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Extreme 59 {7/18/05}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 20, 2014, 12:25:16 AM

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Taylor Andrews

July 18th, 2005

We open up in the Sin City Entertainment Complex and before Paranoid can play or our pyro can start, we hear the pa blast out a different yet so familiar song, Cowboy by Kid Rock and we all know it, the most recognized name of all time in SEF today, the man who has done more than anyone on the roster, the man who has been branded a legend by his peers, he is our Owner, here comes Daddy Mack strutting on out and an ovation that is just off the hook, one to ten, its an eleven, damn. 

Nick: Well welcome to Monday Night Extreme and it don't get no bigger to start the show than with Daddy Mack coming out here, but I wonder why he is.

Frankie: Who knows, but it better be good.

Nick: With Mack I am sure it is, but so you know, he can do what he wants, he owns the place.

Frankie: Which is why it better be good in order to use up tv time that we could be using for the superstars who actually wrestle.

Nick: Mack has paid his dues, plus he is wrestling at Heat Wave in a huge match, but lets be quiet and hear what he has to say.

After playing to his fans and honoring them, bowing to the fans Mack did, he now stands in the middle of the ring with a mic and the crowd is silent enough for him to speak.

D-Mack: First of all, I would like to make a lil announcement regarding our biggest event of the year, the one event that each year for the past three SEF has shined the most at, SummerSlam. My announcement is this, the inveiling of yet another arena I have had built just for our use. This one is the largest yet as it will hold some 80,000 people, for a wrestling event that is which is what we do. The location, a special place in my heart as its special to my wife, Louisville Kentucky and the name of it, named after two of Kentucky's trademarks ya could say, it is the Dogwood Derby Dome!

The crowd lets out some cheers.

D-Mack: Now to more near future events, namely the Royal Rumble match we will be having at Heat Wave. I looked over our roster, our active list of the roster and well, we only got eighteen stars, so a thirty man rumble is kinda not gonna happen. I could pull some of our j-, uh lower card stars up and add them, but ya know, we can just have a twenty person rumble, the classic battle royal, but still our Royal Rumble. So as for the list of the eighteen, I am sure ya can guess who they are, but let me run down and tell you now. They are, Alex Van Dam, Andrew Velzian, Blaze Inferno, Bubba Ray Dudley, Cassie Michaels, Christine, DeeJay George, D-Von Dudley, Jessica Michaels, Juice, Matt Matlock, Nick Blade, Ryan Cross, Spike Dudley, The Jackal, Tommy2Cool, Viper, and Xavier. Now before I get to the last two spots, I need to clear something up. Whitney is defending her title at Heat Wave and this Monday we name a number one contender. All four of them are in the rumble, but should whoever faces her win the title, Whitney will take their place in the rumble. Now then, as for our last two entrants, I was thinking of one person who we not seen in a while, a man who went down with an injured neck in June, he started last year as the janitor in DOGG, number nineteen is Black Bob!

The crowd lets our another cheer now.

D-Mack: That's right and now for the last person, Still kind of undecided, but I guess I could do this, number twenty-

Just then Mack is cut off by the sound of Beck's "Loser" coming over the pa and out walking none other than Bob the Bruiser. He is weilding his nightstick and wears a pair of silver tinted sunglasses as ge make shis way in the ring and gets a mic.

Bob: Mack, I have an idea, why don't you place me in the rumble, so I can win it and go to SummerSlam to serve the World Heavyweight Champion some much overdue hard time, lock them up, and take their title for myself.

The crowd actually cheers Bob and Mack just smirks.

D-Mack: Nice change Bob, looking good, better clothes, and well as for your suggestion, I think-

Mack is cut off again and this time by X Gonna Give It To Ya by DMX coming over the pa. Westside Wanksta comes out quickly and slide sin the ring, acts all gangsta like getting an arched eyebrow from Mack. Wanksta soon gets a mic and says.

Wanksta: Yo, yo, D-mack my man, look, I should be going up in that bitch and getting my chance to shine, go for the gold.

Bob: Shut up kid, I beat your ass at Guilty As Charged, you never beat me, I deserve this, not you!

Wanksta: Man holmes, ya best back up and get straight before I whip yo ass now.

D-Mack: Boys, boys, chill ok. I have an idea, tonight you two will have a match, one on one, winner is in the Royal Rumble and so ya know.......

Mack moves to the edge of the ring and drops down rolling out to the floor. Wanksta stands at the ropes watching him as Bob is behind him in the middle of the ring.

D-Mack: The match starts right now!

And we hear the bell ring, Wanksta turns and gets his bell rung with a nightstick shot to the head.

Singles Match
Bob the Bruiser
Westside Wanksta
Winner Receives A Spot In The Royal Rumble 

Bob clotheslines him over the top rope now, then slides out of the ring after laying his nightstick in the corner. He pulls up Wanksta and whips into the ringpost, then runs him back into the steel steps sending them tumbling over.

Nick: Man, a hell of a night we started with and now we see these two battle for the last entry in the rumble.

Bob has Wanksta up and runs around the ring and over near the commentator stable smashing his head on to it. He lifts up Wanksta into a press slam, then drops him for a powerslam, but rams his head into the ringpost this time busting him open. Bob rolls Wanksta in the ring and slides in after him, then pins, 1.......2........kickout! He pulls up Wanksta and whips him to the ropes looking to catch him for the Brooklyn Bomb, but Wanksta uses his speed to flip around and over Bob, knees him in the back, then elbows him in the back of the head and brings him down in a reverse ddt.

Nick: Wanksta with a nice counter and finally may have turned this around.

Frankie: I hope so, sure wouldn't wanna see some jobber named Bob win, oh wait, bruiser now, pathetic.

Wanksta is up on his feet and comes off the ropes with a quick leg drop, then pulls up Bob and backs him to the ropes nailing a few chops and looks for an irish whip. Bob reverses him and looks for a clothesline, but Wanksta slide sunde rhi slegs and flies up behind him with a chop block. Bob goes to one knee and Wanksta dropkicks his other leg bringing Bob down. He goes top now and Wanksta flies off with a splash and pins, 1.....2......Bob powers out. Wanksta looks wide eyed and jumps up, waits for Bob to get up, then runs the ropes and looks for the Whack Off. Bob catches him in a full nelson and lifts high up, then slams him to the mat.

Nick: Talk about a real painful counter, ouch.

Bob walks over and grabs his nightstick now, then nails Wanksta in the gut and jabs him the head before choking him out with it. He drops the stick and whips Wanksta to the ropes, catches him and BAM, Brooklyn Bomb, Bob pins, 1........2.........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Bob the Bruiser

Loser by Beck hits the pa as Bob stands up now, grabs his nightstick and raises his hands in the air. He stands on the ropes yelling that he will be at the top and all that stuff.

Nick: A nice match and Bob picked up a huge win, an entry into the rumbles, hell of a chance he has.

Frankie: He'll lose, the dude sucks, all he can do is imitate past wrestlers and not even that good of ones.

Triple Threat Match
Blaze Inferno
Alex Van Dam
Cassie Michaels 

All three are in the ring and Blaze heads for Cassie right away nailing her with elbows to the head. She rocks Cassie into a corner and starts laying in some chops, then whips her out and AVD catches her with a spinning kick laying Cassie out. Blaze charges AVD now, but he ducks her clothesline and catches her with some rights before whipping her to the ropes and catching her in a tilt a whirl slam. AVD pulls up Blaze and sends her to a corner, but Cassie is up and clubs him in the back, then drops him with a reverse ddt. She charges into the corner clotheslining Blaze and looks to drag her out with a bulldog, but Blazeshoves her forward, then runs clotheslining Cassie in the back of the head dropping her hard.

Nick: Ooh, a hard shot by Blaze and Cassie looks out of it.

AVD is up and starts trading blows with Blaze. We soon see Ryan Cross come walking out though and he just slowly heads down the ramp. AVD has Blaze reeling not noticing Ryan and he soon drops her with a ddt, then pulls her up whipping her to the ropes. Blaze reverse and Cassie is up. The two women end up double clotheslining AVD out of the ring and he lands face down with Ryan just a few feet behind him. Blaze grabs Cassie and nails a hard european uppercut, then whips her to the corner and hits a hard clothesline. Cassie is dazed and Blaze climbs up top now sitting on the turnbuckles, then she pulls Cassie around and applies an armbar dragging her up, but whips around to a tornado ddt hitting Dawn of the Inferno, both women going down. AVD is up on his knees now and pulling himself up with the apron, but he feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to lock eyes with Ryan, the two just staring. In the ring we see Blaze roll across Cassie now for the pin, 1........2.........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Blaze Inferno!

We hear Time To Burn by The Rasmus hit the pa now as Blaze gets to her feet and AVD turns looking pissed. Ryan just backs away now with a smile, laughing he is as AVD just fumes and kicks the steel steps in anger.

Nick: Man, Blaze made a nice impact tonight in her debut beating Cassie Michaels and technically Alex Van Dam, but story between he and Ryan Cross is really heating up.

Frankie: Oh man, this is looking good, the way Ryan just looked at him, distracted him enough and he loses the match without being pinned, awesome.

We go into the back now where we see DJ and Jessica heading down the hall the WOF security surrounding them, about six guys all fairly big, bigger than DJ, stocky ya know. As they walk along we suddenly see a huge man come at them head and BAM, big boot to one guard and he is down and out. Two more jump him, but the man, SEF security chief Troy shakes them off his arms, then bashes their heads together and headbutts them sending them down. He clotheslines two more, then lifts up another in a press slam and throws him up against the wall, then drops him down in a powerslam, but more tosses him to the floor as Troy stays vertical. The two clotheslined are up and Troy kicks ones in the gut, then grabs the other flipping him into gutwrench slam to the floor. He grabs the one he kicked and lifts him up delivering a Jacknife Powerbomb on him and now Troy turns to DJ who is standing with his jaw to the floor, eyes bugged out as his glasses are tilted down. Jessica at his by his side holding his arm hoping Troy does nothing to them. But Troy just stands with his arms crossed and we soon hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. Dj turns and a foot comes an inch from his jaw, but the foot stops on its own and drops down as Daddy Mack shows its him. The crowd is heard going ballistic as DJ breaths a sigh of relief, then grins as Mack crosses his arms now. 

D-Mack: What up kid? Sorry bout your boys, but Troy was itching to see who could take who and well, guess he proved too much huh. But anyways, just so ya know, ya wanna be big here, one day, maybe, maybe not, your choice, me and you cool, but please own up and pay up.

DJ arches an eyebrow and looks confused, but Mack just pats him on the shoulder.

D-Mack: Just take the friendly advice, I gotta run, peace.

Mack just smiles smugly and walks off as we see regular security guards hauling the WOF guards out of the arena, Troy making sure they are gone for good and well we go back to ringside.

Nick: Crazy, Troy lays our DJ's security team and Mack with some interesting words for DJ.

Frankie: Oh well, who cares, let's get on to our next match, a hardcore match for the Xtreme Title.

Hardcore Match
SEF Xtreme Championship
Ryan Cross[c]
Nick Blade 

Nick is in the ring with weapons laid out as we hear #1 Bad Boy hit the pa, but we don't see Ryan come out. We do see the curtain move and Nick readies himself, but we suddenly see Ryan come from the crowd, title in hand and he slides in the ring bashing Nick in the back of his head, then whips him to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick.

Nick: Kind of cheap to see Ryan pull that stunt of coming from behind.

Frankie: Hey, its hardcore, anything goes, deal with it!

Ryan grabs a baseball bat and starts sluggung away some hits right to Nick's gut, then rips him up and whips him to the ropes catching Nick with a hard shot to the head, a homer of you will an Nick goes down. Ryan drops the bat and rather than pin he grabs a roll of barbed wire and wraps it around Nick's head, then lifts him up and drops him with a neckbreaker. Ryan gets a singapore cane and crack him hard over the head, then climbs up top and cockily slautes before delivering Freedom of Sound to Nick and pinning, 1........2........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and still SEF Xtreme Champion, Ryan Cross!

#1 Bad Boy by Poison hits as Ryan gets up and grabs his title, but AVD is in the ring and nails him with a spinning kick to the head, then whips him to the ropes and hits a hard clothesline. AVD lifts up Nick now and nails the Death Row on him. Ryan is up and charges AVD, the two throwing punches like crazy now and security pouring into the ring to seperate them, Troy even coming out and soon the ring is cleared.

Nick: A quick match we saw with Ryan destroying Nick Blade, but AVD looked to destroy Ryan.

Frankie: But he didn't do it and come Heat Wave we will see Ryan whip his ass.

6-Person Tag Team Match
Whitney Marret + Bubba Ray Dudley + D-Von Dudley
Viper + Xavier + Matt Matlock 

All six of them are in the ring, well four are in their corners and we see starting the match is Xavier and Bubba. They lock up and Bubba quickly backs Xavier to a corner, looks for a clean break and gets it. Xavier just eyes him and looks for another lockup, but ducks behind Bubba and looks to float around for a takedown. Bubba though elbows him in the head, then turns and buries the point of his elbow right into Xavier's head. Bubba whips him to the ropes and drops him with a back elbow, then comes off the ropes with an elbow drop. He rolls up and tags in D-Von, then pulls up Xavier and holds him while D-Von kicks him in the gut and takes over with some punches to the head. he whips Xavier to the ropes and Xavier flies back with punches leaping up on D-Von looking to take him down. D-Von staggers backwards against the ropes and uses them to move forward and slam down Xavier with a spinebuster, but falls as well.

Nick: Nice match so far, D-Von held his ground there and showed some power.

Frankie: He used the ropes, had he not he woulda been down and Xavier would be destorying him.

D-Von is up on his feet and so is Xavier fairly soon afterwards. D-Von grabs him by the head and walks Xavier to a corner slamming his head into it, then whips him across the ring and charges for a splash, but Xavier ducks down and catches a staggering D-Von with a neckbreaker. He crawls up and over to his corner tagging in Matt now who comes in and starts pounding on D-Von. He rips up D-Von and delivers a brainbuster, then goe sup top coming off with a body splash and pins, 1.........kickout! Matt sits up stunned and starts yelling at the ref looking ready to punch him out. D-Von gets to his feet and looks to tag out, but Viper yells at Matt who turns and grabs D-Von only to get laid out with a hard ddt. D-Von crawls now and tags in Bubba who comes in and lifts up Matt and rams him into a corner, then starts laying chops to his chest. Bubba whips Matt out into the ropes and Viper ends up tagging him. Bubba catches Matt with a powerslam and Viper comes in kicking Bubba in the head, then kicks Matt away and rips up Bubba scoop slamming him. Viper backs into a corner and comes out with a knee drop to Bubba's head, then pulls him up and starts nailing some viscious right hands. He pounds Bubba back into a corner, then climbs up some on the ropes and starts punching straight down to Bubba who looks almost out of it, but he suddenly rips up Viper and drops forward with a powerbomb.

Nick: Oh my god, that was a great counter by Bubba and could be a turn around for his team!

Viper is stunned and lays still as Bubba rolls towards his corner. he reaches out for a tag as Viper starts to get up and soon Whitney is in the ring. She grabs Viper from behind in a sleeper and looks to bring back into the Southern Sleeper, but Viper fights and backs her into a corner. They are seperated and Viper whips around for a punch, but Whitney ducks out and fires back at him with some of her own punches, then whips him out of the corner. Viper reverses her into the ropes and nails a hard clothesline, then looks for a tag. Xavier backs off the apron, so Matt tags in and lifts up Whitney for a suplex. She slips down behind him and shoves Matt forward, then dropkicks into the ropes. Xavier has his Tag Title now and stays of fthe apron. Whitney pulls up Matt and sends him to the ropes, then catches him with a hard spinebuster.

Nick: Wow, Whitney with a spinebuster on a man a hundred pounds her weight.

Frankie: Yea, but its Matlock, who cares.

Whitney rolls into the cover, 1......2.......Viper kicks her in th eback, then pulls up Whitney and plants her with a ddt. Bubba and D-Von both come into the ring now and starts hammering Viper with punches and D-Von soon whips him to Bubba who backdrops him out of the ring. D-Von picks up Matt and whips him to the ropes, then catches him and Bubba grabs his head, BAM, 3-D and Matt is out of it. Whitney is up and soon stands over Matt and places a foot on his chest as the ref counts, 1.......2.......3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, then team of Whitney Marret and The Dudley Boyz!

System by Linkin park hits as Bubba and D-Von holds up Whitney's hands and the three stand tall. Xavier though sneaks behind them and bashes Whitney in the back of her head, then starts brawling with Bubba. Viper is in the ring and clubs D-Von in th eback, then drops him with a backbreaker. Xavier ends up low blowing Bubba and smashing him with the title laying him out and Viper now grabs Xavier's shoulder. Xavier whips around and BAM, title to the head and down goes Viper. Xavier circles all the way around seeing no one up and now realizes he just laid out his partner and just stands in awe, then slowly exits the ring.

Nick: What the heck was that, Xavier just nailed his own partner, looked like an accident, but why is he leaving?

Frankie: It was an accident, he's just freaked out and don't worry, VX will continue to be a team.

We find AVD in the back now heading down the hall with a bottle of water in his hand just relaxing it seems when we hear a voice yell behind him. AVD turns and we see Ryan Cross hit him with a spear and take him down pounding away at him with a flurry of punches. AVD turns him over and punches him as well, the two roll down the hall like this just tearing into each other in a bad way. Ryan manages to get away and up on his feet, sees a metal pipe and grabs it cracking AVD over the head. He picks up AVD and runs him into a room, the medic room and grabs a scalpel slicing it over AVD's forehead. AVD screams, but gets his hand on a razor blade, sticks it in between his fingers and punches Ryan in the head several times slicing him open. Then two roll up over a table now and soon we see security rush in with Troy leading them and they breaks up the fight holding both men back who are relentless, but are seperated after a struggle. They are taken out of the room into the hall where we see Daddy Mack who says. 

D-Mack: Alright boys, since ya can't wait, since ya wnat each other so bad, fine, next week on Extreme, just six days before Heat Wave, you'll go one on one, Xtreme Title on the line as ya both in the fatal four way at Heat Wave, so a change of who holds it would not matter. The match though, something extreme, something hardcore, something like say a Scaffolding Match, forty feet in the air on a piece of scaffolding hung from the rafters, first one thrown off loses, let's see who can survive, who is hardcore.

Mack walks off nows both men still want to kill each other, but are content with the match and are hauled off from each other as we go back to ringside.

Nick: Wow, a Scaffolding match next week for the Xtreme Title, that is huge.

Frankie: Yea it is, those two guys are really at each others throats too.

Singles Match
SEF Intercontinental Championship
DeeJay George[c]
The Jackal 

Jackal makes the first contact when he charges Dj and unleashes on him, just pounds away at Dj sending him reeling into a corner. He pulls him out and whips him to the ropes following up with a clothesline sending Dj to the floor. Jackal runs the ropes and dives out at Dj for a suicide headbutt, but Dj sidesteps him and Jackal crashes hard into the guard rail and looks out of it.

Nick: My god, that had to take a lot of the wind out of Jackal.

Frankie: The dumb fuck should stay more focused and be calculated instead of wasting his career away.

DJ lifts up Jackal now and whips him to the steel steps smashing him shoulder first into them. He then lifts up Jackal and pulls him on top of the bottom steps, then delivers a piledriver. Jackal shakes now and is hurting it appears. DJ just rolls him into the ring and slides in now kneeling by Jackal and punches him several times. He stands up now and pulls up Jackal whipping him to the ropes. Dj attaempts a clothesline, but Jackal ducks, so DJ tries his Judgment Kick, but Jackal grabs DJ's leg and spins him around, lifts him up in a press slam, but Dj drops behind him. He spins Jackal around and hoists him up hitting Evilution and soon pins, 1.......2.......3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and still SEF Intercontinental Champion, DeeJay George!

The Game hits as Dj gets to his feet grinning as he holds his title high into the air.

Nick: A very fast paced match, but after Jackal went for that suicide headbutt he was doomed.

Frankie: Jackal is doomed because he is lazy!

We go backstage and into a locker room now to find Whitney Marret sitting on a sofa watching the TV, Extreme is what she is watching of course as she is ready for the next match, so she can scout her next opponent. The SEF Title lays on her lap and she just sits there sipping a bottle of water when the door opens and in walks Viper along with Xavier. They are both smiling and make their way over to the sofa. Whitney just looks up in disgust as Viper waves to her and Xavier grabs a steel chair, turns it around and sits down resting his arms on the back. Viper now takes a seat next to Whitney getting all close to her, Whitney pushes him and scoots over slightly. 

Whitney Marret: Great, what do you want?

Viper: Who, me? I was just dropping in to see you and maybe catch the main event, we could watch together maybe.

Whitney Marret: Right, that is your full intention, no harm to me, no games, please Viper, spare me.

Viper just holds his hands up in innocent fashion and smiles cheesily, but befor ehe can say a word, we hear a flush and the bathroom door soon opens. Xavier looks over as Viper turns his head and we see Mack come out now and without looking up he says.

D-Mack: Whoo, shoulda never had those burritos, damn!

The crowd cracks up and is heard all the way back there, but as well they rip off the roof cheering for him. Mack looks up and just smiles at Viper and Xavier, then makes his way over and hops up on the back of the sofa, then slides down in between Viper and Whitney putting an arm around both.

D-Mack: So what up V, yo X, nice of ya boys to drop in, now we got company to watch the rest of Extreme with. Ya all want me to pop some popcorn, I got the extra butter flavor, good shit

Xavier: Hell yea brotha, pop dat shit up!

Viper looks at Xavier, then shakes his head and stands now heading for the door.

Viper: Fuck you Mack, go to hell!

Mack just shrugs as Viper leaves and Xavier decides it best to make his exit now and we soon cut back to ringside.

Nick: Well interesting happening there, Viper and Xavier try to play Whitney, Mack wanted them to stay, they left.

Frankie: Mack is an ass, Viper is too good to stay around him.

Main Event
Fatal Four Way Elimination
#1 Contender To SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Andrew Velzian
Spike Dudley 

All four are in the ring and Velzian immediately charges Christine nailing her with punches. Spike and Juice trade blows in the ring and Juice gets the better of Spike when he ducks a punch and nails a reverse ddt. Velzian has Christine laid out and Juice now charges him with a spear taking him into a corner and lays in a few shoulder thrusts. He stands up and chops at Velzian, then whips him out to the ropes and looks for a clothesline. Velzian ducks it and comes back with a spinning kick staggering Juice, then pulls him down with a russian leg sweep. Spike grabs Velzian and sends him to the ropes, but Christine intercepts him off the ropes and tackles Velzian to the mat pounding on him with punches. Spike pulls up Juice now and elbows him into the ropes, then whips him across the ring and charges with a headbutt to the gut. Juice bends over and Spike jumps up, grabs his head and runs up the turnbuckles hitting the Dudley Dog and pins, 1........2.......3!

Nick: And Juice is gone, eliminated by Spike Dudley who is looking good so far.

Frankie: He won't last in this match.

Christine is on her feet and has Velzian up against the ropes. Spike hangs back, but decides to hell with it and runs over clotheslining them to the outside. Spike climbs the turnbuckles now and leaps off with a splash to both of them on the floor. He gets up and rams Christine into the ringpost, then slides her into the ring. Velzian has a chair in his hands and slides it in the ring now, then clubs Spike in the back and sends him crashing into the steel steps. Velzian rolls into the ring and lifts up Christine, whips her to the ropes and dropkicks her. He then rips her up and delivers a powerbomb, then places the chair over he head. Velzian goes to the top rope now and looks to leap off, but Spike is up on the apron and clubs him in the back, then climbs up and starts punching at Velzian. He stands about side to side with Velzian and grabs him for a Dudley Dog, but leaps off the top like an RKO off the top rope, sort of a modified Dudley Dog if you will and it lays Velzian out pretty good. Spike is hurt as well, but manages to crawl back over and get an arm over Velzian, 1.........2.........3!

Nick: The second elimination and done so by Spike, only he and Christine left.

Frankie: Damn, Velzian is who I thought would win it, now we got losers fighting for a huge spot.

Christine is up now and has the chair in her hands. She readies for a shot to take Spike's head off, but as he gets up, so does Velzian behind him and once both are on their feet, she swings. Spike ducks the shot and BAM, Velzian gets hit and goes down. Spike grabs the chair from Christine and smashes it over her head, then drops it and grabs her, runs up the turnbuckles hitting the Dudley Dog right on the chair and pins, 1..........2..........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and the number one contender to the SEF World Title, Spike Dudley!

Welcome To Dudleyville hits the pa as Spike stands to his feet and raises his hands in the air celebrating his victory. We see Bubba and D-Von come running out and hoist him their shoulders letting their lil bro have the spotlight as he did earn it.

Nick: An impressive win by Spike tonight and this is gonna be great, Spike Dudley and Whitney Marret at Heat Wave for the World Heavyweight Championship, two great friends going head to head.

Frankie: We'll see how long the friendship lasts cause remember, only one can be champ and the lengths some will go to win is long.

Nick: I know that, but true friendship can prevail no matter what, nothing wrong with sportsmanship among friends, but we'll see I guess, till then and goodnight people.

And Paranoid hits the pa now, we roam around the arena showing all the screaming fans who got night of action, but want more and as always, SEF will bring more week after week, but we now fade to black.

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