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Knocking A Few Out

Started by Da Gangstas, October 02, 2023, 11:26:18 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 7:27 AMCopy HTML

Standing out in some old construction site long since abandoned in this fucked up economy of ours is Hardcore Haz with a cooler of beer underneath his ass and a Singapore cane laying on his lap. He chugs down the beer from a can of Natural Light, then smashes it to his head and jumps up tossing the can high. It drops and he swings the cane sending the can flying off to the ground and turns opening the cooler. Haz pulls a few beers out tossing one to the cameraman and then sits down cracking one to drink. He looks up with a sneer and says.
So Knox O'Bannon is it, some cheap ass chump trying to make a name of his own by running down mine, pretending to forget my name, telling me I'm a nobody and not important enough around here. Problem is Knox I done more than you ever around here, I've proven I can hang with the best, hell, I been International Champ where as all you have ever proven is that you can get owned by Shane Mack who I wrestled and had a good match with, a few actually, I think. You also have proven, well no, you haven't proven shit because all you do is hide behind some overrated chump like Chris Orton or your skank of a wife Dusty!
He slams back some beer and then continues on saying.
The only one who is gonna WALK out tonight is gonna me cause after I get down caning your ass all over the ring, lighting ya up and busting ya open your gonna need to get carried out on a fucking stretcher or in a goddamn body bag!
He finishes that beer and crushes it to his head, then stand sup and throws the cane swinging the cane and sends it flying off to the ground somewhere. Haz sits down cracking another beer and says.
This isn't some mom and pop organization down in Louisiana like your used to, this isn't the minor leagues where a no talent hack piece of shit like you can stand out. This is S...E...fucking...F and if you want to make it here, then shut the fuck up and step the fuck up for once. You're a joke Knox, your whole existence here has been a joke. You act all big and bad as a former marine going around saying once a marine always a marine, but here in this business a marine is just another one of the boys in the locker room until you prove your ass. Fighting some useless, pointless war for a corrupt system isn't true fighting. Any braindead pawn can go fight a war and fire a machine gun and ya either get killed or ya don't, its simply playing the odds, no different than making a bet. Here in the wrestling business, in SEF especially, its about physical strength and tests and perhaps betting on if ya can win against one on any given night or lose, however, it takes far more brains to learn how to move, to study each person, to make it look good, better than anyone else. And you Knox, ya haven't down shit like that. Hell, you tried to form a stable and takeover SEF and failed miserably, you tried to do the exact same thing the DC did, now you bash them, a hypocritical statement if there ever was one. Grow up kid, you suck!
Haz smirks and guzzles down some beer, then stands up says.
Tonight you find out why your nothing more than some filler for the card, some bitch for me to beat down and have my way with. You suck as a pro wrestler, so either go back to the amateur league or go back to the marines and hopefully ya get your ass killed and the maybe, just maybe the stupid gene in your family will be wiped off this earth when your killed and don't worry about Dusty, I'll give her a real piece of wood, a real cane to the ass!
He smirks kinda sickly, then slams down his beer, crushes it to his head, blood trickling from a small cut and Haz tosses the can up. He swings the cane knocking it off to the ground and then picks up another beer cracking it and guzzles. Haz empties it and smashes that can to his head, tosses it up in the air and knocks it out. He then turns to the cooler and whips around smacking the cane to the side of the camera bringing it down to the ground, the view going to static and then fade to black.

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