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WAR 11/13/2013

Started by mysticbabydoll, November 10, 2013, 12:27:17 AM

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Roleplaying Deadline
11:59:59 PM on November 13th, 2013
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WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Theme Music

Match one: Triple Threat Chicago Street Fight
Light Heavyweight Championship
Simon Lee Nash(c) vs. Phoenix Winterborn vs. Dead Dawg Dudley
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match two: Tornado Team
Tristan Darland & Brady Henderson vs. Billy Nuts Dudley & Dude Dudley
Referee: Bill McLane

Match three: Parking Lot Brawl Team
Taylor Andrews & Julie vs. Betty Nan Dudley & Kasey Winterborn
Referee: Doug Melvin

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guest: Whitney Marret

Main Event Match: 2 out 3 falls
Wrestling Underground Heavyweight Championship
Jordan Cut vs. The Mack(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change


Match one: Triple Threat Chicago Street Fight
Light Heavyweight Championship
Simon Lee Nash vs. Phoenix Winterborn vs. Dead Dawg Dudley
Referee: Doug Melvin

Simon rushes into Phoenix burying him with punches in a corner. Dead Dawg rushes in behind him, but Simon ducks out causing the Dudley to smash into Phoenix sinking the Winterborn to the mat. Simon pulling Dead Dawg out of the corner into a back suplex rolls up to his feet dropping a knee to the Dudley's head. The Light Heavyweight Champ running into the corner slamming a knee into Phoenix's head, then turns around to help Dead Dawg up and into the F-5. Simon into the pin, but Phoenix dives out breaking up the fall. Simon tackling Phoenix out of the ring and the two roll around on the floor. Phoenix getting Simon up to ram him into the ringpost, but the Light Heavyweight Champ with a kick to the nuts. Simon slams Phoenix into the post, then whips him into the steel ring steps and pulls a kendo stick from under the ring. The Light Heavyweight Champ lights up Phoenix with a few shots to the back and head keeping him down. Simon sliding in the ring with the cane and catches Dead Dawg in the throat, then locks him in the House of Pain to end the match with a tap out.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

Match two: Tornado Team
Tristan Darland & Brady Henderson vs. Billy Nuts Dudley & Dude Dudley
Referee: Bill McLane

Billy tackles Brady to the outside of the ring while Dude trades punches with Tristan. The Darland backing Dude into a corner, then whips him across the ring charging after the Dudley to leap up for a splash in the corner. Tristan smashing down on Dude and steps back letting the Dudley stagger out into Georgia Bound. Billy has Brady reeling out in the sea of fans as Tristan cinches in the hold on Dude who gives up the match.

Winners: Tristan & Brady

Match three: Parking Lot Brawl Team
Taylor Andrews & Julie vs. Betty Nan Dudley & Kasey Winterborn
Referee: Doug Melvin

Betty and Kasey meet in the parking lot where a circle of cars is set up and they look around for their opponents. Taylor Andrews jumps on the roof of a car garnering both her opponents attention. Taylor flies off the car at Kasey with a dropkick sending her down, then leaps up to meet Betty. The Dudley girl looking to get the upperhand, but Taylor lifts her up and runs across the lot to a car slamming Betty on the hood. Behind Kasey a car starts up and peels out for the Winterborn who turns and jumps, but gets clipped and slammed into the windshield. The car keeps going, then stops on a dime before hitting another sending Kasey to the windshield of that car. Julie emerges from the car and makes her way over to help Taylor lay Betty out on top of a car with a double suplex into the windshield. Taylor into the pin to end the match.

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guest: Whitney Marret

The Hardcore Hotel sign hangs on the ropes blinking with the vacancy light glowing overhead the bed where The Mack lays in his ring gear. A cocky grin across his face all lit up with the usual sarcasm and a microphone held by a couple fingers.

Well here we are in my home turf on my home stage with my homie all up in here, so let's cut right to the fucking chase and bring out the very sexy, sultry, and oh so damn sweet ass of Whitney Marret!!!

The Mack just a grinning and look a bit excitedly happy when"(Rock) Superstar" by Cypress Hill plays over the pa. The crowd cheering loud as Whitney Marret struts her fine self out in a hot black dress with her usual bling just adding to her exotic beauty. The SEF CEO slapping a few hands on her way to the ring and climbs up the steps to be greeted by Mack holding the middle rope up. Whitney bending down to give him a nice view down her dress and then makes her way over to the bed. Whitney sitting down and crosses her legs with a flash of red panties and Mack sliding on over with an arm around the boss. He picks up the mic and smiles a bit semi serious.

Well it seems your hot for The Mack tonight, got my colors and a rocking hot bod as usual. But Whitney, honey, them's old memories for another time. Last week Viper checked in here spilling some beans on losing his power, but wouldn't completely reveal everything. Then he gave me the Unforgiven right here in this ring which is ok I guess, but the fucker has a kick coming his way next time I see him.

Mack winking and Whitney just seems apologetic towards The Showsteala who offers her the mic.

So you want me to let the cat out of the bag? Well after what Viper had to say, or Marijuana Mack, whatever it is he wants to be called!?! After hearing his little speech I am through with that son of a bitch. Viper is the majority stock holder of SEF after acquiring Fate's shares when Dick tried to kill this very company. But he doesn't have me, he is not the man I want to be with, and no more will he take the ideas of my man, A Native Americano. Viper is dead to me and will not get anywhere near my family.

"Badass" by Saliva comes over the pa bringing out Marijuana Mack, but with a lot less of a beard. Just some stubble on that face of the SEF COO who sports blue jeans and a black tee with his hands wrapped in tape. His hair down and wet and the other boss looks ready for a fight as he enters the ring bringing The Mack up to his feet. Whitney standing up as well and stepping back a bit as the COO steps in front of The Mack staring down his old friend. The Mack not letting that grin slip away just stays in his boss' face lifting the mic up.

Can I help you, boy?

Viper nodding yes.

Its real simple Mack, Whitney comes with me and we do indeed ride off into the sunset cause I got an offer for her.

Mack looking back to Whitney who nods no, then The Showsteala just grins sarcastically at the COO.

So what's the offer?

Viper nodding no now.

That's between her and I and the native ass she's trying to glorify. He can have this company, but Whitney, you come with me and leave this place behind. What do you say sweetheart?

The COO looking past Mack with ferocious eyes that are almost black. The Mack just a grinning at the drama.

So Viper my man, besides this whole scandal going down, what's been up brother?

The Mack looking ever so sarcastic and the COO not really in the mood it seems, but "Mouth for War" plays over the pa. Frankie comes out in the usual suit with a microphone in hand rushing down to the ring. He comes in holding the mic up pleading to the COO.

Viper, enough ok, we got proposal for you, so drop this and come on back, A Native Americano is going to step down.

The Mack just watching like a fan as Viper seems a bit surprised while Whitney drops her jaw. Viper getting in Frankie's face.

What the fuck is going on?

Frankie backing up, but Viper backing him into the ropes and then "Renegades of Funk" plays over the pa bringing out the Renegades of Peace along with The Dudley Clan and also with a bearded guy who kinda looks like Viper did with a beard. Except this guy has more of a hairline like The Mack, but more scraggly and has a few chains swishing along his blue jeans as he and the rest of the crew rush to the ring. The renegades get in and surround Viper as the bearded man stands near Whitney and Mack. The Mack offering him the mic.

I am A Native Americano and my silence is indeed broken as it was I who was the anonymous owner alongside Whitney, Viper, and Fate. I signed over my shares to Whitney making her equal partners with Viper who is so dead to her. She made me SEW Director of Operations. I don't serve on the board, I just run the wrestling company and deal with Viper so Whitney doesn't have to. To insure they remain separated, Whitney will own WAR while Viper owns Anarchy since it was his idea to give Carlos the job.

Viper shrugs nodding his approval and grabs Frankie's mic.

That sounds fine to me, maybe I'll book my own show as well!?

A Native just nods in agreement.

As long as the board of directors approves it which is the only time you deal directly with Whitney. I'll be there as the silent Director of Operations ready to manage SEW in the right direction because that is all I ever wanted from the beginning. That is why I chose to remain silent for what was to be twelve years and would have been longer had ya all wanted the same thing.

Viper with a question.

So your going to be at every board meeting?

A Native Americano nodding yes.

Only to take everything that is decided upon and make sure it all makes it to SEW. I will have nothing to say and will not participate, just remain silent as I did for nearly twelve years. You wanted me out here out of the shadows, well here I am, but your plan was thwarted, wasn't it?!

Viper with a slight smirk amidst a smile.

As long as I remain a part of SEF, my plan to get what I want will still be followed through.

The Mack taking the mic back to himself and steps closer to Viper motioning the renegades to give them some room which they do.

My friend, since this is my part of the show were in, I'm a ask you. What the fuck is your plan? You gonna take this man's family, or SEF, or what?

Viper just smirking a little more confidently and cold with calculation behind those dark blue eyes.

My plan will be revealed when everything is set into motion.

The Mack quick as a cat looks for Da Shows Ova, but Viper ducking and gets a shoulder tackle from A Native

Americano. Viper staggering around into Da Shows Ova to eat it this time and down he goes. The Mack dancing around over Viper doing a crotch chop and yelling.


The Mack smacking Whitney's ass before hopping up on his bed standing tall with arms spread wide, then he just drops arrogantly on the cushion to relax. A Native Americano embracing Whitney with a hug and kiss, then nods to The Mack. The Director of Operations and Whitney exit the ring with the Renegades of Peace, all except Smokey McWeed who remains to referee the main event which is next.

Main Event Match: 2 out 3 falls
Wrestling Underground Heavyweight Championship
Jordan Cut vs. The Mack
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Jordan rushing Mack who baseball slides under the cool one's legs. Mack popping up into a dropkick sends Jordan down and The Showsteala floating into a headscissors. Jordan flailing his body around and tries to pull Mack's legs apart, but the Underground Champ holding on. The Mack trying to keep Jordan down, but the cool one getting to his knees and tries lifting The Showsteala up. Mack let's go and kicks Jordan away, rolls backwards to his feet and runs into the cool one with a dropkick to his chest. The Mack heading to the top rope to nail a senton bomb, but hits the mat when Jordan rolls out of the way. Jordan getting to his feet and kicks Mack in his head, then drops a knee to the back of his head and applies an armbar. The Mack trying to fight up and Jordan clamping on a side headlock instead to drag up The Showsteala for a running bulldog. Mack shoving Jordan to a corner and runs in with a dropkick to his back, then pops up and nails a neckbreaker to Jordan as he pulls the cool one off the turnbuckles. The Mack heading to the top rope to fly back into a moonsault and leaps up with a stomp to Jordan's head spinning off arrogantly. Mack with another stomp to Jordan's head and pulls up the cool one for a piledriver. Jordan fighting it and back drops Mack over to the mat, then runs to the ropes springing back into a leapping knee drop. Jordan landing on Mack's head and clamps on a sleeper hold trying to wear down The Showsteala who wrenches arond to try and get free. Jordan trying to kneel up and lean all his weight on Mack who gets his knees planting elbows into the cool one's stomach. Mack looking for a back suplex, but Jordan shifts his weight in the air to crash down on The Showsteala into the pin,




kickout! Jordan pulls Mack up looking for the Rock Bottom, but gets an elbow to his head and dropped into a ddt. The Mack floating around into the Show Strangla right in the middle of the ring. Jordan with a lot of fight left and tries to get free, but Mack cinching it in and just rips back on his arm trying to choke out the cool one. The Mack getting rolled up into a pin,



kickout and Jordan is slammed to the mat as Mack hangs on. Jordan trying to push himself up, but feels the pain and decides it best to give up the first fall.

Winner of 1st Fall: The Mack

The hold is broken and Mack slides back to a corner as Jordan rolls from the ring to recover and we hear from Nick Miller at ringside.

A good start to this two out of three falls match for The Mack who takes the fall with a submission. I'd think he did it to save his energy for the rest of the match cause he can still win it all.

Sammy Storms chimes in.

That he could do, but Mack only needs one more fall. Its gonna get even better I think!?!

The Mack leaning back in the corner as Jordan slides in to get this match going again and again he rushes The Showsteala. Mack slipping out between the rope feet first to bring them up and over kicking Jordan in his head. Mack flipping over to stand on the middle turnbuckle with his back to Jordan and kicks him in the head staggering the cool one back. Mack hopping to the top rope and flipping back with a corkskrew move to land in a cross body on Jordan taking him down. The Mack rolling up to his feet with a stomp to Jordan's head, then lifts him up to nail a piledriver and make the pin,





kickout! Mack on his feet in a cocky strut runs to the ropes springing into a baseball slide dropkick to Jordan's head, then goes for the Show Strangla for a second time. Jordan trying to keep ot of the hold manages to pull away to the ropes. Mack getting the hold on as Jordan grabs the ropes and doesn't let go until the ref gets to a four count. The Mack getting to his feet waiting for Jordan to get up and flies in for a roundhouse kick. Jordan ducking it and catches Mack spinning around to drop him with the Rock Bottom into the pin,





kickout! Jordan rolling away and stalks Mack as he gets up, then moves in for The Cutter and makes the pin,






Winner of 2nd Fall: Jordan Cut

Jordan rolling to a corner as Mack stirs and we hear from Nick Miller.

Its one to one now and we get ready for the third fall of the match to decide the winner of this main event. Jordan definitely with a chance to win now, but Mack not out yet.

Sammy chimes in.

No doubt about that, The Mack ain't down for long!

And now both competitors move to the middle of the ring with Jordan delivering a european uppercut to Mack. The Showsteala backing up lure Jordan into a kick to the cool one's midsection. Mack clamping on a side headlock and drags Jordan down to the mat wrenching on his head. Jordan trying to fight out and Mack pulling him back up running to the turnbuckles and walks up them to flip backwards slamming Jordan to his back. The Mack landing on his feet leaps up with a stomp to Jordan's head, then heads to the top rope flying off with X to the cool one's chest. Mack popping up all cocky and sarcastically dancing around to snuff out a cigarette. Jordan pulling himself staggering around and Mack looking for Da Shows Ova, but the cool one ducking the kick. Mack skipping away to the ropes and springs back flying into a roundhouse kick knocking Jordan down. The Mack heading back to the top rope to fly off with a shooting star press. Jordan getting his knees up and Mack is driven backwards clutching his ribs. The Mack pulling himself up on the ropes as Jordan gets up to run into The Showsteala with a clothesline taking him over the ropes to the floor. Jordan hopping out to kick Mack in the ribs, then yanks him up to drive The Showsteala into the guard rail. The cool one slams Mack into the ring, then rolls him in the ring and climbs up to the apron and then to the top rope. Mack staggering up and Jordan flies off with a cross body, but The Showsteala ducking down to let the cool one slam into the mat. Mack hopping to the top rope and flips off with a senton bomb to Jordan. The Mack rolling up to his feet and hits a standing moonsault, then hops to drop a leg across Jordan's throat. Mack floating into the pin,





kickout! The Mack pulling Jordan up for the Mack Attack, but Jordan fighting to keep his arms from being hooked. Jordan grabs Mack's legs yanking him to his back, then stomps on his midsection and drops an elbow to The Showsteala's chest. The cool one pulling Mack up for a suplex, but The Showsteala flipping over to his feet. Jordan turns and eats Da Shows Ova and Mack falls across his opponent for the pin,






Winner: The Mack

Viper, Super Mack, Ruemash, Dead Dawg Dudley, and Dude Dudley are all heading across the parking lot to a silver mercedes near a custom built motorcycle made to ride for many miles, not for show. Viper heading for the bike and instructs the other four to get in the car. Dead Dawg in the drivers seat with Super Mack taking shotgun, so Ruemash and Dude climb in the back. Viper on his bike starting it up, then pushes it back a bit as the car starts up. The drivers window rolling down and Deag Dawg looking back to shout.

So where we going, where the fuck is this deal going down?

Viper pulling something from his leather jacket and drives up flipping a pin to the ground and tossing a grenade in Dead Dawg's lap. Viper roaring ahead and the doors open, but its too late as the the car explodes, instantly incenerating anyone inside. A huge fireball lighting up the night and Viper riding off into the distant darkness.

Dark Main Event Match: Tag Team
Simon Lee Nash & Jordan Cut v. The Mack & Akbar Kali
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Jordan Cut via Pinfall over Akbar @ 24 Minutes 7 Seconds

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