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The Perrys Talk About What Happend

Started by The Perry Family, Yesterday at 02:13:56 PM

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The Perry Family

the perry sisters are in their locker room talking about what happened between them the party crashers and the famous monsters Sierra has her leather jacket on Black crow is laying on the couch with a ice pack on her forehead there is just 3 of them in the room and left in the stable since the Wolf left to join the Party Crashers Sierra looks at Cruella and begin to talk.

Sierra perry. i guess the Famous Monsters are targeting us Now, and they also attacked the party crashers, i looked at their stable and there is just 4 of them 3 of us what are we going to do i mean they can't put us in a 4 on 3 handicap match that just insane but in this place that would not surprise me im sure SEF Got something planned but they put their hands on us and they could of really hurt Black Crow look i dont really like u Crow you know that but you are family, and we are going to make sure this does not happen again!

Sierra Perry.  i mean she could of really been hurt out there, i mean she could of had a concussion them famous monsters are dangerous and we need a 4th member to even the odds, 

Cruella perry im glad Crow is all right but we need to get revenge im sure Bunny and Tonya can handle themselves, i mean nobody puts their hands on a perry and get's away with it, something has to be done! sooner then later,  we need to go and kick their asses and let them know who the real Monsters are! 

she passes back and fourth in the room, Cruella then takes a deep breath and she then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. look there is somebody who can help us, she is rumored to make her return to sef it's easy Jade West im sure she would be more then happy to help us out with the famous Monsters with Jade by our side it can be a 4 on 4 woman tag team match be set if Crow is not totally injured

Sierra Perry wait wait wait Cru did u forget what happened the last time we was face to face with Jade we kicked her out of the group and kicked her ass Backstage right after she got fired there is noway in hell she would want to team with us again after all of that wait i got another idea.

Cruella Perry wait another idea and before you even open your mouth, there is no way in Hell! we are teaming with the Party Crashers u kidding me! it is either Jade or my other idea!

Cruella Perry il call Up Poison up from back home, i wonder if she stil Locked up. she could be out of the nut house by now.

Sierra Perry wait no Please No we don't need her leave her there there are plenty of other people we can call and Jade is our best choice right Now relax i dont believe you actually want to call Outside help to take down 4 monsters we been out numberd before we handle it then we can handle it now but please listen to me and take a breather

Cruella perry shuts her Phone off, and rest and Sierra then takes a deep breath and Sierra then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry we either talk to Jade or call a Truce with the Party Crashers for a short time remember her and Bunny was attacked to we got to talk to them and call a short time truce and take the famous Monsters out we got a common enemy now but please if you care anything about my feelings don't call up Poison please

Cruella Perry your right we dont need outside help your ideas make more sense, look im not crazy about this they proably don't want to help us anyway after all the hell we put them through the hole summer we been going at it tell me something howcome u became the voice of reason in all of this the normal one in the family when there is a problem u like the problem solver now. 

Black crow lays on the couch stil sore from being hit with the chair she takes a deep breath and Sierra has her rest up and she takes deep breath and talks again.

Sierra Perry how ru feeling Crow are you all right. look i got another idea we can make peace with the Wolf 

she wait for reply
Jade West


Black crow my Head Hurts, ouch but im going to be fine don't worry about me im a tough Bitch the only reason she hit me is she knows she can not beat me in a real match Samantha fame wil not break the devils Playground, nobody wil ever break our family, im going be fine but we need revenge u said something about making peace with The Wolf after the talk me and her had i don't think that is going to work we been through top spots before, and we made it through but we also on a losing streak we need to get back on top and i agree with Sierra yeah you heard me Jade is the best choice either her or the Wolf or make peace with the Party Crashers!

Black Crow look maybe they wil just have me vs Samantha fame once again and you two can face the Other Two in a tag match we wil not need a 4th partner but i don't know much about the Famous Monsters so im not sure what they are copiable of but if you two ended up facing them in a tag Match,

Black Crow.il be right there ringside making sure nobody ever hurts you two again, i wonder what Bunny and Tonya are thinking right now probably having the same discussion we are having you got me we dont need anyone else.

she wait for reply

The Perry Family

Cruella perry hey what was that about making peace with the Wolf after how she betrayed us like that u remember that we are Perrys we don't forget about things like that and she calls us family hell if i knew it was going to be like that we would of left her home 

Sierra Perry.  we also got famous Monsters after us and we only got 3 family members in our family group right Now, u me and Crow we need back up in order to survive, if it comes down us needing some serious help then im not sure what else to do then we wil have to stoop down to that level and ask for some help sometimes we need to make them choices we don't want to make in order to survive in this world it is either The Wolf, or Jade West or we make a short term peace with the Party Crashers! we are Out Numbered in this game! but i swear we dont need anyone else to help us this company is full of awesome talent just waiting to help us and get their hands dirty!

Sierra Perry but i swear Cruella if you even think of making that one phone call to any of our insane relatives especially her so don't even think about it lets just talk about how we are going to take out the famous Monsters that should be our first ever dead of hand!

Sierra perry rubs her head seeing this hole thing is giving her a headache, and she takes some advils to get rid of it and a glass of water and somebody begin to talk.

Jade West

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