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Silence? [Sterling]

Started by Mr. Sterling, October 01, 2023, 06:42:11 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 8:56 PMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
It's amazing. Everyone in the SEF can read my thoughts. All of them seemingly telepathic in some sense or another. Sure...it's understandable. Maybe the thoughts read across my face as my mind runs through them. Or maybe they're just saying what they think I'm thinking? All of them wanting so much to be the best. Especially Mack. He thinks that he has to 'shoot' on everyone thinking that he is above them, like it's an accepted deal by everyone in the SEF. Like he's done so much in the business as a whole that the SEF is raised above the waters of the normal and placed squarely in the WIN column. Even when he knows it's all FAIL. The failed Hogan scenario failed for a reason. Noone wants to continuously watch the same guy doing the same impossible feats every single day of his career and continue to cheer for him as if he were God. And apparently, he's got some sort of machinery in the back that will help everyone else believe it, too. And he'll let his little ass kissers who accept him as their Jesus use it to read the thought processes of the people that are better than all of them.
No machines needed here. And so long as you all are reading my thoughts...Fuck you. You don't belong in my head. I'm 'The Greatness' and if you have to read thoughts to win matches...or even make someone out to be a liar? Then...you aren't worth my jockstrap. Mr. Sterling is better than anyone else. Of that much? I'm sure. No lies have spouted from my mouth. They may creep into my head as I'm re-inforcing my own resolve, but that's as far as they make it. Just take a look back and see for yourselves if you're so interested in my thought processes. See if you can read them like this?
Crickets chirping......
A smirk. Good. I guess noone's really listening to my thoughts for now? We'll see, but anyways...moving on.
What it all boils down to is me, Mr. Sterling 'The Greatness' whether it's admitted by others or not....is staring into a camera with no mouth moving at all. Just thinking. Since apparently, I'm so much 'Greatness' that my entire thought process shoots out to people all over the world. No wonder they boo me as the Hater Nation...it's cause they are ALL jealous of how much control I can have with but a single thought.

Music__ F**K THE WORLD by ICP
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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