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Grace Payne Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 07:17:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:28/07/2010 3:59 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
laura-vandervoort-from-stuff-magazi.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{A montage of Gracie's morning workout is shown: weight, cardio, ring, martial arts.  Then shows her afternoon workout of MMA.  Once the montage ends we see an Olympic size swimming pool and in the background we hear Lady Gaga's Fame Monster playing in the background.  The current track is Telephone featuring Beyonce.  The camera then turns to show Gracie standing in a sexy bathing suit.}

Gracie:"SO you found me.  We each have a different approach and order to the way we workout.  We do workout together every night but daily we have our own full routines that we go through.  After I swim, I have my fun work out.  I teach aerobic dancing when I am at home.  When I'm not, I get to be creative and do my own thing and get to lead an advanced class as the begining to workout with my aunt and cousin.  Now I see that I have at least two matches on Extreme this week.  First and probably the most ironic.  I get to face Ashlee Madden.  {wry grin}  I think we probably met since it seems we travel in the same social circle.  Your name isn't unknown to me, even if you are a bit older than me.  I find it doubtful that you came to my debutante ball since I turned 16 on the East Coast and you on the West a couple years before I did but socialites tend to known of each other due to simply being apart of the social elite.  How else would the deprayed and deliquent Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton be able to travel everywhere and other socialites due  what we are trained from birth to do: we feign happiness at seeing each other with plastic smiles and kisses to each cheek but secretly we despise most everyone else, especially them because despite the money and the power we know that they are truly pathetic.  We listen to them simper and we pander to them only so much as ettiquette allows and then we snidely talk about them behind their backs.  As much as you got into wrestling as a way to rebel againist your social set I got into wrestling because it was very much apart of mine to be athletically inclined.  For generations my family has been athletes.  I think on my mom's side being athletic goes back to the middle ages when the men were knights.  {She smirks and waves her hand} I don't know.  It's something that my brother would know.  I just know that for the past three generations that my family has ruled the wrestling business in many different areas of the globe.  Not just on my mother's side.  My father's side includes many Olympic athletes.  {she grins briefly, dimple flashing before smirking again, knowing how to get under her opponents' skin} My dad has the ego of Kurt Angle and the same style, although he didn't quite attain the Gold Medal as an American hero but he was Internationally ranked prior to also suffering a neck injury.  Now I join my cousin, my aunt, and my brother here where Justin already has started to increase and expand the family name into the greatness that SEF has for years produced.  Now I am called upon to join them to work two matches in one night.  I have to prove that I can handle being a star and a member of my own family.  First, Ashlee, you and I get to dance.  Then I am entered into the world heavyweight title battle royal.  Even though I believe that my big brother will go on to face Shane Mack for the title, I am going to do my damnedest to win.  As great as my mother, my ex-stepmother, and my godmother were, they never achieved world title greatness.  It's true that the men in my heritage have but I think, only my idol has done so.  {She folds her arms across her chest}  That's right, people.  I have spent the last several years studying the true dominant female in SEF history, the true Queen of Wrestling, Whitney Marrett.  Call it being an ass kisser or not, it's the truth and a smart business decision says that if you want to be a successful female in this business, you have to study the greats, and in SEF it gets no better than winning the world title in a Japanese Death Match, even more so as a female.  I am willing to put all of this, {she uncrosses her arms and slides her hands down her sides with a little wiggle and a sexy pout} "You don't have to be divinely beautiful to be successful but it helps as some of my more unfortunate victims have learned in the past.  If I put my body on the line to be successful in wrestling and it doesn't work out?  Unlike you, Ashlee, I don't have to rely on sex appeal and family name to make sure I survive after my ring career is over.  The most important thing my parents taught me is God blessed me with these amazing looks, great body, naturally athletic body but he also blessed me with an extremely high iq.  Unlike you, who started drinking like a fish once you were old enough to go out on your own, I dug into school.  Following my big brother's example, I went to school.  I got a degree, {she laughs lightly} well, I have more than one.  Everyone knows that not all doctors are good looking and perfect.  Anyone who has ever seen House or ER knows that you don't have to be perfect.  House is a genius but certainly not perfect.  Dr. Green from ER......he stopped being sexy sometime after his portrayal of Goose on Top Gun...perhaps when he got old and lost all of his hair.  Or, {she starts laughing} If you ever been to Can Am Medical Associates, Old Hooknose.....{pauses to think} um, well my future boss I guess.....our Dr. Wilson....he's not so sexy.  He looks more like Senator James Carville.  {she sticks her tongue out and then regains seriousness} "As for the matches, I plan to win the match with Ashlee and I'll get to you in the battle royal Lacey.  You see, the Fighting Foxes are to much for you Lace.  All you have right now is Dusty and she's been lustin' for a bustin' for years!  I am the DIVINE Diva, Dusty.  You and your little friends have no idea how much you, Dusty, still need to learn before you can beat me.  Train with Knox.  Train with Lacey....hell I don't care if you have Lacey fly you up to Canada to train with the great Bret Hart himself!  A few weeks with a legend isn't worth a lifetime of training, I'm sure Lacey would even tell you that.  She actually put in the time to learn all that he has to offer. You?  You can't even step outside of your comfort zone for experience.  Coming to SEF for you was to show off your husband and to get revenge on what you screwed up instead of the other way around.  I came here for the experience, I came here for my family, and I came here to win.  I would love the opportunity to show all that I've learned in a match with Shane Mack and win or lose the battle royal this Sunday, Lacey, I will be coming for your television title.  I could care less about that fake piece of tin that Dusty paid for.  They aren't even recognized but I will gladly take them off of you.  There are third world countries that could use the money I can get for recyling the metal and selling the jewels in New York.  They can melt all of the fake crap down and the jewels can be cleaned, disinfected, and reset into nicer, less gaudy setting.  {she gives a nasty laugh} "For the most part its as fake as Dusty's intentions to play second fiddle to you, Lacey.  She hates being second and she's always been second to me despite being older than me.  She knows it, I know it, hell all of Texas knows it.  This Sunday, I'm going to prove it.  Now, {she smiles} thanks for coming, Sam.  I have to put a serious dent in attempting to catch up to Michael Phelps time."

{We fade as Grace executes a perfect dive.}
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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