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Cora Blackheart Talks To Cruella and Sierra.

Started by BlackCrow, June 26, 2024, 02:22:21 PM

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Cora Blackheart.is shown outside of the arena along with Sierra and Cruella perry Nikita left to join the party crashers and Cruella is not Happy at all about it and is planning revenge somehow Cora looks at Cruella and she then begin to talk.

Cora Blackheart Look Cruella, everything is going to be fine, even with Nikita gone from our family we stil got us 3 and i hear Jade is Back, and im hoping she going join back up with us and i know i have not been here long as you two have but ido know devils playground is a family, and always will be a family we are going to be stronger then ever,

Cora Blackheart we are going to be stronger then ever before like i just said, nobody is going take down devils playground we are going to be the most feared woman in this entire company in the entire world, im sure we going to be giving a chance soon stay strong u stil got me and Sierra and mabye Jade

they look at her and one of them begin to talk.

The Perry Family

Cruella Perry. look Nikita is still in the family she will always be a member of the family, she just decided to leave the devils playground and joined the Party Crashers, she never left the family, but her spear i think Injured my ribs but im going be all right, just hurts when i sit down and walk ouch look il be fine.

Sierra Perry. like Cruella said Nikita is our family no matter what happens she just stands up for herself that all look enough about this,  we got take care of Cruella i think she need to go see a doctor so Jade west is returning i highly doubt she is going join us again after what we did to her the last time we al was face to face.

Cruella Perry ouch, we are going have revenge, on them bitches how dare they take my family away from us we are a family and always will be a family, but she has made me mad and just disappointed if she did more devil worshiping praying, and been with us more often, but them Damm Party Crashers ruined Devils Playground what are we going to do and

Cruella perry and Sierra is right jade will never Join back up with us, after what happened the last time, but I'm sure we can get her to join somehow she wil listen to us she is more of a devil worshiper then anyone of us. when she returns we just need have a talk with her all 3 of us
Sierra Perry.  i really doubt that is not going to happen, after what we did the last time, and im really doubtful, she wil Join the Party Crashers because u might have forgot that Tonya Walker was with devil playground for a short time before she left as well and she was with us when we kicked Jade out of the group which im really sure we regret Now

Cruella Perry your right lets talk for while and im sure everything is going be fine.

they wait and Cora begin to talk.
Jade West


Cora Blackheart look I know what you two are saying and your right family is family but im stil surprised at after what Nikita Perry, told us about Devil Worshiping and our family, ido think that she needs to be taught a lesson. She will not soon forget and it is going be a lesson, she will not soon forget!

Cora Blackheart. they don't call me the Blackheart of the Devil Playground for Nothing, im going call her to the ring for Nothing, the next show we are going to have iam going call Nikita out and get that damm Apology, out of her with us in the same ring cause she owes me and you two and all of the devil worshiping warriors of the entire world!

Cora Blackheart it is time we stood up for ourselves make Devil Playground mean something that what we are soppose to do right that is what we came here to do ! this is our time to make Devil Playground to be in the fear of fans and everyone around the world

she takes a deep breath and begin to talk again.

Cora Blackheart. look when i first came here, i wanted to make Devil Playground mean something again and to clean up what u 2 left u remember when you 2 got fired as well so anyway like i said, when Nikita meets me face to face she better be on her knees for a apology, or she is going to be damm sorry she stabbed us in the back again.

Sierra does not Look pleased after what Cora said and she goes to talk

she wait for reply

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry look Cora we may be evil and devilish to a core and our hole entire family may be lil Crazy and Out there, but il be dammed if anyone is going to hurt poor Nikita Perry look if she want to be with another group that is non crazy and non devilish then hell i see let her be me and Cruella have been doing this for many years and stables are meant to be controversial but nobody but Nobody is going to hurt that poor Girl Nobody!

Cora Blackheart look Sierra i know a asshole and a non believer when we see One, and she is a non believer and i have not ever seen anyone so disrespectful in all my life she is a self centered ill bitch and she needs to be taught a lesson il show her the way.

Sierra Perry look that is not something that i want to happen leave Nikita perry alone or else im trying to keep us together you know we dont need this one right now just leave her alone or else!

Cruella Perry please Stop it Both of you im tired of this bickering i can not handle it right now i need go somewhere and get my ribs checked out im sure we got a care center here somewhere.

They keep starring at each other, and cruella then stands up feels her ribs and they help her up and take her to a emt or a care center to get her checked out.
Jade West

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