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universal6 star tag team

Sometimes You Just Need Your Family

Started by The Perry Family, May 23, 2024, 05:08:49 PM

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The Perry Family

Nikita perry. is shown hanging out outside of a diner she eats it she has been through so much, she goes back inside sits down she not sure what to do with her life, she is crossroads, with the perry sisters, and she is getting advice, from, her family and friends on what to do rather she stick with the perry sisters devils playground, she been getting sick to her stomach, with worry and concern, she gets back up, from her table, goes to order some food, and it takes her a while to get her food, and she picks a number and sits back down, and soon later somebody comes in see's Kita and sits down at her booth and smiles and begin to talk.

Wolf hey there sister can i Join you, 

Nikita Perry. Wolfie omg is it really you omg i missed you sit down where you been?

The Wolf well it has been a long while hasn't it wow last time i was in this area i left SEF And everyone thought i had gone to the great beyond, and thank god Jade was able to save my life in time or i would of really been a goner,

Nikita Perry. thank goodness oh Jade saved your Life, yeah i was depressed and everything being without you but omg i feel so much better now knowing your safe and alive, but yeah, have u heard why im not at the perry church right now.

The Wolf. I Heard from Jade yeah and im not surprised as to why i don't blame you at all Cruella is insane she takes Devil playground, way to seriously i can not say i blame her though she always been like that since the day her and Sierra started this entire mess in the first place.

Nikita Perry This Hole Devil Worshiping Mess in the First Place and she takes it to far, she thinks everyone that is involved with devil worshiping should be their only way of Life and that's it i want expand myself i want have fun and enjoy myself i don't want to stay stuck inside a church all my life, I want to enjoy myself and have fun.

The Wolf Shakes her head and Listens to what Nikita is Saying, when another friend shows up to Join them and she then begin to talk.

Jade West hey you two what is going on /

The Wolf Jade! omg your here what a reunion this Is sit down hey do you want some food ru Hungry,

Jade West it's All Right we are fine, i don't know what to say right about but im not surprised about, this at all Cruella is a asshole she always has been Sierra not so Much, im not sure what her problem is, she needs help she needs to chill and that about it Cruella needs to chill out

Jade West. i say if this keeps getting out of hand we might have to make a return to the Sef Ring, and have ourselves a Devil Playground vs Devil Playground,6 Woman Tag Team Match Devil Playground Rules.

The Wolf oh that be so cool if that wait would Managment go for it they do got a lot on their Mind right Now from what we been watching and hearing news about it is insane and crazy but they got enough warriors and woman wrestlers down there u2 don't need us

Nikita Perry. Ido trust me ido need my family i need you two, your my family Cruella and Sierra would always be my family no matter what but right Now, im not sure what to think i just wish she would calm down and relax

The Wolf wait where does Cora Blackheart fit in to all of this is she with Cruella and Sierra or is she normal like us.

Nikita Perry.im not so sure yet she stayed back with them we may have to talk to her and get this sorted out 

they eat their food, relax at the diner they are at and they relax and talk some more about their plan and try to get Nikita to feel better.

The Wolf does anyone know when your next match is going to be Up. from what i been noticing it has been quite a while

Nikita Perry i got no idea ido hope it is going to be happening soon, we need to get some ass kicking sooner the better somebody need to tell Cruella off before this hole thing get's worse but anyway let's eat before our food get cold.

they continue to eat their food,and relax at the diner and think about what is going happen next.

Jade West

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