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Whatever It Takes [Sterling Extreme 177]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 30, 2023, 10:21:54 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:16/07/2010 1:38 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
It's a time of joy coming soon. After running through Ash Silva, not once, but twice in singles action. I realize that after seeing what he had to say, his best friend would be much more focused. Hopefully, a lot less childish when he realizes that he's simply outclassed from the word 'Go'.
I smile a cocky grin as I stand at a podium in an empty press conference room. A place where my company usually delivers all of it's standard press release conferences. A purely business attire is adorned across my great frame as it's obviously three sizes too big for me. Especially the shoes. I have Steve Urkel glasses on my face and yes...it's about to be extremely childish in front of the camera. I flex the muscles in my face right on either side of my nose causing it to draw up my nostrils and make my nose look too small for my face as I grin.
"Hello, SEF. I'm the guy that writes the books on all things Tarnished Legacy. You see, it's come to my attention that we are all wearing shoes that are too big for us to fill, so we all got uniforms too big to fit us as well. We talk A LOT about where we came from, because we can't fill up our own accomplishments on our own accord. We dedicate every victory to our families that without us would just have legacies untarnished."
Dropping the act, with a quickness...I walk to the side and out of the suit to reveal my form of 'Greatness' in my black and gold ring gear, as well as my new SEF Mr. Sterling T-shirt. Available now at the SEF Zone. I wipe ecstatically at my chest as if trying to get the grime from the over-sized suit off of me. It made me feel cheap and dirty. I nod and look into the camera with a sort of mock sadness in my eyes: "Ladies And Gentlemen of the SEF. I apologize for..[ A Short Pause ] .Absolutely Nothing. You see, Justin. That's what you don't understand. You can hate on me until the day your entire family has a family of their own and you are just dust in the earth. Or you can at least attempt to understand the truth. Look around you, pal. You say I have 'Cheap' wins. And what's with saying 'Sick' twice? The truth is that your ol' pal, Mr. Silva....just can't hack it against me. For the same reason that you'll fall far short of victory at Extreme. I have the passion that it takes to finish you off quickly and take that strap home with me. In fact...you sicken me. You claim to have the passion, but you aren't willing to do 'Whatever It Takes'. That's the difference between being 'Great' and being a loser. I'm willing to do whatever I have to. Talk down about using the knucks if it makes you feel better. But in case you didn't notice....those people that you mentioned? They are well-known in this business for a reason. A quick shot with knucks can give you an advantage for sure. There's no denying that a well placed shot can save a title match. But...if you don't have the skills to outlast the other guy, or deal with him one on one while the ref has his eyes on you? It don't mean jack."
I shrug: "And as far as you comparing me to every loser on the roster? Forgive me, if I don't care just who I remind you of. Because I'm not like anyone else in the world. Let alone this roster. I'm unique."
I smile as I take a seat and the camera pans behind me as the steel comes softly against me, and I cross my right leg over my left : "Let's face facts here, Justin. At the end of the day...noone remembers the little guy. The guy who gets dropped doesn't get remembered. All of the guys that are out there placing their noses where they don't belong, [ I point behind me with my thumb to emphasize it ] picking on the guys that are out of their leagues....they get forgotten. Sure some obscure announcer somewhere will mention them by name every now and again, but the masses and masses of competitors and fans just don't care enough to know who they're mentioning. This isn't a business of winners and losers. It isn't a business of fighters that are purely trained athletes like myself. It's a business of wins and losses. I'm a winner. And the business is suited to me. It isn't some game, just because I have the money to live off of. It's a living, because it's what you make of it. If you have the passion and desire to rise up to the top and grab the brass ring, you have to prove it. Just like I've been proving since I arrived. You can hate on it, all you want to. But facts are facts. Noone's gonna remember that I pulled a small metal object out and slammed it into Mr. Silva's skull to get the win. They are just gonna remember that he lost and I won. It's a paper business. Wins....get you far. Losses....get you nowhere."
Catching my reflection off of the metal plaque on the podium, I run my hand through my hair. Geez, I look good in my new Mr. Sterling t-shirt. I nod as I stare into the camera with a cocky, confident grin: "And I'm going places, Mr. Rodgers. Unlike you, not only am I gonna win the International Title at Extreme...I'm gonna hold it for more than two weeks. Not because you don't have drive like Mr. Silva. No. It's because you fall short of doing 'Whatever It Takes'. It's a saying that was pushed into my head since I was born. Hell, pretty much since I was a thought about and anticipated forming baby in the womb."
A cocky nod and smirk: "And once Extreme is done and over with. Once I've got the gold around my waist and you go home. You'll have even more of a reason to claim the name of your stable. 'Tarnished Legacy'. Because that's what you do when you try to get by on the legacy of your family members. You tarnish their good name. It's a sad fact that your family has fallen so far as they have. Because from what I've heard? The last generation would've actually had their names associated with every championship that SEF has to offer. There would've been no ceiling for them....until...like you...they would've had to face me in that ring. 'The Greatness' is simply too much for you to handle. Because I train like there's no tomorrow...I can't be bought off by anyone, cause I simply don't need the money. And I'm willing and able to do Whatever It Takes....to get the win. To get my name to mean something, and to make the gold stick to my waist like glue. Cause that's where it's gonna be once I win it. And you? You'll be remembered on paper as the champ that lost it to 'Greatness'. I'm sure some obscure no account superstar will look it up to see who was the unlucky 'Chump' that lost the strap to me long ago. They'll find your name in some records somewhere and try to use you as their stepping stone if you're still even here by then. But for now? Your future....looks bleak. Cause Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood...is about to be Cancelled after only two weeks. And that's because I'm gonna hit you with 'The Truth' to end your reign."
I stand up placing my hands to the sides and twirl slowly around, before looking back into that plaque at my 'Greatness' with a smirk. Damn, that belt's gonna look good around this waist. I hold up my fingers less than an inch apart: "That's how close you can get to touching what I will accomplish in this business. But you will fall far shorter in your path than I. Check in with whomever...compare to whomever...Bring your 'A' game. I don't want you to act like you didn't see it coming after Extreme, either. You know what is coming. You know that you're facing. An opponent who can bring it with the best of them. And even with all of this [ a quick hand gesturing of my entire self ] 'Greatness' in me....I will do 'Whatever It Takes' to beat you in the end...you'll fall to 'The Truth' and you'll go on to claiming that your two greatest accomplishments in this life were being a father and standing toe to toe and eye to eye with 'Greatness' in the ring."
I smile and nod and the camera cuts off.

ooc__Ehh...This one's decent. Hopefully the next one will be much better and give you more to work against. :P
Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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