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universal6 star tag team

Ash & Justin's tag match

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 12:26:16 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:24/07/2010 12:53 AMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{{{Ash and Justin are shooting pool and drinking beer when the camera crew comes in.  They wait while they finish. }}

Justin:"Eight ball in the middle pocket.  {he points with a black pool cue}  Then you'll owe me....{he thinks} isn't that $150 per ball?"

Ash:"Shut the fuck up and shoot."

{Justin starts to shoot and a waitress pinches his ass.  He scratches and turns to look. A chick with red hair and green eyes winks at him.  He smiles until she walks away.  Then he covers his face with his right hand}


 {Ash laughs}

Ash:"What was that mother fucker?"  {he takes a sip of beer, sets it down, and points to a combo shot.}  "This will give me the win."  {he richochets the cue off the side, hits the six ball, and sinks it in the end pocket.  The eight ball richochets into the opposite pocket.}  "What now, bitch? {he grins like an idiot.}  "Pay up, man!"

Justin:"Did you pay that chick?  Come on, you are seriously telling me she just did that on her own.  She's been serving us beer all night and she just now comes over?"

{Ash gestures to the camera crew}

Ash:"Maybe she wants to be on t.v.  How in the hell am I supposed to know?  Pull that ATM card and get my money, jackass.  Stop acting like Lucas."

{Justin stood up straight and pulled his shoulders back}

Justin:"No you didn't! {Ash snickers} You bastard, {shakes his head} I'll get you the money.  {he heads over to the atm and withdraws the money he owes Ash.  He then goes back and throws down a thick wad of twenties} I still can't believe I lost to you."

{Ash chuckles and calls for another beer}

Ash:"Yeah? Deal with it.  {He sits on a stool and motions the crew to come forward} "You want to play?"

"Nah, we wanted to get some comments on your match."

{Justin comes over and leans againist the wall.  He starts to take his cue apart to put away.}

Ash:"Pussy, {he snickers at Justin.} "You giving up?"

Justin:"No, {checks his watch.} "It's after midnight, I get to get back to Katana."

Ash:"Fuck, really?  {he looks at his own watch and reaches for his droid}  Well, Maegan hasn't started looking for me, but yeah, Katana is watching Dante for us."

{He starts taking his cue apart as well}

Justin:"It seems we were right, Knox is quick to take over the reigns of his crew.  I don't know about Strife, he isn't around except for shows.  Sterling, though, he is also a mystery.  He'll probably pop up sometime tommorow and telling the world how great he is and how he is going to kick all three of our asses alone."

Ash:"He's got another thing coming.  He'll be lucky if Riot lets him in the ring.  I wonder if Knox can control the group or if it will continue to sit around and do nothing."

Justin:"No, Knox isn't concerned with anything but winning.  He and Sterling should get along great if egos don't get in the way.  {He closes the case and then rubs his chin thinking} "This week is going to be interesting to say the least."
Ash:"Really, what can we say that hasn't already been said about our fighting the O'Bannions?  We always beat them.  It's actually getting predictable, but John-John though he's the enigma that Riot tries to be.  Knox used to claim he was a warrior and we get to team with a warrior.  There is so many unknowns in here that we are not going to make any wild predictions."

Justin:"We'll leave that to our opponents.  {he drains his beer and picks up the case} Come by Planet Fitness tommorow.  We'll show you a little bit of our training plan."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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