when he had no bloomin' idea it was me he was in the ring with.  We had some bloody classics in Japan and Ireland."

Taryn:"Who says you're going to win, big brother??"

{she gives him a perfectly innocent smile.  He smirks and looks at Ash}

Drew:"One way or another, Mate, someone from this looker room needs to get the title shot, just to prove to ourselves and the world we bloomin' belong 'ere.  Then we take on Justin at the following show."

Ash:"Sounds like you have a plan."

Drew:"I always got a plan.  First off, that ruddy bastard Vlad is in this match.  Most everyone on the roster is.  It's going to take 'eam work to get Vlad out of the ring.  Of course Shattered Reality is going to work as a team to make sure that we don't walk out of 'ere.  Other then 'hat we need to turn off the camera to discuss our strategy.  Last thing we need is our game plan winding up on the bloomin' telly."

{Taryn nods}

Taryn:"You've been spot on."

Ash:"Whatever that means, but you're right.  {He reaches for the camera.} "Discuss this after the house show."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!



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