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Extreme 178 The Legacy

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 11:26:28 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:21/07/2010 10:38 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Hey guys sorry.  I think I got the flu.;-) ||
{{{Its Thursday night, members of The Legacy are chilling in Justin's family room reviewing extreme.  Drew is obviously not with them.  A camera comes in and takes in the view.  They cringe as they point out the point where Drew was injured and Taryn starts to cry. Ash looks up and coughs}}

Ash:"Sorry, a little sick."


{Ash flips him off.}

Ash:"With so much shit going on, {he clears his throat} it's hard to know where to start.  {he glances at Justin, Maegan, and Taryn} "Drew is out, indefintely.  Major concussion and a broken neck.  He's not down and out though.  He's bitching and trying to get that foreign doctor Kurt Angle used so that he can at least go back to work for Matt.  For us, we'll miss him and this week......{shakes his head} we are going to attempt to get a measure of revenge."

Justin:"A lot of revenge.  Lucas may have quit and the goth O'Bannons have been run off, but Knox & Riot are still here.    Our problems may just be starting."

Ash:"We'll face that problems on the next Extreme since we have to face both of them and Mr. Sterling."

{Justin smirks}

Justin:"Johnathan, {shakes his head} you think scrambling my brains is going to keep me from giving it all the next time I have to face you one on one for my International title?  Hell No, it makes me even more determined to shut you up.  You've made a lot of enemies since coming here, but you still have failed to reach SEF Public Enemy number one status, at least in my book."

Ash:"I certainly haven't forgotten about you, John John.  I guess I may have to find Sly and get us a good old fashioned no holds barred weapons match of some sort for the ppv.  For now, I will have to resign myself to getting a piece of you in our six man tag match on Sunday.  It seems like its been awhile since I got a piece of O'Bannon boys....{he rolls his eyes} Oh wait, it seems like every week one of the O'Bannons tangles with the Legacy.  Shattered Reality needs to be taken care of.  It starts with us, {gestures to Justin and himself} and Strife to strike while they are still reveling in Lucas throwing a big ass tantrum and running home like a toddler whose favorite toy has been taken away."

Justin:"Lucas, one day, it will be easier to get ahold of you on familar ground.  However, I am not worried about you being back in Texas.  You are a wanted man in the entire state.  As for the ones you have left behind?  {he smirks}  I got the two of them beaten so many times that the match would be cake if not for Johnathan's presence in this match.  Either of my partners in this match vs the O'Bannon Brothers and this match would be a text book loss for them and they are sorely in the red when it comes to all of the losses they have.  Can there be negative numbers in the record book for the win/loss ratio?"

Ash:"They'd know.  {he smiles at his wife} As for the Dynasty Divas...."

{Maegan smiles and winks at the camera}

Maegan:"We are going to kill them.  {grins}  "I figure we will get Hayden but I know that a certain someone would love that Dusty be in the match."

{the camera shakes a bit, lowers to the ground to show that two pairs of feet owned by people that are exchanging the camera.  A young, petite, tall blond walks from behind the camera.  She is pure couture from head to foot: Patel mini dress and Christian Leboutin heels.  She walks over to stand near Justin.  She tosses her blond hair back over her shoulder to smirk at the camera.  You can tell the two of them are clearly related.  The girl's eyes are a glittering sapphire blue.}

"Dusty McKenna Rodgers, {she does a little finger wave with her perfectly manicured nail before her voice takes on an eerie semblance to the girl from Poltergeist} "I'm baaaaaaack!!  {her voice returns to normal}  "I know that once upon a time I called you the Replacement Daughter.  How ironic that you started attempting to live up to that and by denying my mother but love to dig deep into the trust fund that she didn't have to give you.  Honey, there is a reason why Maegan and I were career killers.  We took our training very seriously.  You like to brag about a lot of things.  Right now, I'm not here to brag.  I'm here to take out you and your little friends a pin at a time.  As for your little friends and for the sake of the fans at home, my name is Grace Payne, also known as The Divine Diva and Gracie to my family.  My big brother, {she places her hand on Justin's shoulder} took the majority of the whiny princess bitch out of me when I moved into his home so long ago so I could attend Duke like Maegan.  He really is my hero, Dusty.  It's why I took my training up a notch.  It's not just enough to claim that Mom and my Dad were amazing wrestlers.  No one cares in SEF.  It's not a place that was open when my Dad was an active competitor.  I have wrestled people who are in SEF.  My opponents are both loved and hated by SEF fans.  You, Dusty have evaded me our entire lives.  You know that I am a better wrestler than you.  You know Maegan is better than you.  Hell, Taryn's only been wrestling since January and she's better than you two.  Why? Desire.  Genetics.  Determination.  Loyalty.  Whoever I pin on Extreme, don't count on having another match in SEF.  The Dynasty is dead."

{Maegan claps her hands}

Maegan:"Do you see why I love teaming with her?  She's gets to the heart of the matter about what's going to happen.  One way or another, whether sanctioned by SEF or night, the Dynasty Divas numbers will dwindle.  There are three Fighting Foxes in SEF now: Gracie, Taryn, and myself.  Four of you, {laughs} You know, I like those odds because its Lacey and then a lot of dead weight full of hot air.  I almost feel sorry about that because it seems like a handicap match.  {she thinks} Hmm, I wonder how long Lacey will keep her title now that she's started relying on the numbers game to win her matches.  Once we start taking out her team will she be able to function in her match with Camaro?  {Taryn blushes and Maegan turns to her} Someone like Camaro, eh?  {she smirks as Taryn looks away} Little to clean cut for me but whatever floats your boat.  At least he's not like these other people around here who think God specifically put them on Earth to dream big and suck major ass.  Man or woman, this company has a lot of people who like to think they are the greatest thing to step in the ring and experience has it that the more someone talks about how much they rock, in actuallty, they don't."

Taryn:"Sometimes I wonder why I get the new people and then even worse something happens and I end up losing.  I know that I need to tighten up my game.  This new girl Kathryn or Kat or whatever she may call herself when she actually does show up around here.  The only thing that I really know about her is that she wasn't fortunate enough to have the family that I have.  Other than that, I'd like to welcome her here.  The irony in this company is that there is a family fued going on here and as soon as we take care of that problem then I hope that we work together to get rid of the rest of the evil bitches around here."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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