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PPV Preparation - Dogg Daze rp 1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 03:57:06 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:27/08/2010 4:06 PMCopy HTML
 day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
PPV Preparationw/Dusty & Knox O'Bannon vs Grace Payne, Maegan Fox & Ash SilvaChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)Just kicking things off  ... :)


The scene opens showing an almost deserted MCI Center. There are people milling about most of them wearing SEF t-shirts which identify them as crew.  The camera pans around the arena showing the vastness emptiness of the place which will be filled to capacity come Sunday when Dogg Daze kicks off. The view zooms in a woman sitting in one of the stands down near where the ring will be and as it gets closer you can see it's Lacey Daniels. Dressed in her usual jeans, tight black Dynasty Divas vest top and killer heels, she's on her cell phone and smiling as she looks down at her right hand. 
LD: ... yeah I love it ... but then you knew I would ... yeah well you know what I like eh?!
She laughs as she tosses her hair back, obviously flirting with whoever's on the other end of the call.
LD: ... of course, everything's in place, we're all good to go ... mmmhmmm I can't wait to see everyone's face ... yeah I can't wait to see you too! ... oh wait I got another call coming through ... uh huh ... okay babes ... later
Lacey smiles as she ends one call to answer the other.
LD: Hey girlie how we doing for time? ... Mmmmhmmm ... yeah? .. Good timing then. I'm sitting in the arena ... yeah you can't miss me I'm the only hot thing in the place! .. Yeah you better get here soon or I'm gonna die of boredom!
Lacey laughs and nods her head as she agrees with whatever is being said.
LD: Alright see ya in ten!
Lacey presses the end button on her cell and tosses it into her purse. She looks up at the cameraman and smirks at him as she throws her arms out wide.
LD: So here we are in the glorious MCI Center ... soon-to-be another site of just one more of my outstanding victories in SEF! .. One more time when I get to beat the shit out of those Fugly Foxes. Tell me Maegan is getting as old for you as it is for me .. I mean surely you're not looking forward to another ass-kicking? Ah well too bad because that's exactly what you'll be getting!! Still I guess it's nothing you're not used to by now, after all unless you're sneak attacking me or ambushing me from behind then you know that you don't stand a chance against me. Must suck to be you eh Maegan!
Lacey pouts and smirks.
LD: See for all your big talk about how you were going to take care of me last week, you still came up short. Still couldn't quite get the job done, story of your life eh sweetie. Oh sure you talk a good game but when it actually comes to putting your money where your mouth is ... well that's where all your threats and promises are revealed to be nothing but hot air, empty gestures that never actually come to fruition. I guess that's what happens when you get so used to everything being handed to you on a plate, you get lazy and complacent and well, just don't try hard enough. See that's the real difference between you and me honey ... you seem to think that I'm complaining about my training and how hard it was ... and you couldn't be further from the truth. Just another example of you completely missing the point really. I'm not whining about any of it ... in fact I'm grateful for it. All that hard work, that soul destroying travelling, the freezing barns, the lack-lustre fans ... it all made me what I am today and that is one of the most driven, determined bitches in this industry today. You want to know what killer instinct is all about Maegan, take a good long look in my eyes ... you can't miss it. It's what gets me out of bed every day, the passion and the desire to be the very best in this business, to make my mark and leave my name in the history books. Oh yeah I may have only just started out here in SEF but by the time I leave everyone will know who I am and what I did and I ain't going anywhere until I achieve that. See I know I have it in me to stick with something come hell or high water ... I have always know exactly what I wanted and you ... well you've been like the rest of your family and flitted around like a butterfly trying on different things ... playing soccer, doing martial arts ... whatever you felt like. You have no idea what it means to dedicate your entire life to one thing and to sacrifice everything else to reach that goal ... I do and that's why you will never be able to compete with me on the same level. This is not a game to me, this is my life ... a life I chose above all others and I put it first each and every day, it comes before family, before friends and even before myself because it's that fucking important. Can you really look yourself in the mirror and say the same? ... No you can't and that's what separates the girls ... you ... from the women ... me!
Lacey gestures towards the camera and then to herself.
LD: You and me might as well come from different worlds eh Princess? ... I will never be what you are and vice versa and quite frankly I'm happy about it. Who the hell would want to be you? I sure as shit wouldn't and that's a fact!
Lacey gives a snort of laughter.
LD: Oh yeah I know you're gonna make some big statement about how this is a triple threat match and all the members of your team are part of your family and mine aren't but big whoop hun, as I've already proved time and time again ... family means shit. What counts is when the chips are down who is prepared to do whatever it takes to get the win ... who's prepared to dig the deepest and really pull it out when needed and that, my sweet, ain't you or your precious family. Bring lil Gracie and your old man, hell bring the whole damn fugly Foxes and see how far it gets you. Dusty and Knox are one hell of a well oiled team, shit they proved that only last week. Did you see how easy Dusty took are of Johnny C? ... Almost as easy as me!
Lacey laughs and shakes her head.
LD: Yep they definitely have it all over you and Ash for tag teamwork, I mean how many matches have you two worked together lately? ... Knox and Dusty have already proven their credentials ... hell I wonder if you and Gracie and Ash can work together without stepping on each others toes or jumping in at the wrong moment just cos one of you gets a little boo-boo! ...
Lacey looks up as she hears voices that she recognises and smiles broadly. She lifts her hand and waves at the new arrivals as they approach her.
LD: Hey, hey, hey ... good timing I'm just finishing up here ...
Lacey pats the seat next to her and Dusty and Knox O'Bannon come into view as they sit down, flanking Lacey.
LD: Heck me and Dusty are so in synch it's like we've been wrestling together for years ... and as you know ...
Lacey catches Dusty's eye as they both smile and reach down to pick something up which she lifts to show off towards the camera.
LD: ... we are the current tag team champs!
Lacey and Dusty clink belts together like they're doing a toast as all three of them crack up.
LD: Aw heck this match is gonna be a blast  ... not only are we going to get the chance to kick the crap out of the Maegan, Gracie and Ash Silva but the person who gets the winning pin also gets a shot at the World title ... now that's what I call one hell of an incentive! ...
Dusty and Knox both nod their heads as Lacey turns back to the camera.
LD: So Fugly's get your shit together cos on Sunday us three are going to show you how tag team wrestling is really done ... fuck family, it's about the talent. Something we got and you don't ... simple as! ... I can assure you this one of us three will be walking out of Dogg Daze with that world title shot and that's not a threat ...
Lacey looks at Dusty and Knox as she rises out of her seat, swings both her belts over her shoulder and picks her bag up from the floor.
LD: That's a promise!!
Lacey turns and follows Knox as he gets up and walks away as Dusty follows.
Dusty: So why are we here so early?
LD: Preparation is half the battle and I wanted to make sure we're all on the same page for this PPV ... nothing can possibly go wrong and come the end of Dogg Daze we are going to have one hell of a celebration!
They continue talking as they head out of the arena.
Scene fades to black

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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