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Past, Present & Future - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 12:43:21 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:12/08/2010 6:13 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Past, Present & Futurevs Justin RodgersChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/AresTV Champion x1mmhmm ... lovin' it! ;)


The scene opens up with Lacey in her bathroom talking on her cell in a low voice. Gone is the smart-ass prick tease, she sounds normal, sweet, almost vulnerable which is very unlike her.
LD: Yeah well ... it's not that easy is it? ... No I know .... so what do you want me to do about it? ... Exactly, so we're just gonna have to go with it and see what happens ...
Lacey pauses and then laughs out loud.
LD: ... Yeah I thought you'd say something like that! ... well I guess we'll have to wait and see won't we? ...
Lacey giggles quietly as she listens to whatever the other person is saying and then she nods her head in agreement.
LD: Oh definitely ... I think that's the only option right now ... alright well let's just play it cool for now okay? ... mmmmhmmm ... yep speak to you later no doubt then ... alright, bye
Lacey sighs deeply as she ends the call, the conversation was obviously deeply personal.  She puts her hands on her hips and leans forward, deep in thought.

She shakes her head as though putting to one side the thoughts inspired by the phone call and turns and tosses the cell onto the side of the basin and checks herself in the mirror. She catches sight of the camera in the reflection and turns back to face it.

LD: Sweet Lord, can't a girl get any privacy these days!! ...
You can see her eyes flashing as she quickly thinks about what she just said on the phone and then a satisfied look comes over her face as she knows there was nothing to give away who she was talking to. Her eyes glaze over as you can almost see her put on her "bitch" persona.
LD: So Justin ... see that you're just as easy to rile up as ever! ... Really thanks for the strip show but in case you hadn't noticed ... I already have my very own muscle show whenever I want it and he's the hottest thing in SEF, so really your lame attempt to get me excited was tame in comparison. Hell he's so in demand, even you want a crack at him!
Lacey laughs.
LD: And just so you know, if I wanted you that way baby ... you would never have left Canada cos I would've made sure you stayed exactly where I wanted you.  Oh I know you like to fool yourself into thinking that I still carry a torch for you but just in case you didn't get the message ... I've moved on!!
Lacey smirks as she tosses her hair over her shoulder.
LD: In fact if anyone's looking like the statue of liberty around here, it's you! ... Bragging about how that chick you up and married is so perfect. Jeez ... did ya pick her out of a catalogue? ... It's like you went out with a shopping list for all your requirements ... smart check, athletic check, wants kids check, does as she's told check ... oh yeah and let's not forget the most important requirement ... looks like Lacey Daniels check! .. .Ha! Yeah right you're so over me Justin!
Lacey laughs as she shakes her head and turns to face the mirror to check her face.
LD: And as far as me raking up the past? ... Please! You're the one telling all and sundry that I was the one who popped your cherry ... didn't tell the little missus that one though did you? Well unless she's hiding under a rock, she knows now! ... As does the rest of the world ... goddamn it J ... you just gotta tell everyone everything dontcha.
Lacey sighs and then raises an eyebrow.
LD: So I guess I should be quaking in my boots right now ... after all the kiddies school teacher might be pissed and put a hit out on me ...
Lacey laughs loudly.
LD: Please!! Stop it!! ... She'd have to put a hit out on me cos she sure as shit wouldn't be able to take me out herself. Hell I'm out there taking on everyone, testing myself physically each and every night against men, mind you, doing exactly what I always said I would... and what is she doing? Nothing is what! She might talk a great game and you can big her up all you want but the truth is she's nowhere near my level now if she ever was and you know it! Is that why you look at me like "what might have been?"
Lacey pauses and looks thoughtful before she frowns.
LD:  .. I mean how long has she been out of the business? First off going back to school and getting her degree in boring and now sitting at home getting fatter by the minute ... oh yeah she's really intimidating! If she wants a slice of this pie ... well I could tell her to take a ticket and get in line but hey, I'm in a generous mood so when she's ready and popped out that kid of yours, she can jump straight to the front of the queue. I'd be more than happy to oblige her with the ass-kicking of a lifetime, hell if she's quick enough about it I might even put my newly won International title on the line for her!
Lacey smiles nastily as she nods her head.
LD: You think this match is going to be easy ... think again big boy! I'm not playing head games with you, I'm telling you like it is, like I always have. I am going into this match as your challenger and I will be walking out as the champion and really the only decision you have to make is how much of a fight you want to make of it ... but don't worry I'm not expecting you to lay down for me, because have no doubt about it Justin our match will be a piece of déjà vu ... you taking everything I can dish out and eventually me wearing you down and getting what I want ... and baby what I want is your International title ... cos let's face you can't offer me anything better than what I already got!
Lacey smirks at her reflection as her cell phone starts to ring again. She picks it up and checks the callers id and smiles as she answer.
LD: Hey you!!
The camera fades to black

End of rp 2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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