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Riding High (Johnny Camaro extreme Thread)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 07:57:11 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:05/10/2010 7:51 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!!
You've been warned...

  <!--< TD-->
RP Title: Riding High
Accomplishments: Too Many To Count
Next Match: Vs. Chris Orton
Out Of Character: R.I.P. Greg Giraldo
To Be Continued By: Me and me alone

So it seems like Johnny Camaro has a man named Orton as an opponent again. This is a match that hasn't been around for a long time and Extreme resurects that match. This time though, they both have a lot to prove. Orton wants to hurt Justin Rodgers and Extreme presents him with an oppertunaty to defeat one of Justin's friends and allies. Of course he won't because Johnny is running with a full head of steam. After his match was over last week, Johnny was over powered by an adrenaline rush. It's that same feeling he got when he heard his music play at WrestleX. It was the sensation that carried him so far in the Deathmatch. When he looked out at everything it was magical and just perfect, that's how everything felt when Johnny jumped over the ropes and hit Drake Sage.

It's not like it was for no reason. Johnny almost won that match, Drake just got in before he could knock Shane Jericho out. He was so close but at the same time he was so far. But I digress, he was fine with losing because he wasn't the one defeated. He was fine with not getting the win but it was what Drake did after. The fact that he would show such disrespect and pieface Camaro! But enough of me, lets listen to what Camaro said in his interview with Samantha.

OCTOBER 6TH, 2010; Chicago, Illinois.

Samantha is standing infront of the camera, it's focused soully on her. She says, "Ladies and gentlemen, please put you hands together and help me introduce my guest Johnny Camaro!"

The crowd cheers as the camera zooms out and shows Camaro standing beside her. He is wearing his wrestling attire, his hair has been blow dried and made to look puffy, his sunglasses that have the initals D&G put on them with diamonds. He has his fur robe with him and he is looking hot.

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together, pull them apart, and put them back together again making a clapping sound. Do this repeatedly because I am here! The one and only Ladiesman of SEF is here. I am here!"

Samantha looks at Johnny and asks him, "What about Drake Sage?"

"What about him? Last week, he may have won the battle, but I won something better. I won the war. You see, last week he only proved my point. He is some green kid who doesn't know anything about the world of wrestling. His trainers were whoever played with him when he was 10! He knows nothing about this business but he should still know that you never EVER disrespect anyone like he did to me! It's actually kind of sad that I'm not fighting him this week. I would have showed him what the wrestling business is al about!"

The crowd still cheers.

"But lets get down to what I'm really here about, that is Chris Orton. He wants to yell about how I suck and this and that, I really don't care. He thinks that he should be the SEF World Champion right now, well, there was a good way to have that happen. It was about 4 months ago when Shane Mack beat him. If he was so sick of the same shit everyweek then he should do something to make himself stand out. I made myself stand out last week but jumping over the ropes and hitting Drake Sage with a suicide dive post-bout. It's really not that hard. Make the crowd pop, wether they cheer or boo, SEF will realize it and book you in a better place. They will give you the title shot, but first you need to make the crowd pop!"

The crowd is heard still and those same smarks from last week can barely be heard, but still are heard as they chant Camaro, Camaro, Camaro!

So Chris Orton, what did you do last week to stand out from the rest of the roster? Nothing! It was the same as every other match. Rob Rocco and Axel did something to stand out, they attack my friend, and even though they attacked my friend they still set themselves apart from everyone else. You see, SEF management only sees one thing when they look at their card. A roster. That's all they see, they don't see the man that can pleasure five girls by smile at a camera."

He looks into the camera and smiles. The ladies in the crowd scream as he does this.

"They don't see the man that has held numerous championships and still holds records in many companies. They see a name, they see the good guy and the bad guy. The loved and the hated, and that's it. Sure they watch Extreme but if they don't see anything special and different about each match they will continue to just see a roster. Last week, I made them look at me and say, that Camaro guy is a really good wrestler. This week, I know that this match is a test to see if I can make my mark once again, if I can get that pop again! Chris, what are they going to do when they see you? Nothing! Chris, you may be a former SEF, EFW, or whatever it was when you lost it, but right now SEF sees you as nothing. You are just like me in the eyes of SEF, we are both just names on a roster."

Samantha pulls the mic away. "Wow, have something on your chest?" She giggles.
"...A little."
She changes her sights from the camera to Johnny. "Well, is there anything else?" She is fed something through the mini earbud in her ear. "Like Chris wanting to end your career, or the way he thinks that people are coming to see him."
Johnny looks at her and says, "Someone in the back a fan?"
She looks at him and responds, "That happens sometimes when we started doing backstage passes again. It happened once before and all I can say is thank god that interview wasn't live. I think it was before you left. SEF discontinued it for a while but they brought them back for this week to see how it goes. "
"Ah. But thanks to the fan that reminded me of all that. So to answer your question, yes there is something else now. Chris Orton wasn't wrong when he said everyone came to see him, although his purposes of saying that were what was wrong. Everyone does come to see the bad guys, or the assholes as I like to call them, but they come to see them get beat by the good guys. True, the good guy may not be the one to draw everyone, but it's the good guys triumph they come to see. Everyone comes to see me beating the hell out of Drake Sage and Bob Black beating the shit out of Hal Havoc and so on and so forth. Everyone loves us while they look down upon you, Orton, as if you were the AIDS ridden fucktard that sucked Justin Beiber's dick and raped him up the ass to get his voice that high pitched. The fans look at us as their role models, the people they want to be. They look at you as a different type of role model, they look to you for what not to do. You're still a good role model, just for what not to do. Chris, if you think that everyone comes to see you because you're cool, you are clearly living in a fantasy world, but to bring you back to reality I will give you advice, rewatch your promo and see how no one was doing anything when you said that. If anything they were laughing at you. Now, I know that in your mind that you thought that they were booing you, that sound was a laugh. They were laughing at you and your ridiculousness."
Johnny takes a deep breath in, a very calm and quiet one.
"As for you wanting to end my career then I will spoil that result right now. After seeing what you can do, I'm sure that you couldn't break one of my bones, let alone end my career. So Chris good luck on Extreme, you're gonna need it, I am riding high and I plan to win at extreme, soon I will be the one making my way to the World Title shot that I need to have. With all of my frustrations toward the DC, I am counting the weeks before I get my chance at beating on Rick Reynolds again. So on Extreme, I will take out some of my frustrations on you, just for the hell of it. This is the Ladiesman of SEF and I am outta here. Chowda Head!"
Johnny, still riding high, leaves to audible cheers and Samantha returns you back to your original programing.
(c.) cruel intentions at layout corner.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Riding High (Johnny Camaro extreme Thread)
Date Posted:06/10/2010 3:58 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!!
You've been warned...


RP Title: You Feel The Burn
Marital Status: Cheated 28 times, widowed 
37 times (too much pleasure), and now single
Accomplishments: SEF Tags, A lot in SOW, XCW International,
CWF World Champion, and more that I can't remember.
Out Of Character: I like using all capitals for titles.
To Be Continued By: No one, exclamation point!

A shot of Samantha Winter fills the screen as the manly cheers are heard. She starts to smile and opens her mouth to say something but is interupted by Johnny who walks in and says "God there are a lot of horny bastards out there!" She still looks at the camera and the smile stretches from one side of her face to the other.

"But anyway, I am here as your guest once again. This time Chris Orton is worse than ever. He is bitching to anyone that will listen about how he will win tonight. Sad thing is the fact that he will lose. Chris, you're focused on a title, I am focused on kicking ass, Rick Reynolds to be exact. But the only way either of us will get our oppertunaty to do just that is at Extreme. Let's face it, you and I have both been the face of a company, and we are about to once again break through. We have a lot to gain and a lot to lose, what matters is how badly we want our chances. Chris, you've shown that you want a title shot outside the ring, I have inside the ring. I never go down easily, and I make sure people will remember the name Johnny Camaro for what I am, one of the best in ring proformers that ever stepped foot into an SEF ring."

A few diehards chant Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. He looks up and just stares to the heavens. He stays calm as he says,

"I make sure that the management of SEF notices my abilities and gives me my chances."

He looks down again and take off his sunglasses, but staying calm.

"Chris, one thing you fail to realize is that SEF is going through one of the biggest power trips it has had in a long time. With Frankie and Sly at the helm, this place and all the workers in it will go into the shitter. I am here to make sure that doesn't happen, I'm here to make sure that the DC knows that they...are not...gods. I just need to pull the trigger and find out and this week on Extreme, doesn't matter what the backlash is. I will pull the trigger."

Johnny said that very calmly. He makes his hand into a gun and points it at the camera. He shoots it making a small popping sound and he walks away.

(c.) cruel intentions at layout corner.

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