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Shane Checks On Cody

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 12:52:52 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:18/08/2010 12:34 AMCopy HTML

Shane saw what happened to his brother, and he wasn't effect by losing his match cause to him it didn't matter. He got to Cody's locker room, and the trainer was checking him out. He showed concern for him, and sits down by him as they get talking.

Shane Jericho

I saw what happened to you, and you didn't deserve that at all. I got an idea, and I think we should do it since we are on the card. We go looking around for a personal trainer, and train to be better cause I just got inspiration from a song. I don't want to go home, and give in to all these people that say we can't do it. I don't wanna us to prove 'em all right. We'll take our licks, and keep on. If that is all they got, and they can bring it. So what if we are beat up and bruised I didn't come here to lose. You see it is time we showed this company that we are sick and tired of this, and we are gonna do something about it. We may have lost our matches, but I say that we don't even pay that any attention. We will win some matches here I just know it, and things will start getting better for us Cody. I don't want to fight with you anymore, and we got to do this they got to know what they can't push us around anymore.

Cody Jericho

You know Shane  your right it is time we showed all of these people that we are not going down like this, and I don't want to fight with you anymore either. You also right I didn't deserve what happened to me after the match was over, and I like your attitude now. If they don't want to give us a chance, then we will still do this for the fans that is the main reason we are here. It has nothing to do with who we are related to, and I know our brother would want us to keep on giving everything we got. Let's go find us a personal trainer, and come back to show them that we are not taking this anymore that we do mean business.

Shane and Cody are finally getting along, and Cody is still getting checked out by the trainer as the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play


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