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Nikita Perry Talks To, The Party Crashers

Started by The Perry Family, June 19, 2024, 10:51:42 PM

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The Perry Family

Nikita Perry is shown backstage nervous and she walks back and fourth and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. Hey im so sorry i have not talked to you two for a while i mean the Perrys have been crazy i would love to be a part of the party crashers, we could have so much fun together u know im tired i don't want be known as a devil worshiper all the time i want have fun to.

Nikita Perry. i want to show the world there is a different side of me, and iam a good wonderful person who likes to have fun but stil keep my devil personal and stil be able to be my same person. That Iam today i got so many dreams i would love to do here. i want make them come true someday 

just then somebody begin to talk
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. Nikita we would love to have you as a part of our Party Crashers Family your welcome anytime there is no Pressure at all,we love to have fun enjoy Life, go out celebrate the good way we just love to have fun that all and trust us you would be more happier with us then with the Devils Playground,

Bunny then begin to talk as well
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers Tonya is Right, the Generation of the 1980s is here for everyone to enjoy Life we love everybody, we celebrate Life enjoy life take advantage of Life before Life takes Advantage of us we go out for Pizza mabye Bowling out to do what ever long as it is fun,

Bunny Summers. we Know you love to party and have fun just like we do, and we love that hey why don't you come out and have fun with us tonight, we wont tell anyone it would just be the three of us we Promise.

Tonya Walker yeah she is right you could use a night out on the town we go anywhere u like to go

she wait for reply
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry.all of that sounds like a lot of fun, really it does, we should be having fun together, i don't want be the same person my entire Life i want to enjoy Life, but Cruella and Sierra,will not let me have any fun, im not sure why.

Nikita Perry anyway with them up my ass all the time, im not sure hell Cruella is completely insane im not sure why she wil not let me be in both Groups they not even happy with me even talking to you to, so im sure what to do so lost and confused.

she wonders back and fourth not sure on what to do as somebody begin to talk

Jade West


Cora Blackheart see's Nikita, talking to the Party Crashers she then begin to talk.

Cora Blackheart i figured you would be here talking to these 2 Party Crashers Losers u are soppose to hang out with me and Cruella your devil worshiping has been lacking as of Late.and Cruella and me not Happy so come on now and you know, your not soppose to be talking to these 2 Losers hell they proably trying to find their Talent trust us Kita you can not trust either one of these 2

Nikita Perry. stands there Looks at Cora and she then gets up in her face and begin to talk.

The Perry Family

Nikita perry bitch if there is anyone here who can not be trusted it is you, Sierra does not trust you im not sure how Cruella trust you, since your the least favorite one in the family. anyway don't tell me what to do,! nobody going to tell me what to do anymore 

Nikita Perry. Next week im going make my decision in the middle of the ring im sick of this shit i came here to fight win championship titles around my waist,

Nikita Perry. this is my dream my time im going to do what i want to do and Not you or Cruella is going to stop me from achieving my dreams here nobody!

Nikita Perry. Stares her Down for a while she stands by tonya and Bunny and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry from Now On iam my own person now take that back to Cruella and sierra and let them know il be there when i feel like being there got it!

she wait for reply
Jade West


Cora Blackheart u got a lot of nerve, talking to me like that Kita what would Jade and your sister the Wolf, say or especially Cruella, Hey are more devil worshiper believers then you ever was Nikita and Cruella, and especially Jade, i mean she is the biggest devil worshiper alive,

Cora Blackheart i feel bad for you Nikita now that i think about it we are the only family you got here, and this is how you treat us what kind of a perry are you!

she wait for reply

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry i told you my decsion wil be made on the next sef show and i want you and Cruella, sierra and even the Party Crashers to be in the very same ring when my decsion is made and u bitch better be there espically you.

Nikita perry changes her Mode and she turns to the party crashers and she then begin to talk.

Nikita perry im sorry girls hey let's go Out right now please let's go have some fun.just us3

she waits and leaves with the party crashers shocking cora blackheart.
Jade West

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