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{On My Way Back Up}

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 08:58:26 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:5
  • Posts:5
  • From:Canada 
  • Register:29/08/2010 6:38 PM
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Date Posted:17/10/2010 6:44 PMCopy HTML

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{An interesting set of events last week on Extreme, wasn't it? Signs of probable alliance between the former "New Diamonds" of Sports Entertainment, Matlock & Jackal, as they both aided their girls after they suffered defeat at the hands of Lacey Daniels. Matt and Jackal had battled and teamed together over the years, and they did get along off camera. But Adam didn't come back to SEF to stand in his mentor's shadow like he did before. Also seemed Matlock got all of the glory, and even got declared as champion at one point, despite Adam being not only King of The Ring, but a man who has beaten Matlock on at least two occasions within SEF. Didn't make much sense, didn't it?}

{The tide is a turning now though, isn't it? Matlock's been on a string of failure. Three times in a row he failed to win the Television Championship, and he lost to Justin Rodgers last week.  Jackal? He won his tag team match against the "mighty" Ravyn Crow and Pyretta Blaze, and Cody Jericho. Hey, victories are victories right? He may have lost to Nikki Venom last week, but he left him laying afterwards.}

{Now? Now the sights of the predator are set on the International Title, as he continues on his way back up the ranks.}
"And once again, the predator prepares to strike, and to begin his climb up to the top of the SEF mountain, to overshadow his mentor and prove the doubters wrong. Ah, a good feeling yes? How's it feel down at the bottom of SEF where ya belong, Matlock?"

{Fade in on the scene, finding Adam Smith backstage of the Alian Energy Center. Jeans and a t-shirt is the outfit of the day, and he stands there, hands clasped, and appearing eager to begin his "hunt".}

"The once mightly Matt Matlock slides down into the pit at the bottom of the SEF rankings, where he was once and where he now deserves to be. Me? I started off down in that same pit, and I rose. But somehow he rose above me, somehow he managed to surpass me. Despite me beating him twice it was always Matlock before Jackal, but now, how things have changed. Where you at this week Matt?! Home, on your ass, because you're a failure. Deal with it."

"It's time for The Jackal to start his proper rise to the top of SEF. It's time for me to rise up and take what's mine, after so many setbacks over the years. I'm on a roll right now, taking down Cody, Ravyn, and Pyretta and leaving Nikki to bleed. Speaking of Nikki, low and behold he stands there across from in the ring once more. How are you, Nikki? Still feeling a bit sore from that cane shot? Is that why you're hiding behind some sort of cryptic narration rather then coming out to speak for yourself? You didn't 'whip' my ass boy. I caned you, and stuffed and mounted you on my wall like a damn trophy. Sure you got the win "technically". But I don't work on technicalities, I work on breaking people. Call it the 'cheap' way out if you want to, but didn't you end up on the canvas by the end of it? The only trap that you need to be concerned with Nikki, is the dream world you're trapped in. Your little message talked about not using a high risk style unless necessary, you only need your technical style, I mean, seriously? Sorry to tell you this Nikki but NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT IN WRESTLING. Do you think Shane Mack or Viper went on camera before their match and said 'Gonna use my technical style to win that title, yep yep'."


"When the bell rings the only thing you'll feel that you haven't felt in a while is your blood on your own face. I'll bust you open just for being so stupid.  And as for this other guy. I mean. Wow. Lee "All Night" Long? Are you fucking serious? You want to penetrate the SEF, eh? I know some people compare wrestling to a dick swinging contest, I just didn't think anyone would take it literally. But if we're using sexual metaphors here, your little 1.5 inch pee-pee isn't going to penetrate anything but maybe your hand. You're nothing Lee, nothing tonight, nothing before, nothing after. Go back to being a porn star or whatever it is you were prior to this. I have my fists balled up and ready to go, and my first to your jaw is one load, that I'm sure don't want to take."

{A gay joke? Sure why not?}

"Only two of us can "win" tonight, sadly. So chances are we're going to have myself and Nikki proceed to Extreme Revolution. But Nikki, I'll do what I can to make sure you don't have to worry about Extreme Revolution. I think I can handle Lacey all on my own. For you two idiots? Heh, best of luck. Though it won't do you much good."



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