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Tarnshed Legacy team promo 186 promo #2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:38:16 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/10/2010 4:16 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Sorry guys i don't know why it changes the format
{We open on a gym that we had previously seen Justin Rodgers in.  As the camera comes in closer we see two very pissed off men, Justin Rodgers and Ash Silva face to face.  Are they about to go at it?  The camera zooms out to take in that they are not alone.  Maegan stands to one side, eyes going from one to the other.  Gracie stands slightly behind Rage, face in his arm.  Ash and Justin's mutual half brother, Jagger has a hand on each of their shoulders ready to push them apart if need be.  A girl with honey colored streaks in her brown hair has her back to the camera, hands on her hips appearing to be annoyed}
Ash:"Don't fuck with me!  Wrestling doesn't mean shit to me!  I'm only here because you needed someone to cover your ass!"
Justin:"Then why are you still here?  You have a shot at the SEF HW title this week and you don't give a shit?  What are you going to do if you beat Reynolds?"
Ash:"I'll get Maegan to defend it for me.  {his eyebrow quirks up a bit} "It's not like she won't beat me for it anyway."
{Justin breaks first with a disgusted look}
Justin:"You son of a bitch! Gross bastard!"
Girl:"Jesus!  Is this what you guys do? Make everything about sex?"
{Someone dressed in jeans and a gray blazer passes the camera and holds his arms out}
"DAMN!  Speaking of sex!  What the hell?  The name on the wall shouldn't be Fox, it should be the Bugs Freakin' Bunny, look at all these damn Foxes!  Good Lord! They breed like friggin rabbits!"
{Maegan breaks into a huge smile as everyone turns toward the guy walking in.  She runs and throws herself into the arms of the guy walking in.  The camera pans around to show that its her twin brother, Matthew and behind him a short pretty blond}
Maegan:"Matty! What didn't tell me you were flying in?"
Matt:"Surprise!  {Maegan frowns and he smirks} "Sara and I've been watching the last couple of weeks and it seems that tempers are running pretty hot.  So we've come to try to relieve some of the pressure."
Justin:"What about Japan?"
Matt:"I've got that covered.  Drew's probably never going to wrestle again so he's over there handling things."
Maegan:"How long can you stay?"
Matt:"As long as it takes to get you guys back on the same page.  I figured I could cover for Justin here in Canada so you guys could take care of your SEF business."
Ash:"You coming back to wrestle or just cover the suit and tie bullshit?"
Matt:"Why? You wanna hand me that title shot?"
Ash:"Hell no, I earned that bitch!"
Matt:"I didn't think so.  Now as for you, {he turns to the girl who bears a startling resembelance to a young Dusty Rodgers O'Bannon} Gabriela, I know you aren't even considering joining SEF.  {she crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at him} So she missed your graduation.  Big deal.  That's not a good enough reason for jumping headfirst into a company like SEF.  All you are going to do is drown before you even really get a chance to get your feet wet.  Joining a company like SEF is about desire to be the best.  You don't have that desire.  You just want to bitch slap one of your older sister's around.  Hey, it's not like the rest of us don't understand the desire to knock members of our family around sometime, {he pops Justin on the back of the head for emphasis.  Ash almost chokes on his water, laughing at Justin's wtf look} see?  That's not even close to what I'm going to do to Lucas if I ever find him, but that's neither here nor there.  I'm going to take you and the rest of the circus out of here because they {points to Justin, Ash, and Gracie} have worked to do."

{Justin pops his neck muscles and Ash smirks.}

Ash:"Looks like I may have a reason to stay after all."

Justin:"Why? Cuz the two of you have the same sense of humor?"
{Ash grins}
Ash:"Matt being here will make my girl happy and Matt giving you a hard time will make me happy.  {He raises an eyebrow} Maegan will want to catch up with them so I'll have more time to focus on my match with Reynolds.  {he points to Justin} "You ready to show me what I'm up againist?"
{They bump fists}
Justin:"Let's do this."
{Gracie rolls her eyes}
Gracie:"Men!  {they glance at her} A second ago you were hyping each other up by making the other pissed off, now you are going to jump in the ring and go a few rounds?"
Ash:"Motivational techniques.  Why don't you go after Gabby and use her as a visual aid?"
Gracie:"You're not funny!  She can't help it if she has a genetic similarity to the bane of my existence anymore than Wonder Boy up there can."
Justin:"Who me?" {He smirks} "We need it to get hyped up for our matches.  You don't need it because you know the way to beat Dusty.  We are facing people we've never faced before."
Gracie:"I know. I know and Ash gets his first major wrestling title shot.  I know its a big deal."
Ash:"You know Sara was a Hell Cat with your mom and Aunt Katie.  She may have some fresh idea to bring into your game plan."
Gracie:"You have a good point.  {she tosses her hair back and smirks at the camera} You know Dusty, this may well be the week that the Dynasty's strangle hold is shattered forever." 
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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