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universal6 star tag team

WAR 150 {1/1/14}

Started by ropsef4832, January 01, 2014, 02:29:04 AM

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11:59:59 PM on January 1st, 2013
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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio

Theme Music

Match 1: Singles
SEW Womens X Diva Championship
Tina v. Julie(c)
Referee: Nykki Dee

Match 2: Singles
Simon Lee Nash v. Steve Weigel
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match 3: Singles
Maegan Fox v. Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: Whitney Marret, A Native Americano, & Kira Darland
Whitney Gives Kira A Job Evaluation

Main Event Match: Tag Team
SEW Tag Team Championship
The Mack(c) & Brady Henderson(c) v. Jordan Cut & Phoenix Winterborn
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change


Three nights after Apocalypse SEW is in Cincinnati Ohio at the US Bank Arena for WAR where the crowd is packed in to the rafters hot as ever despite the cold wintery winds outside. "Another Way To Die" blasting over the pa while Nick Miller welcomes us to the show.

Hello everybody around the world who is watching SEF. We got a good new years shows to follow our end of the year Apocalypse events this past Sunday where new World Champion Phoenix Winterborn teams with his opponent to face the Tag Team Champions for the Tag Titles. Plus we got the newly unified Womens X Diva Championship on the line when the Sexy Sensual Sweeties go one on one to open the show. We got more action and what could be another riveting Hardcore Hotel where the GM gets a job evaluation.

Sammy chiming in.

Bitch needs to get fired. I could do a better job!

Nick saying.

Ok, well we'll see what happens when Kira and Whitney check into the Hardcore Hotel with Mack who main events the first show of the year, but who else can do what he does!?

Match 1: Singles
SEW Womens X Diva Championship
Tina v. Julie(c)
Referee: Nykki Dee

Julie and Tina stand in the middle of the ring where Julie smiles, looks to say something, but catches Tina with a slap across her face spinning the Golden Gal around. The Queen going for the Dirty Drop, but Tina dropping down to pull Julie over to her back. Julie rolling up, but Tina up first leaping into a dropkick knocking The Queen into a corner. Tina rushing in with a dropkick to Julie's chest, pops back up slamming an elbow to her jaw, then pulls Julie out with a belly to belly suplex. The Golden Gal backing up the turnbuckles to the top rope squatting down to wait for her opponent. Julie getting up a bit dazed and turning to find Tina who flies off with a missile dropkick sending The Queen down. Julie rolling near the ropes clutching them and her stomach as Tina comes sliding over into a baseball slide dropkick knocking The Queen to the floor. Tina rolling out quick to lift Julie up and run her to the ring steps. Julie sending Tina crashing into the steps instead and runs into her head with a knee smashing her head into the steps. The Queen looking a bit viciously sexy and picks Tina up rolling the Golden Gal back in the ring. Julie climbing to the apron and to the top rope as Tina stands, and The Queen off the turnbuckles with a side kick to the chest. Julie heading up the turnbuckles again looking back to see Tina get up, then looks forward to flip back into the Spiked super Sault. Julie into the pin,





kickout! The Queen leaping up to drop a knee on Tina's head, then sits the Golden Gal up into a rear chinlock. Tina struggling to get free trying to pull Julie's hands apart. The Golden Gal trying to twist out of the hold, but Julie leaping up to slam a knee into Tina's spine. The Queen lifts Tina up to clamp on a sleeper and try for the Dirty Drop, but gets caught with a jawbreaker when the Golden Gal drops to the mat. Julie falling to her back and Tina getting up to spring off the ropes with a flying knee to the side of The Queen's head. Tina pulling Julie up into a sto for the T & A, but The Queen getting to the ropes before it can be locked in. The Golden Gal on her feet to go for a chick kick, but Julie ducking and spins back for a heel kick. Tina ducking and nails a superkick to The Queen falling to the mat, then gets up and climbs to the top rope. The Golden Gal standing tall measuring her move, then flips off into the 450 splash crashing down on Julie into the pin to end the match.

Winner: Tina

Match 2: Singles
Simon Lee Nash v. Steve Weigel
Referee: Doug Melvin

Steve rushes in with punches and goes for the Rock Bottom, but gets elbows to the head and ripped up into the F-5. Simon into the pin to end the match.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

Match 3: Singles
Maegan Fox v. Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker

A lock up between the girls sees Kim get a side headlock on Maegan who rolls miss Pain into a school girl pin ending the match quick.

Winner: Maegan Fox

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Whitney Marret Gives Kira Darland A Job Evaluation

"Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Mack on out here in his ring gear looking as chipper and sarcastic as ever. He skips down the aisle letting the fans reach for him, hops to the apron dancing his way in with the Underground Title in hand while the Tag Title is strapped around his waist. The Mack into a muscle pose, pops up in a crotch chop, then lays across the bed in a corner with the Hardcore Hotel lights blinking on the ropes overhead. The vacancy light glowing and Mack shining bright as ever with them baby blues making the ladies weak in the knees. He picks a microphone up loosely to his mouth which is curved in a smooth sarcastic grin.

Well I guess its time for the Hardcore Hotel to help decide the fate of our lovely WAR GM here in SEF. Seems everyone wanna jump into bed with The Mack right here in the Hardcore Hotel and why not!?! It is the highest rated segment in SEF today. No one out draws The Mack, I told ya all and yet ya all can't get enough, ha ha, yea.

Mack flicking his hair back like an arrogant prick as the crowd let him feel hate, but love him all the same.

Its real simple ladies, Kira and Whitney, you two got a job to do and I am your host doing what only I can do, which is lay and here look pretty until its time for some action. So let's get to this, Whitney, come evaluate Kira and maybe when you two kiss and make up I can referee that bout!?!

Mack pointing to himself and acting innocent, but not doing a good job with that sarcastic grin of his. He just lays back in wait for his hot guests to arrive. And first up is the CEO who walks out to "(Rock) Superstar" wearing an outfit only she can pull off looking exotically hot enough for any man or woman to lust for. A very hot dress that can only described by clicking here. Whitney Marret walking to the ring and up the steps bending over the middle rope with her ass to Mack who holds the ropes staring at that fine booty. Whitney strutting to the bed and takes a seat on the edge crossing her legs as Mack lays back next to her handing his boss her own microphone. She takes it and smiles.

Always a fun time out here with you Mack and who knows what may happen in the Hardcore Hotel!?! But business indeed is why were here and Kira Darland has been absent from business. I've tried getting a hold of her privately to make sure she is ok and no word, so now where we are to publicly call her out in an evaluation of her performance as GM. We at SEF care for her as we do anyone who works hard for us, but we need someone we can depend on and if they know they can't perform a task, let us know. So Kira, its time to make your presence felt and deal with the consequences of your actions.

Whitney all business with a hard look in her eyes while Mack lays back looking sarcastic as ever loving this. Mack sliding up to throw an arm around Whitney and begins kissing on her neck and whispering gently in her ear making the CEO tremble and lay back. Mack kissing Whitney quite passionately and walks his fingers up her legs to the edge of her dress when "Let It Go" plays over the pa bringing Kira out. The WAR GM heads down the aisle slapping some of the fans hands before entering the ring and walks over to Whitney who stands up. Mack getting another microphone and tosses it to Kira who brings it to her mouth with a smile while Mack lays back.

Happy New Year and it feels good to be out here, ready for my job evaluation as I fell confident despite my lack of appearances. I am sorry for that. I was ill and in the hospital, had some ideas for matches for a new years show, but wasn't sure what to do, but here I am and ready to work again.

Whitney thinking for a few seconds which brings The Mack to life with a big grin.

Your ever growing cuteness only makes you a hotter power pussy!!!

Kira rolling her eyes.

Flattery will get you-

Mack cutting her off.

Don't be too flattered cause you ain't nothing special, not yet. I'm just shooting the shit while waiting for the ame boss we both share, boss lady.

Mack winking at Kira who starts texting on her phone when Whitney gets close to Kira staring down at the GM of WAR with a bit of a cocky smile to her dominant presence.

I'm not really buying the story Kira cause I've seen it all in this business, but you are here, so you want to work, then you have one month to prove it. Show up every week for the next four and book WAR or you won't have a job to show up for. Start showing respect to those who made this place possible to offer you an opportunity like you have to run the flagship show of SEW alongside the trail blazing hall of famer who founded SEF. Step up and grow up to my level Kira or I will have no choice but to send you packing after firing your skinny fat ass.

Kira looking up at Whitney sort of confused crazy eyed saying.

I won't let you down.

Mack sliding of the bed to throw an arm around Kira pulling her in to a kiss on the lips, then smacks her ass and spins to the ropes. The Mack exiting the ring to head on to the back and we follow him through the curtain to eventually see him exit a curtain in the back corridor of the arena. Mack heading down to a dressing room marked with his name and walks in to find Danika dressed in a slutty barely there outfit. Her tits spilling out of a red bikini top with a match thong we see up her firm ass when she bends forward on her hands and knees. That ass up in the air and Mack just dropping his pants for Danika who kneels up to suck his cock rock hard taking every inch in and working the shaft with her tongue like she knows what to do.

Ah, good girl.

Says The Mack who looks down in a hazy glaze smirking sarcastically at the blonde hair moving up and down his cock.

Main Event Match: Tag Team
SEW Tag Team Championship
The Mack(c) & Brady Henderson(c) v. Jordan Cut & Phoenix Winterborn
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack starting against Jordan and school him into a side headlock, then into a hammerlock and trips him to the mat to run up his back arrogantly and stomp the back of the his head into the mat. The Mack strutting around with a sarcastic grin, does a crotch chop raising the ire of Phoenix who brings the ref over to stop the SEX World Champ from entering the ring. Mack dragging Jordan up to rake his eyes, then shoves him into a neutral corner. Brady coming in to kick Jordan in the midsection and Mack with a kick, then tags Brady and exits as the ref comes back over having heard the tag. Brady lifts Jordan to the top rope and climbs up to deliver a superplex on the cool cutter, then crawls into the pin,




kickout! Brady clamping on a sleeper hold keeping Jordan on the mat with it and swings his legs up to drive his knees into Jordan's back. The cool cutter trying to fight up to his knees and makes it, but gets drug up and into Blood Lust. Brady into the pin,




kickout! The Tag Champ gets up to leap high landing an elbow to Jordan's chest, then yanks him up to drag him back for a tag. Mack coming in off the top rope with a axe handle smash to the back of the cool cutter, then delivers a Russian leg sweep to Jordan. The Mack popping up to head up top for the Detroit Drop, but gets knees to his midsection. Mack rolling away clutching his midsection as Jordan crawls for his corner making the tag. The Mack leaping into a tag brings Brady flying in off the top rope for a clothesline. Phoenix coming in and ducking to turn and see Brady land on his feet and now turn. The American Tradition into a diving clothesline tackles Brady to the mat and then he gets up to stomp his head into the mat. Phoenix pulling up Brady to whip him into the ropes and delivers the Reign of Fire to set up for the FireStorm. Brady with elbows to the head of Phoenix who spins around to nail a roundhouse kick to his opponents head. Phoenix moving in to lock Brady up in Failed Redemption, but here comes Mack with a low dropkick to the American Tradition's head. Mack sliding out of the ring a Jordan comes in, but is held back by the ref. Brady getting up to ick at Phoenix, then yanks him up to leap into a dropkick sending the American Tradition down. Brady getting to his feet and heading over to make the tag to Mack who comes in off the top rope with X to the chest of Phoenix. Mack popping up all cocky and sarcastic as ever dancing to his own beat like he done for decades. Phoenix getting up dazed and Mack looking for Da Shows Ova, but the World Champ ducking and rushing for a clothesline. Mack springing into the same move and down go both men who roll for their corners. Jordan tagging in first and runs into a kick against Mack's spine, then drops down into a pounce with punches to his head. Jordan pulling Mack up for the Rock Bottom, but gets elbows to his head. Mack into a waistlock and executes a german suplex bridging for the pin,





kickout! Mack getting up a second before Jordan to duck a clothesline and pop off Da Shows Ova and fall across the cool cutter for the pin to end the match.

Winners: The Mack & Brady Henderson

"Lowlife" plays over the pa as Mack stands up to get his hand raised. Brady coming in to get his hand raised and shake hands with Mack, then they get awarded their belts which get displayed with a bit of arrogance from the newly formed team. The crowd loving it as we hear from Nick Miller.

What a main event brought to you by our Tag Team Champions of SEW and maybe more so one half of that team who is The Mack!?! A good night with a lull in the action earl on except for the opening match which saw an awesome diva title match. Hardcore Hotel was rocking hot and The Showsteala kept it going to pick up a win for his team. Next week he gets to face Jordan and Phoenix in a three way flag on a pole match in the main event. Plus we got a street fight, cage match and more as well as the Hardcore Hotel all on WAR, so see ya then and until next time, have a good night.

Dark Main Event Match: Fatal 4 Way
The Mack v. Jordan Cut v. Phoenix Winterborn v. Tina
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Tina via Pinfall over Jordan @ 33 Minutes 49 Seconds

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