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Extreme 176 rp 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:30:30 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-10-2010 5:22 PMCopy HTML
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The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{{We open on a Tarnished Legacy's locker room as they prepare for the Saturday Night house show.  Ash is obviously annoyed.  Justin places a hand on his shoulder.}

Justin:"I got this."  {Ash backs up a second}  "Ash needs a doctor?  {laughs}  I think you are the one who needs a doctor, Sterling!  First off, Knighthawk was never the International Champion.  The last champ before me was Bobby James.  Knight Hawk and I eliminated each other in the battle royal.  That's why we were in a match at the ppv.  All of these people that you claim to have beaten?  {He starts laughing}  Knighthawk, Strife, Lacey, and I?  I know for a fact that I wasn't in the match.  Neither was Knighthawk.  As for Strife and Lacey?  I seem to remember Lacey talking about the battle royal and wanting a shot at my title and she has proved she deserves a title shot.  Beating you next week is going to be fun.  Fighting Lucas tommorow is going to be bloody and when I fight him, I'm always hyped up for a bigger better challenge.  Are you that challenge, Sterling? You seem to think you are but a battle royal?  You've yet to prove it.  {He starts to turn away.}  Oh by the way, Jade Hart doesn't hang with Tarnished Legacy.  Hasn't for weeks now.  Jade Hart is Riot O'Bannon's wife and she's in my brother's stable "Shattered Reality."

{Ash comes up and he's a little more calm but his eyes still show irritation}

Ash:"I supposed he meant Jayden Hartley who I didn't want around in the first place but Justin and Drew had a plan.  Drew is the one who thought she was hot.  As for doctors?  Well I am married to a dietician, my sister-in-law is a peditrician, my foster mother, who just happens to be Justin's mother-in-law is a orthopedic surgeon, and then there is Crystal.  {Tarnished Legacy snickers} That's one of Justin's mom's best friends.  The triad of women who started many women from the Legacy and Shattered Reality to reach the heights of SEF and their own personal attempts at greatness within SEF's squared circle.  {snicker}  See Crystal is who I think you need to see Sterling, not because she was voted sexiest woman in Texas multiple times but because she is a Harvard educated psychiatrist.  You thinking that you've ever beaten Justin for anything and thinking The Real Deal hangs out here when she's married to the freak.  I am bitching because you are a coward who likes to cheat.  You couldn't beat me in a straight up match.  As for my wife, if she signed with SEF she wouldn't come alone."

{Taryn grins}

Taryn:"You don't mean?"

{Ash nods}

Ash:"Yup, she's pretty close to finishing school and is taking some time off from school.  They are discussing it and they think they may call themselves Double Trouble.  {he grins} I am not even sure when or where they may decide to show up.  Gracie on the other hand has issues with Jayden.  She wants to see if the "change" Jayden Hartley has undergone is legit."

Taryn:"I'd like to know for myself."

{Drew wraps his wrists with tape and steps forward}

Drew:"Does it even matter? I thought we were through with the little trollop?  I am wondering more about our opponents for extreme.  I'm sure they are in some dark corner somewhere plotting evil and we need to stop talking and start acting like competitors. Taryn, we need to go kick some arse againist a couple blokes we've never faced before."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


Daddy Mack

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Re:Extreme 176 rp 2
Date Posted:07-10-2010 7:34 PMCopy HTML

So we see the outside of the door of the Tarnished Legacy locker room and a knocking is heard on the door, then it opens and Ash Silva is standing there looking into the camera and asks.

Just you? What do ya want? We didn't call for a camera.

Growling is heard now and than a kick to Ash's leg and the camera shows Shady Smack run under his legs now and into the room jumping up on a bench next to where Andrew Fox and Justin Rodgers sit, Taryn stops practicing some kicks and looks in awe. Ash turns rubbing his leg saying.

What the hell?

Drew and Justin chuckles some and Shady grabs the International Title running around the room holding it over his head like he just won it. Ash grabs him by the collar of his super awesome X Marks The Impact t-shirt available exclusively on SEFZONE dot com. Right, so Shady looks at him and growls as Drew says.

Hey man, ya outta leave the little fella alone, he's just playing around.

Ash shrugs and agrees, but Shady bites his hand, then tosses the title to Justin and does crotch chops at him, then turns to Ash doing more and hops up on the bench by Drew and holds a hand up to stop Ash from coming after him. They all look confused now and Shady spits out a rhyme, oh fuck!

Tomorrow on Extreme, Me, Drew, and Taryn
We got the Obannon crew, them and their dog too
Or is her name Dusty? Who cares, it's a sin
To fuck with Shady Smack and any of you
Mack may not claim to be god, but I will
And that muthafuckas is a shoot, so sniff some glue
Ya fucking goofy ass clowns, I'll whoop your ass and pop a pill
I may only be four foot three, but ITS five foot four

He points to his crotch and does a several crotch chops now and everyone is cracking up now. Shady runs out of the room now and grabs a cooler bringing it back in and sits down on the bench. He opens it and pulls out a Sapporo, then kicks the cooler and nudges Drew pointing to it. He looks at Ash and Justin, then nods to the cooler, grunts a little and drinks his beer. Shady winks at Taryn and grins at her raising his eyebrows up and down, motions to the cooler and offers her his beer.

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