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The Perry Family Plan Their Live Birthday Party.

Started by The Perry Family, July 04, 2024, 03:58:06 PM

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The Perry Family

the perry family is shown, in their church, about to celebrate their birthday, Sierra Cruella, and Cora Blackheart is there they are decorating their church for their birthday party, they are also concerned about their futures, but Cruella don't want them to worry about anything but their Birthday Party that is going on, live inside of the ring, and don't want nobody else to interfere, and ruin their good day, Sierra smiles and she takes a deep breath and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. look our birthday party is going be fun, and we are devils we not suppose to be having fun so you know this is a special occasion, this might be the best birthday party we ever had, you know we have been through so much, lately i don't even remember how old we are.

Cruella Perry i don't even remember either oh well look party crashers might find someway to crash our birthday party we got to find someway, to keep them away from our party the biggest day of our entire lives.

Sierra Perry. we going have Nothing to worry about im sure they got better things to do then to interfere in our birthday party which going wait a minute we missing somebody.

Cruella Perry i don't think we are, this is our birthday party Perrys devil worshipers besides who we got to invite if you thinking about Nikita forget it, we don't need her after she made her decision about what side she is on the party crashers are more important so the hell with her we don't need her.

sierra perry. Keeps quiet and she feels bad for Nikita but she don't want to say anything,and  Cora then comes in and begin to talk

tbc by cora Blackheart

Jade West


Cora Blackheart. look lets not talk about the past as far as iam concerned Nikita like Cruella said, she made her bed now she going go lay in it far as im concerned she is out of the perry family and she is out of devils Playground, she made the worst decision of her entire Life and if she didn't she could be here right Now, celebrating her birthday with her real family her birth family.

Cora Blackheart. anyway she should apologize to us we deserve it don't we i say before our Birthday party, we call out Nikita down to the ring, and demand she get on her Hands and knees and apologize and beg us for forgiveness!

Sierra Perry u know she is never going to go for that, Nikita is stil a perry and she wil never get down on her knees,and say she is sorry to us that is never going happen trust me don't screw around with Nikita,

she realxes and waits for reply
Sierra Perry. what happend happend so lets put it to rest, and just celebrate our Birthday Party.


CORA Blackheart. by the way where the hell have you been Sierra? we came looking for you last week and you was nowhere to be seen, like what was you going for a walk did you go to the bar pass out drunk for the rest of the Night or did you go hang out with the party crashers!

Cora Blackheart. u know if i did not know any better i would say you are a double agent working for both stables i mean why are you even in Devils Playground for if u don't want to be here then just leave but i know your so loyal to your sister that she don't know, your stabbing us in the back!

Sierra Perry. gets up angerly looks at Cora Blackheart and then begin to talk.


Cora Blackheart. Besides what the hell is her story is she crazed Lunatic Devil Worshiper, i tell you im not sure if she is a woman a girl or a some drugged up Lunatic special child, maybe she needs the devil smacked in to her a few times to get her head Straight but at least she stands up for herself i give her that credit.

Cora Blackheart. Devil Worshipers the Devil Playground are suppose to InLight some devil fear in to our enemies everyone in the locker room but you two can not even defeat the party crashers! you know what i think maybe we need a change in Leadership! maybe we need a big change in devil playground somehow someway cause lets face it Sierra you are the Weak link in this hole entire group just admit you don't got it anymore!

Sierra Perry. Look you Stupid Bitch, you are making me really mad here your getting on my last nerve, u know what i think ido think u want take over as Leader sorry bitch this group is me and Cruella! not you, we dont need u in our group Bitch we wil be doing just fine without u here!

Cora Blackheart. u Look Bitch you better start treating us with some respect we are a family from what i see, you don't belong here! lets get back to what we was talking about before, got it show me some respect.

Sierra Perry goes to say something but Cruella Perry Interfears and begin to talk.

The Perry Family

Cruella Perry hold on look Calm down both of you i mean for the sake of the devil cant you two get along for like a hour or a few Minutes u know she got a good point where the hell did you go last friday Night Sierra?  i mean we looked all over for you no text no Phone calls or anything we deserve a dam explanation

Sierra Perry. do you want to know where i was you really want to know where i was where i was is none of your Damm business i went out for a while that all,i had to just get away for awhile, so i was gone all night that is none of your business anyway got it! iam here now aint i Damm leave me alone, lets concentrate on the now 

Sierra Perry takes a deep breath thinks for a while, and she relaxes herself and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry look i know one thing we got to relax and regroup i just know we got to be a real devils playground i mean i just know we can be mentioned in the same breathe as undertaker and kane minstery of darkness 

Sierra Perry. i want devils Playground to mean something, in the hearts of the fans and people watching us at Home, i don't want us to be known as a joke, we got to do something about that, and to do that we got to get along! we got to stop this fighting and focus we are Losing focus! hell it is our Birthday and what are we doing we are fighting like cats and dogs!

Cruella Perry how come your being so nice and the calm one your suppose to be evil like iam like me and WE Are the devils Playground and your right we need to get along and regain our focus that has to be our main Goul we can strike fear in the entire world i know we can.!

Sierra Perry. thinks to herself for a awhile, thinks of how the Party Crashers took good care of her, even though they suppose to be enemies, she don't want to admit but she did have fun with them got to relax, and be herself Cruella and Cora are Looking at her and she snaps out of it and one of them begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. Snap out of it Sierra, you know something i think your right we need to focus again we won once we can do it again, regain your focus Sierra concentrate on the subject at hand! 

Sierra Perry i know one thing, im not going celebrate our birthday be fighting in the locker room im going Out, 

Cruella Perry going Out where the hell ru going you are going stay here and talk about how we are going, to get back together as a tag team if we at least work out a strategy! 

Sierra Perry your Kidding me you want me to this is our damm Birthday and you want to talk about being a tag team again fine with me you and Cora can discusses it im going out if you was smart enough, to celebrate our Birthday with us lets go out and have some fun we can discuss Devil playground later

she Leaves the Locker room slams the door grabs her stuff and takes it with her,and walks out the exit door, and Cruella and Cora are running with her, she got a evil smirk on her face, she finds the devil playground van she tricks them in to getting in as they get ready and drive away.
Jade West

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