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Make You Famous (Showstoppa)

Started by Da Gangstas, September 08, 2024, 05:57:58 PM

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Da Gangstas

(Da Gangstas dressing room is where Samantha Fame sits on a plush leather sofa in a purple body suit with the sleeves more like straps twisted around her arms. Her hair purple as well and matching lipstick, eye shadow, and some blush to highlight her look as the former GM sits on the sofa with her legs crossed and arms spread out along the back looking confident with a large smile on her face.)
So it seems SEW has been canceled and the General Managers of SEF and SEW have been bumped down the roster and here I am in a match, the second match of the second edition of Showstoppa, a long since thought dead show that was a one time deal, a one hit wonder, but was it even, ever a hit!? I don't think so, no, it was just a show for Mack and his buddies to run wild and claim they were helping expand the SEF universe to Aimoo. Well Aimoo is dead and was the second we left that network in 2011! Now I am in this second match of the night against Black Crow, some big bitch who can't touch me on the mat because I will show her how much more heart I have to succeed in SEF than she does. No, Black Crow is just an outside looking in and if anyone does try to take her in and help her against me, well, me and my monsters will make her famous and da gangstas will always have my back cause I got theirs. I really could care less about Black Crow or even being in the second match because I know I deserve better, but I will do this for my team, for my friends, for my loved ones. We all deserve better and the fact my names was picked to be included by Mack tells me that he knows the world wants more, and the world will get more than they bargained for come Friday night Showstoppa. I'd rather be competing than a GM anyways. I only accepted the gig because I was asked and I was allowed to do whatever I wanted, but oh well, I guess I overdid it, oops!
(Samantha laughing a bit sarcastically showing she doesn't care. Once she composes herself she keeps her arms on the back of the sofa remaining confident.)
When you're a star of the magnitude that I am you always overdo it, but that's the business we're in, the business of putting it all out there and I will not stop until I get in the main event and get my hands on a title. Black Crow, you are just fodder for me to fill my appetite of gold and you are not enough to keep down or hold me back, so if you don't like it, get out of my way. I will not move aside for anyone and you will be forced out of the picture. You have a lot to learn little girl for your size advantage will be a disadvantage against someone like me who is already picking you apart. Once we're in that ring I will dissect you like you have never experienced before. You will be humbled and hopefully you have the smarts to learn from this and come back to give me a real challenge. Until then I will be looking above you.
(Samantha leans forward to grab a glass of wine from the end table and take a sip, then Troy Storms comes in to sit down next to her and grab his own glass giving her a cheers and they both drink up, then kiss each other signaling the end to this scene.)

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