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universal6 star tag team

Giving the Golden Goddess a option

Started by Simon Lee Nash, February 05, 2014, 11:26:44 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash walks down the hallway and get to see the Golden Goddess Taylor Andrews.

Simon: Hey you

He walks up and sits right beside her

Simon: Listen i know you got a huge championship match for the tag titles and i know your is Jordan Cut but as of now he has not shown up and god knows if he is even going to show up.

Simon: Now i am offering my services as a back up partner here tonight. I know i got a tag team fight with my partner Matt Ward as i go up against Native Americano and Phoenix Winterborn. But if you trust me like i trust you. Then we can do this and both go for the titles.

Simon: You can think about it. It's totally up to you.

Simon: Good luck out there tonight.

Simon leaves and let's Taylor think about the decision.

Taylor Andrews

Taylor dangling her smooth legs over the edge of the metal box she sits on with her Womens X Diva Title strapped around her sexy waist and her ring gear on ready to go and represent the championship she has, and the one she wants. She looks at Simon walking away with a smile to shout.


Simon turning to smile as Taylor winks and motions to herself seductively teasing the son of Nash. He just nods ok with a smile and turns as Taylor look up with a bit of a smart ass grin.

Jordan Cut, where you at my cool cutter? I am waiting, I have been waiting for a while and you continue to slack off, yet you claim you want to be the best wrestler, number one in SEF. Did I fuck you too hard Jordan? C'mon, we have a Tag Title shot, a chance to take gold and be the number one team in SEF today by beating Mack and Brady, The Showtime, they need to taste defeat from the Golden Cutters. Whether I go alone or not, those Tag Titles will be in jeopardy for I have a reason to kick Mack back for Sacrifice, plus I want more gold, the Golden Goddess needs to shine those championship belts up and wear them better than anyone else can!!!

Taylor hopping off the box to stand up jutting her perfectly firm tits out as she stands tall with those eyes staring bright and full of hunger. Her lips almost snarling with lust for this business and she just grins a bit sarcastically before turning to skip off down the hall.

You know where to find me if you decide to finally show up Jordan, but you better keep up or I'll have a new partner with the snap of my fingers, or perhaps a different gesture, cause they all follow this!?!

Taylor flashing the wolfpac sign with her left hand in the air before skipping into a room disappearing for the moment.


Golden Goddess skips some more then stop seeing Jordan Cut on his cellphone as she makes her way towards his direction. Jordan Cut looks at her knowing she still might be upset over not showing up, so Jordan Cut speaks to her.

Before you start screaming at me! I want to say sorry fot now showing up, because my flight got delayed could reach you on my cellphone due to bad weather if you are willing to forgive me then I promise next time I will show up become tag team champions with you sweetheart don't be mad at me.

Jordan Cut stop talking looking at Golden Goddess wondering what she going to say.

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