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universal6 star tag team

Party Crashers Defend Their Us Tag Team Titles

Started by Tonya Walker, July 16, 2024, 12:08:24 AM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya walker and her best friend And her Us Tag Team Championships title holder, Bunny Summers and their other new bestie Nikita perry. are sitting in their 1980s decorated locker room, Tonya is feeding Nikita crackers, her favorite flavor peanut butter, feeding her one at a time she smiles and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. this is great aim so excited about tonight, we are once again defending our us tag team championship titles against Mr Daddy Mack and Lb'd in a tables match, this should be fun, i mean don't worry we got this won this is going to be the best tag team title match we ever had,

Tonya Walker. i know we got this won aim not worried one Bit Mr. Daddy Mack and Lbd are awesome good hearted People, and with our high flying ability i mean we got this won, this is going to be in the bag yeah it might be hard to win but all we got to do, we got to get one of them on top of a wooden table and when the time is right.

Tonya Walker. you can do your awesome Bunny Hop Frog Splash Move, and make sure the table breaks and we got the win we don't even have to pin them for the 123, this, is going to be our Night, Bunny me and u got this there is no worries. i got nothing but respect for daddy and Lbd.

she relaxes smiles and then begin to talk again.

Tonya Walker. i got so much faith in all of us we got this like i said before we are a family, so i need to know we need to Know Bunny how ru feeling about our big title defense ru excited

she wait for reply

Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers iam excited as well. i mean we have never faced them before well im sure you have im stil new here, this is going to be my very first Us Tag Team Championship title defense, in a table match, this may be hard but you know what iam not scared by any means, iam never scared i did not come here, to be scared of anything we are fearless,

Bunny Summers. this means a lot to us it really does, nothing is more Important then tonight title match, we are going to win i want us to win this match and retain our Us Tag Team Championship Titles, this is the most Important night of our entire lives! the 1980s Generation is counting on Us, we must win tonight we can not let down the greatest generation in the entire world i mean the 80s is the best Generation in the world to live In! they are counting on us they are our family we are a family, we do not let family down and they wil never let us down! we are going do it for them!

Bunny Summers. and Tonya Begin High Fiving each other and Nikita Perry Joins In, the celebrating, she smiles and she then begin to talk.'

Bunny Summers.  im so Pumped Up right Now you Know, what im so excited right now for this match i mean it we are so Pumped up im so glad we became a family, we got this in the Bag, this is going to be the best most greatest Night of our entire lives and after our big win we got to go out and celebrate.

Bunny Summers expect lets check the back for Intruders next time we go out anyway lets discuss what we are going to do tonight and take it from there

they talk about their plan for the match and relax
Bunny Summers

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