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The Return of Da Showstoppa

Started by Daddy Mack, September 06, 2024, 08:08:48 PM

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Daddy Mack

No, no, no, Simon Lee Nash, no, you aren't going to show up, you won't do it, you don't care about SEF, but I could get you to show up if I personally call you and say, hey, you have a match. Then you will show up, once, that one time, maybe, just maybe you will lurk around backstage for a minute before disappearing into obscurity, AGAIN!
(Mack kicked back on a leather sofa, feet propped up on a small end table with a half empty whiskey bottle and a ash tray of roaches. Mack in a pair of ring tights, his feet bare, and his hair hanging wildly down his shoulders with a clean smug face.)

No way in hell Simon, you do not have what it takes to hang with Mack, with the Legends of SEF. You're lucky we're friends or you wouldn't be able to call yourself a champion, but my friend, I will always carry my friends, so I love you brother.
(Mack tossing back the glass in his right hand to finish off the whiskey in that, then sets it down on the table to fold his arms back behind his head still smug and arrogant as ever with a glassy red eyed smirk.)
So what can I say about ya Simon, about my friend, my friend who doesn't show up to have my back, but then again, where da fuck is LBD? Granted she a legend like myself, so she don't got to show up, but damn it, she got a fatal 4 way match to win cause Taylor Andrews don't show up either. All legends so far and Nick Torres, Troy Storms, my old gangsta buddies, my friends as well, they don't show up, so NBD who hired others to book shows comes in and cancels all the events for this year and most for next year. Wrestle X is still booked for next April and the Rumble will precede it, but what for this year, nothing, no WAR GAMES, no WAR, no SEF events, no SEW events!?! But thanks to The Showsteala, Da Showstoppa has returned to bring back Showstoppa to Friday nights and if all goes well, if I can do this my way, then maybe it'll be a thing that sticks cause not much else does in SEF these days. I even logged on to twitter, or x, whatever its called these days, I still don't know what its all about!? People get on there and promote themselves for what? I get it, I am doing that now, I am promoting Showstoppa, SEF, myself, Simon Lee Nash, but I am doing it where it counts, I am home. Ready for anyone who invades my home, so hiding behind a screen is not what I feel I need to do to promote myself. Now hey, everyone needs their safe haven, so use it I say, that is why I rejoined and am now reigniting my presence on the x, or twitter, or whatever it is!? I know you're out there, and I know you're waiting, and watching, so come and get it. I'll be here all night and every night! Waiting on anyone worth dancing in that ring with, like Simon Lee Nash, I'll be waiting for ya son, show up or get shown the end with the snap of my foot putting you down, again, and again, and again and again...
(Mack rolling his eyes around and then his whole head as he leans forward plopping his feet on the floor to reach for the bottle and pour a drink or two into his glass filling it right up. He corks the bottle and sets it down, then grabs his glass taking a swig.)
Ah Simon, don't take it to heart, cause I do love ya brother, we're friends, I just wish I could talk to my friend, but I broke my phone and refuse to get another. So this is how I get through to anyone and if no one answers, well, maybe its true what they have always said about this business, there are no true friends. Everyone will stomp you out to get to the top, to stay on top, they will be there for you when you're on top to pretend like they are holding you up, but no. Nah, uh huh, they never helped you you, they can't hold you up, they just pretenders...
(Mack taking a swig of whiskey, then sets the glass down to pull a tray with papers and weed on it, to break up the weed, fill a paper, and twists it up licking both ends. He sticks one end in his mouth and grabs a black BIC sparking the other end up, drops the lighter and grabs his glass to sink back into the sofa inhaling deep as music starts playing.)


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