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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

WAR 2/12/2014

Started by Liz, February 10, 2014, 01:53:15 AM

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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

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Kira Darland
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New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Theme Music
"Violent Rhythm" by Linkin Park and Eminem

Opening Match: Singles
Barry Boudreax vs. Josh Rodgers
Referee: Tom Walker

Match Two: SEW WAR Tag Team Championship
The Golden Cutters(c) vs. Matt Ward & Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match Three: Biker's Glove Match
A black leather biker glove laced with iron and lead is attached to a pole.  First person to get the glove can use it.  Wins are decided by pinfall or submission.
A Native Amerciano vs. Earl The Hobo
Referee: Doug Melvin

Main Event Match: Glass Rod on a Pole Match
Like a singapore cane on a pole match, only with solid glass rods is attached to a pole that is attached to one of the turnbuckle posts.  The first person to get the glass rod can use it to their advantage and pinfall or submission are the deciding factors.
The Mack vs. Whitney Marret w/Phoenix Winterborn
Special Guest Referee: A Native Americano

Card Is Subject To Change



Says the voice of SEF as WAR's new theme song "Violent Rhythm" flows through the pa.

We got a huge main event tonight with a glass pane on a pole match, but that is not why this headliner is going to be epic. Whitney Marret has booked herself to face The Mack in a warm up for her big encounter with Viper this Sunday, and its the main event. Whitney with some hard heartfelt words for Mack who had a show for Whitney and was none to easy on her even if he isn't out for victory tonight!?! We know Mack will always have Whitney's back which is why this Sunday on Sacrifice its pretty well a no win situation since Mack is the referee in that match. Tonight may be more unpredictable, but mostly because of what we won't see coming from both competitors and not really from who may win for its inevitable for Whitney, however, due to Mack's unpredictability, The Showsteala could pull it out if his opponent takes him for granted!?!

Shady Smack next to Nick Miller smoking and drinking.

We all win with this main event, so let's get to it!!!

Nick says.

That we do, but before we get to it we'll see what looks like a good Tag Titles match in the making come to a head when the Golden Cutters defend the straps they won last week thanks solely to Taylor Andrews. They take the team of Simon Lee Nash and Matt Ward who won a title shot last week over the Renegades of Peace. We also have A Native Americano in action against Earl The Hobo in a biker glove on a pole match. But first we got Barry Boudreax taking on Josh Rodgers who I am not sure are even here!?! Aren't they on good terms now after that softcore porn they tried to produce last week?!? The one that didn't make the show?!?

Shady Smack laughing.

What ya didn't see was Shady Smack kicking those chumps out and banging every damn broad in there!!! Then the President of SEF showed up and was on her knees sucking me off before I pounded her ass!!!

We cut backstage to a dim lit area where A Native Americano stands in his swat gear peering with dark eyes through his long, dark hair.

Mack, you better keep your affairs in order and your friends out of the action that they don't belong in. Otherwise the warfare will increase even more. Then again, I suppose that would be best for business, to be cliché!?! But for your own benefit, for your own health, for the business you love so much, let's keep things straight or the Renegades of Peace will show you why in order to gain peace you must wage WAR!!!

A Native Americano shouting the last word and looks intense, ready to rip heads off, and we fade back to ringside where Nick Mille says.

The SEF Director ready for action tonight with a warning to The Mack which is bound to gain an emotional response, although its one that will probably be best for business and not for Mack's well being.

Opening Match: Singles
Barry Boudreax vs. Josh Rodgers
Referee: Tom Walker

Barry and Josh ready to square off and the Rodgers won't go down, but catches Boudreax in press launching him out of the ring. Josh flexing his muscles as Barry lays on the ramp backing up like he may leave when "Lowlife" plays over the pa bringing Daddy Mack skipping out. The Mack moving past Barry to go around the ring, but whips in to leap up into a baseball under a charging Josh. Mack sliding back out of the ring near the announce table, then leaps up to the apron. The ref in his face keeping Josh back and Kristin Fox running down the ramp now. She slams Barry across his back with forearms, then pulls him around and up into a firemans carry to spin her off into a cutter for the Awakening right there on the floor. Kristin yanking Barry up to roll her in the ring and backs up the ramp as Mack now hops to the floor skipping around the ring all sarcastic and arrogant. Josh turn to yank Barry up into the Border Toss and pins him to win the match.

Winner: Josh Rodgers

"Lowlife" plays over the pa and Mack skipping by Kristin on the ramp and the Fox hooks on to his arm heading to the back with Mack. And we follow them back through the gorilla position where Kristin is all over Mack with a hot kiss a bit fired up. Mack just calming her down to say.

Where's your office sweetheart?

Kristin leading the way pulling Mack by his tights through the curtain and down a corridor to her door. Greg Boone cutting them off to shove a microphone in Mack's face.

Why did you interrupt the match just now Mack, what beef ya got with Barry and Josh?

Mack sarcastically grinning and Kristin answering the question with a snap.

He doesn't, I do, and I asked him to do what he just did, now its time repay the favor, so scram Greg.

Mack shoving Greg back and hangs an arm around Kristin heading into her office shutting the door with a slam. In a second we hear moans and screams from the Fox with skin slapping and back to ringside we go where Nick Miller says.

Not much of a match, but a spot from Mack who set up Kristin perfect to display her new move on an old flame which may be snuffed out!?!

Match Two: SEW WAR Tag Team Championship
The Golden Cutters(c) vs. Matt Ward & Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Jordan starting the match against Matt and the two lock up with a power struggle trying to gain the upperhand. The cool cutter backing Matt to a corner, but gets turned into it and the Ward moving in for a clothesline. Jordan ducks out and kicks Matt in the corner, then nails a european uppercut to his jaw. The cool cutter pulling Matt out for a suplex, but gets blocked and lifted up by the Ward who slams Jordan down on his stomach. Matt backing into the ropes to spring off with a kick to Jordan's head, then makes the tag to Simon who comes running in with a knee to Jordan's head keeping the cool cutter down. Simon yanking Jordan up for a scoop slam, but the cool cutter slipping behind the son of Nash shoving him forward, then leaps into a dropkick knocking Simon down. Jordan getting up to make the tag to the Golden Gal who flies in off the top rope with a missile like front dropkick to the chest of Simon, then scurries into the pin,




Matt with a kick to Taylor's head breaking the fall and Jordan rushes in to tackle the Ward out of the ring. Taylor getting up pulling Simon into a swinging neckbreaker, but the son of Nash spinning out and around to kick the Golden Gal in her midsection. Simon pulling her down to rip Taylor up for a powerbomb, but the Golden Gal leaping up and over to drop on her feet. Taylor spinning round in a roundhouse kick catching Simon in his head knocking the son of Nash to the mat. The Golden Gal heading up to the top rope and flies off with a 450 splash and gets tagged by Jordan before she flips off. Simon getting his knees up to drive the wind of Taylor and she rolls away clutching her midsection. Jordan comes in to kick Simon in his head, then stalks him to go for The Cutter. Simon shoving Jordan into a corner as Taylor rolls out sitting on the steps, then the son of Nash rushes in with a clothesline driving Jordan into the turnbuckles sinking the cool cutter to the mat. The son of Nash backing up to tag Matt and runs across the ring slamming a knee into Jordan's head. Simon exits and Matt runs with a boot to the skull of Jordan, then yanks the cool cutter up placing him on the top turnbuckle, climbs up and executes a superplex rattling the ring. "Lowlife" plays over the pa and The Mack stepping out grinning wide, then Taylor Andrews heads that way into a skip up the ramp meeting Mack with a kiss. In the ring we see Matt make the tag to Simon who comes in delivering the F-5, but Jordan spins out and Matt comes in to hit The Smack. Simon ripping Jordan up for the F-5 hitting it and makes the pin to win the match and Tag Team Titles.

Winners: Simon Lee Nash & Matt Ward

"Lowlife" keeps playing as Mack and Taylor head to the back with the Golden gal waving in a "ta ta" motion at the other boys. We follow them to the back through the curtains and the top two wrestlers of SEF enter a private dressing room shutting us out only allowing more moans and screams of pleasure to be heard like earlier when Mack banged Kristin. So back to ringside we go where Nick Miller says.

A good tag match, but Taylor getting tagged out by Jordan without much communication between the two, then Taylor walks out on her partner getting another piece of Mack. We got new Tag Champs who earned the titles with a hard fight, but I wonder if the Golden Cutters will even want their rematch!?!

Shady Smack chiming in.

Don't forget The Showtime gets a rematch coming!?!

Match Three: Biker's Glove Match
A black leather biker glove laced with iron and lead is attached to a pole.  First person to get the glove can use it.  Wins are decided by pinfall or submission.
A Native Americano vs. Earl The Hobo
Referee: Doug Melvin

A Native Americano staring down Earl who just looks at the bigger man with no fear, or nothing at all behind those eyes. Earl looking to the biker glove on the pole and yells fuck it to stomp over swinging wild at his boss. A Native Americano taking the punches and buries a knee to Earl's midsection, then hammers the hobo back with some straight rights before backing up to charge in with a diving clothesline. "Lowlife" plays over the pa and here comes The Mack with the SEF World Heavyweight Title over his right shoulder and the XFW Heavyweight Title over his left shoulder. Mack dancing out and skipping down around the ring as A Native Americano watches him, then following Mack out is Taylor Andrews flaunting her SEW Heavyweight Title around her waist with Womens X Diva Title over her right shoulder and XFW Chaos Title over her left. A Native Americano whipping Earl to the ropes catching him with a hard snapping powerslam, then pops up to drop a knee into the hobo's head. Simon Lee Nash and Matt Ward come down with their new SSEW WAR Tag Team Titles around their waists. The SEF Director watching them all surround the ring and keeps taking the fight to Earl with a kick to the hobo's head, then yanks him up into a powerbomb. A Native Americano heading up the turnbuckles to yank down the bikers glove and hops to the mat ready to use it on Earl. Matt and Simon slide in after Taylor who baits A Native Americano to swing at her. The Golden Gal ducking and Simon running into a clothesline takes the SEF Director down. Matt on him with kicks and stomps as Simon gets up and Taylor grabs the bikers glove directing the Tag Champs to hold A Native Americano up. They do and the Golden Gal slams the loaded glove across A Native Americano's jaw letting him slam to the mat. Earl looking up and then Phoenix Winterborn comes running out to slide in the ring with Whitney Marret who goes for Taylor tackling the Golden Gal to the mat. Phoenix attacking both Simon and Matt punching both back while Earl crawls into the pin over A Native Americano to win the match.

Winner: Earl The Hobo

Simon and Matt overcoming the fired up Phoenix to beat him into a corner and Earl rolls out while Mack drops his gold to roll in the ring and pop up. Phoenix out of the corner, but gets Da Shows Ova and Mack dancing around to leapfrog A Native Americano as he goes for Justice. Simon and Matt going for the Director beating him across his back while Whitney Marret outside the ring gets a microphone while Taylor Andrews kneels up around the ring.

Hold on, Stop!!!

Simon and Matt back off to exit the ring on Mack's motion to do so and The Showsteala leans back in a corner waiting for the main event to begin. A Native Americano holding his back while helping Phoenix up and Taylor collects her titles heading to the back with Simon and Matt. Whitney dropping the mic and enters the ring ready her the main event now. Phoenix exiting the ring to remain there in support of Whitney while A Native Americano is ready to be the referee and we hear from Nick Miller.

Interesting match which the hobo won, although a bit controversial with Mack and friends interrupting the match. The Renegades of Peace trying to save the day physically, then Whitney barking orders verbally gets things settle down, for now. Up next its Whitney herself against Mack and this time a glass rod hangs on the pole.

Main Event Match: Glass Rod on a Pole Match
Like a singapore cane on a pole match, only with solid glass rods is attached to a pole that is attached to one of the turnbuckle posts.  The first person to get the glass rod can use it to their advantage and pinfall or submission are the deciding factors.
The Mack vs. Whitney Marret w/Phoenix Winterborn
Special Guest Referee: A Native Americano

Mack and Whitney engaging in a lock up which sees the CEO end up in a side headlock and get run down to the mat in a bulldog. The Mack holding on to Whitney who struggles to get up and fights to her knees hammering Mack in his midsection with punches. Mack dragging her over to the mat leaning on Whitney for the pin, but too soon and Whitney trying to get back up and again gets to her knees, but holds on to Mack trying for a back suplex. The CEO with elbows to Mack's back and rips him up into a back suplex, then rolls away to her knees. Mack rolling up and Whitney to her feet charging into a run with a dropkick to Mack's chest knocking him backwards. The CEO on her feet to spring into the ropes bouncing off into a cross body block taking Mack back down. Whitney rolling up to head up to the top rope leaping off for an elbow drop to Mack's chest. She rolls up and picks Mack up looking for a double underhook, but The Mack twisting out to drive a knee into Whitney's midsection. Mack into a scoop slam swinging Whitney's legs straight up and slams her to the mat, then leaps up stomping the CEO across her head. The Mack doing a crotch chop at Phoenix who is outside the ring watching in trying to yell support to Whitney. Mack pulling Whitney up delivering knife edge chop against her chest, then whips her to the ropes and leaps into a flying roundhouse kick. Whitney ducking and runs across the ring springing back into spinning kick to Mack's head, then heads up to the top rope nailing a 450 splash. The CEO getting up holding her midsection and stumbles to the corner where the pole is looking up at the glass rod. Whitney climbing up the turnbuckles getting on the top rope to stretch up for the rod when Mack gets up to run over. Mack springing to the middle turnbuckle and grab Whitney in a waistlock to send her off the top rope flipping over on her stomach to mat in a german suplex. Mack falling to his back and uses the ropes to pull himself up, then climbs up to grab the glass rod. Phoenix yelling at Whitney who gets up looking at the ref, A Native Americano looking indifferent, doing his job, and the CEO waves Mack on. The Mack waving her on and drops to the mat rolling the glass rod across the mat to her. Whitney into a run flies at Mack with a running dropkick knocking him into the turnbuckles. Whitney getting up to nail elbows on Mack in the corner, then leaps up with a knee to his head and runs out for a bulldog. Mack shoving her to the mat and runs up with a kick to Whitney's spine. The Mack grabbing the glass rod and waits for Whitney to get up for a shot to her head, but the CEO ducking in time to grab Mack in a waistlock executing a german suplex to bridge for a pin,




kickout! Whitney rolling up to her knees winded as Mack gets up with the glass rod laying between them. Mack pushing himself up as Whitney stands and goes for the glass rod. The Mack with a kick to her shoulder snapping Whitney up who clutches the glass rod and swings quick shattering it against Mack's head. He goes down holding the side of his head with blood running out of a cut and Whitney into the pin,




kickout! Whitney pulling Mack for a double underhook, but gets shoved back to the ropes and Mack runs in for a clothesline. The CEO ducking to backdrop Mack over the ropes and he crashes hard to the floor. Phoenix pulling him up to send Mack back in the ring, but The Mack refusing and shoves the American Tradition back pointing a finger to him.


Phoenix slapping his finger away and Mack with a slap, then unloads with punches when Taylor Andrews comes running out and around the ring tackling the American Tradition to the floor. Whitney diving out of the ring with a suicide headbutt to Mack taking him down. Taylor getting tossed off by Phoenix who gets up, but is kicked in the midsection by the Golden Gal and taken down with a sto into the T & A. Whitney pulling Mack up to roll him in the ring as Phoenix keeps Taylor's hold from locking in all the way and rolls out of her grasp. They both get up and Phoenix charges Taylor into the guard rail bring Simon Lee Nash down with Matt Ward and they pound on Phoenix's back. Whitney grabbing a large chunk of glass to smash into Mack's head grinding in more to make the blood flow. Mack begging for more and Whitney with a kick to his chest and hooks his arms up lifting Mack up to lay his legs on the top rope using them to spring Mack and over driving the back of his head to her knee. Nick Miller shouting.


Whitney scrambling into the pin,





Taylor in to drop on to Whitney breaking the fall and A Native Americano ripping the Golden Gal up throwing her across the ring. Taylor on her feet looking to rush the ref who beats her to it with Justice smacking the Golden Gal to the mat. Simon Lee Nash and Matt Ward with Phoenix beat down now slide in the ring getting in A Native Americano's face who orders them out and when they don't go, he makes them. Matt getting shoved down and Simon unloading with punches until Whitney clobbers him from behind with forearms. A Native Americano with a kick to Simon's midsection and Whitney delivering the Southern Pride to him. The Director charges for Matt who dodges Justice and Mack ends up getting hit. Matt looking for The Smack on A Native Americano, but gets clotheslined to the ropes by Whitney and the Director runs in to help take him over to the floor. Whitney turning to see Mack stirring up to his knees and gets behind him to lock on the Southern Sleeper falling back to wrap her legs around Mack. The Mack trying to get free and matt trying to get in the ring, but Phoenix pulls him back and around into the FireStorm on the floor. Mack struggling to get free, but decides to save himself for another night and gives up the match.

Winner: Whitney Marret

"The Catalyst/Cocaine" plays over the pa and Whitney letting go to lay back winded from this extreme round of hardcore wrestling with The Mack who rolls over to his stomach. Phoenix coming in to celebrate with A Native Americano who helps Whitney up and the Renegades of Peace stand tall with "Never, Never" kicking in over the pa now as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a match from Mack and Whitney, but from them two, I don't they could have a bad match if they tried!?! Not that they would ever try to do that as evident by the many times both have poured all they have into the ring and this encounter tonight. Some interference by Phoenix Winterborn which brought Mack's friends out cause our special guest ref to insert his authority and in the end Mack giving it to Whitney. A showstealing performance by both and great way to cap off a kick ass WAR. Its like SEW knows what their doing, but I wonder what Mack will bring in XFW which debuts on LIVE TV this Friday and I'll see ya all there. And we'll see ya Sunday for Sacrifice, so until next time, have a goodnight.

Dark Main Event Match: Singles
The Mack(c) v. Taylor Andrews
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The Mack via Pinfall after Da Shows Ova @ 47 Minutes 56 Seconds

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