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The Next Day [Non-Competitive Sterling and Madden]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 30, 2023, 10:29:10 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:14/07/2010 2:27 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
So, it's been quite a roll these past few weeks. Leaving to the side that I'm so far undefeated in S.E.F. And leaving to the side that if performed perfectly next weekend, I'll have obtained championship gold in less than a month of active competition.....Ashlee Madden and I are reacquainted and working perfectly together, again. I'm feeling on top of the world, when I'm awakened to a sleeping arm and leg on my left side thanks to the grip of one sleeping Ashlee Madden. She has a tendency to do that from time to time. She holds on so tightly to me in sleep that you'd swear that she was afraid that I'd vaporize if she didn't. I smirk as I look over her sleeping form.
I reach over and drag my right side along with my left to get out from under her as gently as I can, but it startles her awake to an extent, anyways.
"Jonathon.... [groggily talking] ....what's wrong?"
I whisper quietly over her: "Nothing. Just going to take a shower. You go back to sleep."
A gentle kiss on her forehead: "Okay.."
She rolls over the other way, and I walk into the bathroom with a towel and a robe. A little groggy myself from the match last night, I should probably be a lot more sore, but I put Ash away in such a fashion as to keep from exhausting any real talents, or stretching in bad ways for too long. Though that little move was a bit painful, it was far from what I'd expect from an MMA Specialist like either Ash or more importantly myself. I place a towel on the rack near the shower and hang the robe next to it, as I step inside to let the water wash over me. I love feeling the hot water on my body.
It isn't long before I'm starting to wake up as I start to wash my face. A lot of things run through my head as I shower, but I kick any negative thoughts out with the dirt and sweat from the day before. Once I'm done with the shower, I step out and pull on the robe to get dressed in the room. As I enter the room, Ashlee seems to be done with sleep whether she wants to or not. She's sitting on the edge of the bed in a pink tanktop with her legs still under the covers and something is playing on the T.V. I ignore the television set as I walk over to the dresser and pull out my new SEF Mr. Sterling shirt. I lay it on the top of the dresser as I pull on a pair of boxers and smile in the direction of Ashlee.
"You almost ready for breakfast, Sleepy Head?"
She gives a groan and plops back on the bed: "No...I want to go back to sleep."
I shake my head: "Well...you can try if you want to. I've gotta go get some breakfast soon so that I can get to training this morning, but if you want to wait around until afterwards, that's fine. "
She kicks off the covers, with almost a bratty attitude: "No...I'll be ready in a few. I've gotta get a shower, first."
I smirk as the thought of Ashlee in the shower just passes across my thoughts and my face must've reflected the thought, cause Ashlee starts to flutter her eyelashes at me. Yeah...normally, I'd melt in and offer to re-join the shower this time sharing it with her, but I've gotta stay focused. I'd never get any training done if I didn't have some self-control.
"Alright. I'm gonna finish getting dressed and go get Geeks. Make sure he's not too badly banged up to take a day out."
Ashlee hops up and gives me a kiss: "Yeah. He didn't seem too open to talking last night. A little defeated, even."
I nod as I pull on my T-shirt. Black with yellow lettering reading 'Always Delivering The Truth' on the front and 'Mr. Sterling' on the back. It's a nice feeling having a new t-shirt that resembles yourself as I look in the mirror to see that it fits almost twice as tight as it feels like it does. Pushes out my muscular upper body and fits just loose enough in the arms to allow good mobility in the arms. I nod at the image as I can't help but check my hair and notice that I'm looking almost perfect. I pull on my ring tights before slipping my jeans on over them. I slip on my ring boots and kickpads since after breakfast I'll be heading straight into training. I pull my elbow pads and gloves out and slip them in my bag.
After I slip my bag on my shoulder, I finally hear the water start to run from the shower. I smile. She was probably watching me get dressed again. I shake my head and head out to find Geek Boy, but I stop at the bathroom door with a knock on it: "I'll meet you down at the Impala."
TBCB Ashlee Madden.....

ooc__Poor Geek Boy...always gettin' picked on. Lol.
Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


Ashlee Madden

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Re:The Next Day [Non-Competitive Sterling and Madden]
Date Posted:14/07/2010 11:48 PMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:lol yeah...but Ashlee is the one who really started it! Its pretty entertaining though! Ugh sorry about last night I might tell you about it later...though you might already make your own conclusions! I didnt tell you how awesome it was! The post above was pretty awesome. Hopefully I didnt do too much lol.

Ashlee had just jumped into the shower when Sterling had knocked on the door asking her to meet him down at the Impala she yelled a quick ok and then when she got no response she knew he had already walked out. Of course she was a little disappointed he hadnt joined her but she knew there would be plenty more chances for that later. Ashlee decided to make it a quick shower. Afterall she took enough time on her hair, make up, outfit, and accessories. Hey sometimes it wasnt as easy as it looked to be perfect. Ashlee hopped out of the shower once she was cleaned and wrapped herself in a towel. She looked in the mirror and decided she would put some stuff in her hair to keep it looking curly. She then put her make up on and brushed her teeth before heading out into the room to pick her outfit for the day. She pulled out a white sundress and slipped it on and slipped on a pair of pink and white tennis shoes. She then grabbed a couple necklaces and put those on and checked herself in the mirror. She looked pretty damn good. She was just about to start making her way to the car when her phone went off making her realize she had almost left it. She ran back over and grabbed it and rolled her eyes. Sky of course. She answered it and sat down on the bed checking her nails.

Ashlee-What did I do this time?!

Sky-Absolutly nothing...That I know of. Im bored and since your not here I figured I would acll and see how things are going.


Sky-Thats pretty vague...

Ashlee-What do you want me to tell you? You want me to sit here and gush about how happy I am like some retarded school girl?

Sky-No it wouldnt be your style and I would assume your back on the drugs. But anyways judging by your reaction Im assuming you and Mr. Arrogant Prick found your way back to each other.

Ashlee-Thats not funny and if your referring to me and Jonathon why yes we did. Things are going fabolous just like before. So have some respect.

Sky-Just be careful...You know I dont trust people easily and he doesnt make it easy for me to trust him.

Ashlee-Yeah I got it. Just please stay out of this.

Sky-Oh trust me I will...Im not banging him so what do I care?

Ashlee-Real nice Sky.

Sky-Yeah I thought you might like that...Anyways...You being gone makes this place boring...

Ashlee-So get your ass back in the business. You wouldnt believe all the haters here. Errrebody love me.

Sky-Im sure they do and stop saying "Everybody" like that you are driving me nuts...No I have Sammy now and other things to do but maybe I will come visit.

Ashlee-You should...and you make it sound like Sammy is your kid. Hes a damn dog Sky.

Sky-I know but hes the closest thing I got to a kid...

Ashlee-Yeah and that makes you sound a little creepy...Seriously let mom baby sit the damn dog and get your ass here. Seriously the mid west is creepy what I wouldnt give for a beach right now. At least if you come visit it will make this place better.

Sky-Probably I tend to light up an area when I come into it.

Ashlee-Yeah bitches burn in your light I know I know.

Sky-Dont you forget it!

Ashlee-Never do but I gotta go Im supposed to be meeting Jonathon and Im sure hes been waiting a really long time.

Sky-Fine...Tell Chad I said Hi and well tell Mr. Jonathon hes an arrogant prick and if he hurts you again I will hunt him down and feed his dick to Sammy....

Ashlee-Im not telling him that...Why you say hi to Geeks?

Sky-Hes a cool kid and fine I guess when I see him I will tell him myself.

Ashlee-You will not.

Sky-We'll see. Text me if your bored bye.

Ashlee said goodbye and rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone. Really she never quite understood her sister or how they were related. Completly two seperate sides of the color spectrum. Plus the fact Sky had even thought about Geek Boy was weird to Ashlee but Sky never forgot about anyone she met and she had spent time with the kid. Hell she had been the one to mold Chad into his newfound self with his "makeover." Ashlee thought back to why she had owed Sterling a favor at all. Something about her and Sky beating some kids up in a Taco Bell and needing bailing out. Sky's ego had been a little bruised by owing Sterling anything but he had made it easy on her. Ashlee grabbed her phone and her red snake skin bag and as she headed out the door she put her phone in the bag. She headed downstairs and out to the Impala where Sterling and Geek Boy waited. Ashlee didnt mind calling him Chad she just prefered Geeks. She liked giving people nicknames. The two were talking and when Ashlee walked up they both got silent and turned their attention to her. She smiled as she approached the two and she gave Sterling a quick kiss.

Ashlee-Sorry I kept you boys waiting. I figured you would understand it sometimes takes a little time to look as good as I do. Well that and Sky called me.

Mr.Sterling-What she say? You buy anything else interesting?

Ashlee-No...I think she is just bored. She said she might pay a visit....She's getting a little too attached to Sammy, and OH! Geeks she said Hi.

Geek Boy-What?

Ashlee-Yeah she said Hi to you...Dont ask me...She's weird and I seriously wonder where the hell she got the tongue of a viper from.

Geek Boy-Well I guess I say hi back.

Ashlee-Will tell her. I think Im gonna skip training today and just sit back and watch.

Mr.Sterling-Sounds Good to me. Now you look beautiful as always but all that waiting has me starving.

Ashlee-Oh Im sure you and Geeks talked and kept yourselves busy...I bet you guys just had tons of stuff to talk about. So we ready?

Ashlee grinned at the two and Chad just looked over at his boss with a smile. Ashlee didnt think too much into it. The kid seemed to be in a better mood than he had been the night before. Which was a good thing because Ashlee was in one of the best moods she had been in in her whole entire life. She would probably have to smack him a few times if he went around moping about. Though she was a little nosey as to what the two had talked about. Probably buisness stuff that she would find out about later but still she hated missing what was probably good conversations.

TBCB Mr.Sterling duh!

Mr. Sterling

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Re:The Next Day [Non-Competitive Sterling and Madden]
Date Posted:16/07/2010 10:26 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp


That girl. The way she looks every single day. I smirk as I lean over and kiss Ashlee before turning around and pulling out my keys: "Alright. Let's go grab some food."

Geek Boy smiles: "I crave nourishment."

As he goes to walk, he grabs at his lower back, closer to his ass, a little: "Damn. I never imagined just how much that could hurt."

Ashlee smirks as she hops into the car next to me, but slides forward and leans the seat up so that Geeks can eventually get his old timer moving ass in the car: "I'm just surprised that you got involved like that, Geeks."

He smirks: "Well...I saw an opening. Figured that it'd help just to get...Mr. Sterling back to his feet, he'd take Ash down eventually with 'The Truth'."

I smile shaking my head as I crank the car: "And what were you two thinking in the first place? I'd have had him on my own. Well...I know what YOU were thinking [as I lean in close to Ashlee], but you, Geeks? I knew you'd have it in you some time, but that was unexpected. Please tell me you got the shot afterwards, though. Had the camera hidden somewhere or something?"

He shakes his head as he sits down, finally having made his way into the backseat: "Not a one. Sorry."

I shrug: "Ahh...what can you do? It's ok. Needed to be in better shape against Justin. Cause I don't plan on making any cheap shots against him this week. Not that I'd tell him that, of course. And who knows...I might just change my mind. I do find it funny that they don't understand that I've just been using them to get under the skins of the real jealous haters for the S.E.F."

Geeks looks a little confused at first, before he nods: "Ohh...you mean, the Hater Nation?"

Ashlee laughs. I look out the back glass as I pull the car out of the spot: "Of course. Those fans hate my guts out of pure jealousy. They can't stand me making a laughing stock out of Ash Silva so easily. But sometime or another...I'll probably have to knock him down again, without having to use him as an example. Probably soon...since he's already reverting to the most childish tactic ever.....Name calling. If he was as good as he thought he was before taking two straight shots to the face with knucks....he'd probably try to get me into a hardcore match of some kind so that he could take shots, too. Although...he'd be as outclassed in weapons fighting as he is in wrestling matches. Suplexes are tightened up a bit, though. As I saw, when he tossed you half way across the floor."

Ashlee yawns as she looks up at me. I smirk as I turn back and pull the car out of the parking lot entirely and head off to the direction of food. These groggy mornings before and between training sessions are usually the best time for us. The three of us get to just hang out in these simple in-between times. Most of the time some of the business will be talked about, but mostly...it's just nice to have the entire unit back together. And though...she gets on my nerves as much as I do hers....I find myself craving a little visit from Sky. I know that she was warming up to me before...well...'The Incident'. Even had Geeks ready to do most of her shit. And...she owed me back then. I smirk at the thought as Ashlee grabs my hand: "So...where we heading for breakfast around here?"

I look back at Geeks for a second: "You know where we should stop? Either of you?"

Ashlee just shrugs. As much work as she does to get ready, and as much effort as she puts into her outfits, her makeup...everything else, that she thinks it takes to make her already beautiful self look so....'Platinum'. It's hard to tell when she's tired. It doesn't show through in physical attributes other than the occasional yawn, and a few well placed leans. But if you really know her....the quieter, the more tired she is.

Geeks thinks for a few minutes and finally nods: "Yeah. Remember...oh wait...no. Never mind. Uhh...Okay. Yeah. That truck stop a few miles down the road is a middle spot between here and training. That way we don't have to go out of the way and gives us more relax time before training."

I give a good nod and we head that way. It doesn't take long and a little bit of arguing over the radio between the other two occupies most of the ride 'til we reach the parking lot of the truck stop. Of course, Ashlee wins the argument, cause Geeks is already sore. Most of the time, I just let the arguments go back and forth I listen slightly mainly to make sure it doesn't get too far. Afterall...an injured camera man...can make for shaky camera work. Even when working with the best. And...well...obviously, Geeks knows better than to fight Ashlee too hard. When we pull in, I can't believe what I hear: "Dude...Sky would kick your ass for that."

Ashlee fires right back, though: "No she wouldn't. She knows better. And why would she care about me messing up your hair?"

Geeks looks slightly out of sorts as he pulls out a comb and uses my rear view to fix his hair back as I whip it into a parking space: "Cause she's the one that taught me to put my hair like this in the first place."

The collective nod is done as we go to get out of the car. Apparently, the little bit of tension between Ashlee and Geeks have given both of them a little bit of a shaking awake. Cause as soon as I turn off the car, Ashlee jumps out and slips her sunglasses on her face, before she turns back and lets Geeks out of the back. He jumps out after her and fixes his shirt again. I just smirk at the two enthused cohorts. If you didn't know better, you'd swear the two were related. Not if you knew the Maddens as a whole, but just seeing how Ash and Geeks are towards each other? Yeah...from afar, it probably looks that way.

I get out of the car and slip on my own shades and slip the keys in my pocket as we head inside.

TBCB Ashlee Madden......

ooc__Sorry so cut off...but tired and going to get some sleep, now. Lol.
Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva

MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


Ashlee Madden

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Re:The Next Day [Non-Competitive Sterling and Madden]
Date Posted:17/07/2010 1:12 AMCopy HTML

  ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:So yeah this probably was way better before I lost all of it...seriously Aimoo fuckin sucks right now. What jerks! I had a masterpiece and they caused me to delete it Im sooo mad.

The three all walked inside the resturaunt and found themselves a place to sit. Ashlee figured this was gonna be like old times and the waitress would be staring at Jonathon the whole time. So Ashlee was prepared as the waitress walked up and handed them menus and took their drink orders. Ashlee was completly taken by suprise when this one seemed to have most of her attention on Geek Boy. She seemed like she wanted to really address him. He was polite to her and she rushed off to get their drinks. Geek Boy started staring at his menu and of course Ashlee couldnt resist the opportunity. Afterall the poor kid could be clueless sometimes. She kicked him swiftly under the table he yelped in pain and rubbed his leg before glaring at Ashlee.

Geek Boy-The fuck I do now?!

Ashlee-Your an idiot.

Geek Boy-I dont see that as a need to kick me! Damn Im still sore from being suplexed.

Ashlee-Sorry..Its just I couldnt help but notice are waitress has taken an interest in you and Im also not stupid. I know you noticed her and obviously think she's pretty.

Geek Boy-I dont make a habit of picking up pretty waitresses.

Ashlee-Oh! So you did notice her...and you think she's attractive!

Geek Boy-Yeah Im a guy we tend to notice those things. But whats your point?

Ashlee-Seriously Geeks how long has it been since you have been laid?

Geek Boy-Im not answering that and are you this annoying to Sky?

Ashlee-Its actually worse for her. Dont change the subject and try to distract me with Sky. Just answer the question.

Geek Boy-Mr.Sterling...please make her stop badgering me. I dont know if I can work like this.

Ashlee-Oh dont act like that. Seriously you have put up with me before you can handle it now...Seriously Jonathon just make him answer the question. I already know its gonna be just as sad as when I asked Sky the same thing. Sheesh.

Ashlee and Geek Boy both stared at Jonathon and he sat up and took a sip of his coffee and just shook his head with a smirk on his face. Ashlee loved that smirk but that was the last thing really on her mind right now. He put his cup of coffee down and looked from Ashlee to Geek Boy he then put an arm around Ashlee and then glanced at Geek Boy.

Mr.Sterling-Maybe you should take it easy on Geek Boy there Ash. He has had it a bit rough and I need him on his toes and ready to go at a moments notice.

Geek Boy smiled smuggly at Ashlee. She just rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. Jonathon seemed even more amused now and he gave Ashlee a quick kiss on the cheek and he winked at her before turning his attention to Geek Boy.

Mr.Sterling-But Geek Boy I think you should answer the question you know she is gonna get it out of you one way or the other.

Ashlee lit up and stuck her tongue out at Geek Boy who just shook his head. Ashlee was satisfied she knew Jonathon would remain neutral he always did. She figured it was the easiest way for him to stay out of trouble. She loved what a smart man he was.

Geek Boy-Fine so its been a really long time. Big deal.

Ashlee-Fine its settled then! You will have that girl's number. If I have to hit on her myself for you to get it.

That seemed to get both mens attentions. Ashlee just smiled and shook her head as she looked over the menu. The waitress came back and took their orders and left again. By the time she came back with the food she was laying it on kinda thick for Geek Boy and yet he had still not made a move. Ashlee was getting impatient about it but Jonathon was keeping her well and distracted from doing anything. Probably all part of his plan on remaining neutral. By the time they got up to leave Geek Boy hadnt said anything to the girl. So as they walked out Ashlee made an excuse to go to the bathroom she knew neither one of them bought it but Jonathon seemed to go along with it. He had to all but drag Geek Boy out the door who was giving Ashlee the stare down. Ashlee just smiled and waited for them to get to the Impala. She then walked back to their table where the girl was cleaning it off. She struck up a conversation and talked about Geek Boy with the girl. Though at one point it seemed as if she started hitting on Ashlee. Ashlee amde a point to get her number quick for Geek Boy before she high tailed it out of the resturaunt. The girl made it clear even she could call her and Ashlee was in no mood to explain the situation. She got out ot the car and Geek Boy pestered her about what she did. She lifted up the seat and all but pushed him in the car as she got in the passenger side. She ignored his bitching and just passed the girls number into the back seat to Geek Boy.

Geek Boy-I knew you didnt have to pee!

Ashlee-Oh shut up. Dont say I never did anything for you. Plus Im pretty sure she swings both ways so if you play your cards righ-

Geek Boy-How in the hell do you know she swings both ways...Unless...Do you?!

Geek Boy leaned up intently for her answer and Ashlee just giggled a little and looked over at Jonathon. He was starting up the car with a smirk on his face but she knew he was listening to every word. Really what man didnt when this kind of question was brought up. So she made it a point to aim the answer directly at him instead of Geek Boy.

Ashlee-Of course I dont. Women are too crazy for me. I mean I may have made out with a girl once or twice while drunk but seriously thats hardly enough to qualify me as swinging both ways. No I can just tell by the fact that Im just good at reading people. I have many talents...Im sure in time they will all be revealed.

Jonathon's head turned slowly towards her and she batted her eyelashes at him. She knew where she had sent his mind and she just smirked. Geek Boy rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. Jonathon shook his head and turned his attention back to the windshield. He put the car in gear and headed out of the parking lot. He seemed to be a little quiet although he looked relaxed Ashlee knew what his mind was still on. She could sense it. She had planted the seed in his brain. She just laughed under her breath and turned the channel on the radio. Geek Boy reached up and changed it and once again they were back to fighting over the radio as if they were brother and sister. When they turned to Jonathon he just kept his eyes on the road and with a smile changed the station to something neither one of them had chosen. Once again being neutral. It seemed to satisfy both of them because Geek Boy sat back in the seat with the waitresses number debating on weither or not to call her and Ashlee began checking her messages threw her phone until they got to the gym. Now normally Ashlee would be all for training but today she figured would be a good day just to watch. So they got out of the car and Jonathon grabbed his bag and they headed inside...
TBCB Mr.Sterling duh!

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