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Nikita Perry Wants To Destroy A Crow.

Started by The Perry Family, August 06, 2024, 10:09:42 PM

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The Perry Family

Nikita perry is in the ring, laughing and looking around feeling more crazy then usual she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. OH Black Crow where are you at you little insane Bitch do you think iam fucking scared of you! because your big and strong and you have Like only had one match here but you never faced anyone like me u see that is the difference between me and you i have been doing this for a very long time Now i admit i took a long break to go and find myself! and ohh i found myself oh did i ever u see i found out that there is a darkness inside of me the Wolf Lives inside of me the Wolf wil always lay quiet inside of me! that wil never quite die and when i need to awaken the Wolf! oh lol it is going to be all bad for you! and when the Wolf awakens trust me im not going to go down im not going to stop until i break every fucking bone in your body your arms your legs your soul! oh your soul your spit everything you have ever wanted in your hole entire Lives is going to go up in flames and iam going to be laughing my ass off!

Nikita Perry. i have wanted this Match, for a very long time because once i heard you was in this company and once i left Devils Playground, trust me the one person i wanted to get away from was you i know why you came here the reason why, you came here is to take over devils Playground ever since i know you u always wanted everything to be about you! now i finally get the chance to finish you off in my own Wolfe Playground my own personal Hell! and i don't want you in my own personal hell! you see size and strength don't matter to me! and it never will you always been a bitch crow and tonight iam going to do you what i just can' t wait to do in my own personal hell! and that is first make you wish you was never born and just destroy you once and for all u see i love

Nikita Perry destroying people, who piss me off like you i love destroying Haters i do i really do! you are a hater im going to have fun tonight u see iam not in my right mind tonight for some weird reason i feel like ripping you apart one by one! im not going look back im not even going to Blink! until you are laying on the ground out cold barley able to Move! face it your dead when iam through with you your just gone!

she relaxes looks in to the camera smirks gives a evil stare and she then screams really loud and she then looks around and then begin to talk again.

Nikita Perry. now i know what Cruella and Sierra see in you because actually ido the 3 of you are cold hearted controlling bitches u want everything your own way you want everyone to be with you so you can worship the devil, and just worship and worship and worship the devil but u see one thing it's that it is a total waste of time! it was fun for a while but it is a total waste of time! if you like it fine with me!

Nikita Perry ever since i known you you have always wanted everything your own way you wanted to take over devil playground! that is the main reason you want to be with Cruella and Sierra the 3 of you make a perfect fit! the 3 of you live in your own little world! Cruella and sierra are just controlling bitches which i want nothing to do with at all, because i love my new family the Party Crashers they treat me like family! i can finally relax and have fun for the first time in my life, im happy

Nikita perry. oh yes we are very Happy the Party Crashers are just who i was Looking for we are awesome together! very awesome we can anything that we want unlike when i was with devils playground Tonya and Bunny are the family i always wanted! and when you got family you are never alone anymore!

Nikita Perry so Black Crow tonight face it your career ends tonight and im going be the one who ends devil playground i hope you enjoy playing in my own Wolf playground because when i kick you out of my own Sandbox you never allowed back! because this ring is my own Playground!  and nobody is allowed in this is my own playground my sandbox lmao so anyway why don't you come down here and say what you have to say and once this is done and ove with nice Knowing you

she laughs evily and waits
Jade West


Black Crow Devils Playground Music Hits and she walks out to the Entrance, walks down to the steel steps Sierra and Cruella are watching from Backstage. And Tonya and Bunny are watching From a Backstage area as well, Black Crow climbs under the Ring ropes, in the ring walks around and she eye to eye with Nikita Perry and Black Crow looks at her and begin to talk.

Black Crow. SO Nikita you sure have achieved a lot since you walked out on the devils playground, hell you do know this is your first match since u took your ball and walked out on us and hell you never even teamed with them yet! so i guess we won at the end because so far your career has gone Nowhere

Nikita Perry yeah but hey Sef can only book so many Superstars it happens speaking of barley having any matches on the Card where has your career gone Black Crow on that is right this is actually your first ever yeah i been backstage watching and learning where have you been bitch!

Nikita Perry yeah looks like we both in the same Boat but let me tell you something the difference between me and you is i been learning and waiting for my time and it finally came and let me say this is like Christmas come early i finally get the chance to do something i have been wanting to do for many years and that is to finally get my hands around your freaking neck and beat the hell out of you!

The Crowd Cheers for Nikita she showing some of that fire she has been known to have in her she looks at Crow and Black Crow then Begin to talk.

Black Crow oh your going to be like that Huh fine bitch let me say Devils Playground is way better off without you, we get along better everything is a lot better without you there and tonight omg let me say i know we have never Faced each other before if not ever but i can not wait to show you power and siz do matter when iam busy throwing your little ass all over this ring

Black Crow you see you got a big mouth for somebody who has not accomplished much in her entire wrestling sef career and that is when iam finally going to end your career tonight and there is nothing you can do about it!  face it Bitch you don't got the Guts to finally pin or face me tonight iam interested to see what you are going to bring to the table tonight,

Black Crow considering this is a Hardcore match where anything goes, anything is possible and everything is going to happen which wil be me beating you down like the Wolf Dog that you are trust me you got no way to beat me tonight!

Nikita Looks at her and then begin to talk.

The Perry Family

Nikita perry. you don't know what you are talking about Crow Blackheart, Devils Playground was doing just fine before you came along, ok so we was not around when you decided to Join Sef, but now we are all here! and now you decided to Join here fine i hope you do well, But You Are Going Have a Short Career, though with me finally getting a chance, to raise some hell and kick your sorry ass all over this entire Damm ring!

Nikita Perry you see the Party Crashers are my new family, but Cruella and Sierra are stil my family from here to death, and im not sure what garbage you filled, my sisters heads up with but it is a shame, they got to Put up with you and you brainwashed them not knowing, what you are really up2!

Nikita Perry. relaxes and takes a deep breath looks at Blackheart Crow and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry.  You See i Have Grown Up Some, Since You Last Saw Me! The Wolf Sleeps at Night, just Remember that besides ido remember all you use to do is brainwash, my family in to thinking your way,  in to doing thing's your way, and i just don't like it your nothing but a trouble maker! 

Nikita Perry.  Tonight iam going to go all out, and just destroy you like you never been destroyed before it is about time somebody shut you up and iam so Honored they picked me to do it i can not wait! You Stupid Piece of Garbage ! u see you might be big and strong, that does not matter to me!

She Relaxes in the ring and she takes a deep breath and then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. tonight you are going to meet your end because seeing this is a hardcore Match, and Bitch i plan even if it takes the last of my breathe iam going go all hardcore on you and show you why you should never bite the Hand of the Wolf that feeds you!

she wait for reply
Jade West

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