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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

We Don't Care

Started by Da Gangstas, October 02, 2023, 08:15:36 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:10/10/2010 5:54 PMCopy HTML

Kicked back on a sofa inside a small hotel room is Troy Storms, his head leaned back and slight snores coming from him and so we pan to the left see Nick Torres sit at a table drinking a bottle of Beck's Dark, leans back sideways in the chair against the wall. Both dressed in the usual, nothing fancy and Nick nodding to towards us sets his beer on the table and smirks saying.
We are indeed back and its back to the ring wrestling tag team style like Da Gangstas we are and next week on Extreme we get fight the DC, but also these Jericho kids. Shane, you've had it now have ya, your fed up with it, your sick of being made out to be a joke, well I don't blame ya son. If you think were the guys making fun of you though, your wrong, least until now!
Torres laughs a little and says.
Ya see, we don't give a shit what your last name is, who ya claim to be related to, so whether its Chris Jericho or the beer vendor, your still gonna be looking for that elusive win after Extreme. Myself and the big goof over there came back to SEF to take out the so called Dangerous Corporation, we came back to wrestle and we get to do both this Sunday. Triple threat tag team match, right up our alley because in this company and outside this company we are known as one of the greatest tag teams, period. Shane, Cody, well ya may be talented, ya haven't proved anything except that you can whine a lot about your so called brother Chris, whine and complain that no one accepts you. Thing is, your as much of a Jericho and Chris Orton is an Orton. Difference is he proved himself as a talented wrestler, so shut the fuck up and prove yourselves or you better be ready to accept that Da Gangstas are gonna roll over your leaving ya for road kill!
Nick smirks and then grabs his beer taking a drink. He sets it down and picks up small pillow from the sofa throwing it at Troy's head and laughs. Troy just blinks his eyes and looks over saying.
What the hell man, promo time already?
Nick just laughs and says.
Yea man, I just told Shane and Cody to shut up and prove their name instead of whining about no one believing them, so you got anything to add or ya wanna just lay into Rick and Hal?
Troy just shrugs and gets a smirk now, then says.
Rick Reynolds, I owe that bitch for last year when he and Dick Dangerously screwed me outta that World strap, so Ricky, looks like your eating the mat Sunday. No World Title on the line, no title at all, just a victory over a couple tag teams, but also a beating that you and all the DC need. Were big enough boys we can inflict the beating you deserve and speaking of deserving shit. You like to claim no one in SEF deserve to face you for that belt you hold, but pal, why don't you take the advice Nick gave to Shane and Cody, prove it! Put up the belt against me or him, I dare ya. And don't worry, after Sunday, after we beat you and Hal, we'll give ya a reason to do just that. Speaking of ya Havoc, Hal Havoc, ah man, remember the nMo?!
He and Nick look to each other smirking and then look to the camera with Storms saying.
Remember how we carried your old, worthless ass for several months, then dropped you like the bitch you are and what happened after that? You fell off the map cause on your own you suck. Myself or Nick, we can take either your, Reynolds, Shane, or Cody one on one any day of the week and tag team, well, were one of the best in the world. All four of you have a huge opportunity to upset us though, big win for ya if ya can win cause Da Gangstas didn't return to let some punks get a cheap win, we came back to kick ass and rise to the top of SEF. Last year we got screwed along with many, Nick here got it worse than anyone cause he had his World Title reign taken from him because some English prick wanted to end SEF, he wanted this company to die, so he fired all the great talent. No more though, now, we take back what should be ours and it starts Sunday by laying waste to the DC and any shit team like Shane and Cody whining and bitching their not accepted, well their just gonna be those people who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. You boys can either accept that you have a lot more to prove by using the name your using or you can keep whining cause either way I'm a stick my boot down your throat and shut you the fuck up. Now finish this off Nick, I gotta use the head, then we gotta meet the girls!
Troy stands up, his tall, massive frame moving past the camera that backs up for him. Nick just smirks and finishes his beer, then says.
Well fuck, what more can I say, Rick and Hal, ya boys got your little group to back you up and your gonna need every one of them this Sunday and especially the following Sunday because like I said last Wednesday, were back and now that ya know why we plan to reduce so called Dangerous Corporation to a pile of rubble. No one else wanted to help Bob very much, everyone has their own agenda and just figured they'd let SEF get taken over. Well not anymore cause the boys in black with all the talent and passion are back, we are Da Gangstas and you all damn sure better watch the fuck out!
And so now Nick stands up and steps over by the TV to a fridge opening it and pulling a couple more Beck's out. He pops the top off both and takes a drink of the one in his left hand. Troy soon steps out of the bathroom after a flush is heard, then Nick hands him the other beer and they toast taking a drink. They look at the camera and now to the door which Nick now opens and so out the view goes and now fades to black.

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