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Not Even Worried RP # 2

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 07:45:17 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:23
  • Posts:18
  • From:USA 
  • Register:11/11/2008 7:48 AM
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Date Posted:03/10/2010 1:55 PMCopy HTML

Cody couldn't help, but laugh at Drake's promo for the match. He isn't even worried about this match anyway, and he don't care if there is men or women in the match he treats them all the same. He don't have insult anyone to get his point across, and he ingores everything anyone says about him cause it don't effect him at all. He looks at the camera, and talks again.

Cody Jericho

Drake you need to leave Shane out of your promos your not even facing him, but your facing me. I treat all of my opponents the same as I don't care if they are men or women I will not stoop to anyone else's level cause that isn't me, and I know I can't win them all. You know I do agree with my brother when he said that all of you don't want to give us a  chance to improve, and all you have done is put us down. Don't take me lightly, or I will do what I did in my match last week. Maybe you should look at the card again cause Shane does have a match, but he just won't do another promo for it cause he has had it up to here with the way you doubters are treating us. I will not treat you, Meagan or Rob any different in this match, and I will take this match to a level that none of you have been to before. I hate the word jobber, and no one should be called a jobber cause that is saying that they won't get anywhere when your dead wrong. I really hate all of you as well as Shane, but you can't keep putting someone down that will only make them want to the distance to prove you wrong which is gonna happen. Rob, Meagan and Drake you can beat me up all you want in this match still I will come back for me cause is just the kind of person I am. None of you know what Shane went through growing up, and he don't want to talk about that is why he would rather lose all of  his matches then try to actually win. Now I have the experience over him since I took the trainning seriously, but I won't have anyone putting down by little brother that is gonna stop. Shane and me are still learning, and if none of you are gonna help us then don't cause we know what we are doing. Ever since we came into this place all we heard is we won't make it, but your all wrong cause you don't want to believe in us that is just wrong. I am done playing with all of you, and now the side to me that none of you have seen before will come out in this match as you only got yourselves to blame for what I have to do as we will see who comes out on top now won't we.

Cody takes off, and the scene fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play


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