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The Beast Meets A Warrior

Started by ropsef4832, January 25, 2014, 11:38:12 PM

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Standing in a storage room somewhere in the back of the arena not lit up very well casting shadows over the large frame of A Native Americano who stands confidently and commanding with his presence. His swat gear on and his expression of stone as usual, a brick wall and as strong willed as he is physically strong. His long hair hanging freely down his shoulders covering part of his face which is covered by a bit of a scraggly beard.

So your getting ready for our match are you Griffin? It should indeed be something interesting when The Fabulous Beast meets A Native Americano, the High Chief Warrior of the Renegades of Peace. To gain that peace, one must walk through the hell of WAR, Anarchy and whatever you have to reach your goal. Tonight Griffin, we fight and may the best big man win this sure to be brawl to take it all!

Those dark eyes staring out like a hawk preying, waiting for its next move, and ready to strike securely and precisely. The scene fading into the darkness of the shadows and A Native Americano's boots heard stomping away on the cement floor as we get ready for Anarchy.

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