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universal6 star tag team

Refusing To Leave

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 07:39:59 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:23
  • Posts:18
  • From:USA 
  • Register:11/11/2008 7:48 AM
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Date Posted:02/10/2010 8:23 PMCopy HTML

Shane can't seem to win a match here, but he refuses to leave. Cody has two wins now, and that just makes Shane more depressed that he just stopped trying to win. He has a match with Knox O'Bannon, and he could careless about no one beleving that he is indeed related to Y2J. It just don't matter, and this time Brandy isn't with him as he just took off somewhere. He shakes his head, and looks at the camera as he starts talking.

Shane Jericho

Alright I have had it with all of you doubters, and all you have said is that I should quit and staying that I won't make it. I don't care about any one of you except for my brother Cody and girlfriend Brandy since they believe in me, and I could careless what you think about me. Knox your just like all the rest them, and I hate doubters I really do. You all say that Cody and me are not related to Y2J when we are, and we don't have to prove anything to any of you cause you don't deserve. I am not leaving, and don't care if I lose every single match I am in I can take it. I will remain here cause this is where I belong no matter if you all keep telling me I should quit I won't give in, and just give me a chance to improve. No you want to keep putting me down, and that just isn't right. I am done trying to be nice to my opponents, and it ends right now. I hate all of you, but Cody I am really glad that you won two matches. Your doing way better then, and I wish all these doubters would give it up alright cause it is getting real old hearing the samething every single week. I know I can make it, and I will make it here despite what all you haters have to say about it as this is the only time I will address this match so Knox I will see you out in the ring when it time for the match as for the first time my girlfriend won't be at ringsid as I don't got to prove anything to any one of you doubters all I got to do is prove it to myself cause I am the one that matters not any of you.

Shane walks off, and the scene fades to black as he won't talk anymore about this match.

TBC: No One

End of role play


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