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Extreme 88 {2/6/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 20, 2014, 10:49:17 PM

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Daddy Mack

February 6th, 2006

So here we are for this week's edition of Extreme and were in The Ice Palace down in Tampa, Florida. The crowd is going crazy for the start of the show as we roam around the arena with our cameras and soon drop down to the commentators table. 

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme everyone and welcome to what looks like a hell of a show much like SEF always give. We have the Tag Titles on the line in a Ladder match with the Cross brothers challenging Impact X, should be a great main event and also Mack and McMoney both in singles matches.

Frankie Malone: Yea, Mack and Whitney Marret one on one in what should be a great ass kicking handed to Whitney.

Nick Miller: She could lose, but I have a feeling no matter who loses it'll be far from an ass kicking. Both are great and as Mack said, they are two of the best today.

Frankie Malone: So what, she's a chick and I know she is ok, but forget her. Matlock, who should be in line for the World Title, defends his International Title against Spike in a hardcore bout.

Nick Miller: That one has brutal intentions I foresee, plus we have Bubba Ray and Jason Price in action and McMoney faces Sandman in a singapore cane match.

Frankie Malone: A good looking show, hopefully Matlock does step his game up cause I wanna see him get the World Title and put shame to everyone.

Nick Miller: No doubt Matt could step up that big if he actually would do it, but we'll see if he will or if he could really put shame to anyone.

Singapore Cane Match
Michael McMoney
The Sandman 

McMoney slides in the ring with his cane now and Sandman lunges at him, but Mike rolls out of the way and jumps up. He swings his cane and Sandman sidesteps him, then catches him with a club to the back. Sandman whips him into the ropes and nails Mike with a powerslam, then gets up on his feet and comes off the ropes with a leg drop. Sandman grabs his cane now and thrusts it into the air, then stands over Mike aiming for his head. Mike suddenly rolls his feet up doing a backwards somersault and kicks the cane away, then he low blows Sandman and rolls him into a small package pin, 1..............2..............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Michael McMoney!

Perfect Strangers hits the pa now as Mike gets to his feet and Sandman sits up in awe and pissed off. We suddenly see Matlock come running out and slide in the ring behind Mike. He picks up a cane and cracks Mike in the back of the head, then brings it over his head and up against his neck choking him. Matt then steps to the side and slams Mike down hard, then using the cane he starts with some shots to the ribs, but we soon see Mack come running out now and slide into the ring. Matt drops the cane and runs now scurrying up the ramp while Mack helps his friend and partner.

Nick Miller: A rather short match, but afterwards we saw a start to something big possibly.

Frankie Malone: Well McMoney did start shit last week, Matlock was returning the favor.

We cut into the back now where Matt is seen heading down the hall grinning when of course, Jack Hines stops him. 

Jack Hines: Hey Matt, few quick words on what just happened?

Matt Matlock: Well Jack, think about it, last week that son of a bitch McMoney jumped me, so I figure why not show him the same courtesy.

Jack Hines: Makes sense I suppose, but what about Mack coming out, the two are friends and we all know you and Mack's past, this could be bad for you.

Matt Matlock: Jack, everyone wants me to step up and so I figure if I do, Impact X stands no chance and I'll prove it if Mack gets in my way.

Jack Hines: Just like ya proved it in the Prison Yard?

Matt Matlock: Shut up Jack! That was a year and a half ago, I fucked up, but remember, last time I faced Mack, we went to a draw, next time, I win, not move!

Matt not letting him just shoves by Jack as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Seems like Matt is getting the urge to do it, he says he will, but will he finally step up?

Frankie Malone: he definitely makes good points, I'd love to see him do what he said.

Non Title Singles Match
Shane Mack
Whitney Marret 

Both are in the ring and we see them go face to face, Mack smirking at Whitney who just looks up into his eyes. They back up a bit and circle each other, then move into a lock up and Mack really uses his footing to back up Whitney hard into a corner slamming her against the turnbuckles. The ref calls for a clean break and actually gets it. Whitney steps out and they look for another lock up, but she goes behind Mack looking for a hammerlock. Whitney drops down and looks to trip up Mack, but he leaps up and backwards over Whitney's head, backs into the ropes and dropkicks the back of her head sending her facedown.

Nick Miller: Wow, an excellent counter by Mack.

Mack pulls up Whitney now and walks her into a corner, then lays in a few hard chops against her chest. He whips her across the ring to the opposite corner, then charges across leaping up for a splash. Whitney manages to duck down and just as Mack comes crashing down she leaps up backdropping him all the way over the ringpost. Mack does an unorthodoxed flip in the air and comes landing facedown on the floor. The crowd going crazy now and Whitney turning, then sliding out of the ring.

Nick Miller: My god what a crazy flip and hard landing.

Frankie Malone: Yea, but I bet Mack comes back and kicks ass.

Whitney pulls up Mack now and slams his head into the ring steps, then she whips him backfirst into the commentators table and charges clotheslining him on top of it. Whitney rolls into the ring and gets up looking to climb the ropes when we see all of Triple X come running to the ring. Ryan Cross is first in and Whitney who is on the second rope leaps off turning in mid air to deliver a dropkick to Ryan. She gets up and kicks Travis in the head now, then ducks a punch by D-Von and Mack is seen tackling him into a corner. The two start trading punches now as Whitney lifts Travis up, but Ryan nails her from behind with a clubbing blow.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this, Triple X has no business being out here.

Suddenly we see McMoney come bolting out and he clotheslines Ryan, then punches Travis and delivers Money Talks to him. Mack ends up clotheslining D-Von out of the ring and McMoney sends Travis out as well. He turns to help up Whitney and we see Matlock come into the ring and club Mack in the back, then drop him with a reverse ddt and roll out of the ring. McMoney and Whitney turn and check on Mack while Matt just backs up with a smirk.

Nick Miller: Well apparently we got a no contest for our match, but the bigger story, what is Triple X's gameplan and what is Matt's?

Frankie Malone: Well Triple X got tossed out, but Matlock, he is just stepping up and it seems he is doing ok at it.

Hardcore Match
SEF International Championship
Matt Matlock(c)
Spike Dudley 

Matlock is at ringsid when Spike comes flying out through the ropes colliding with him on the floor and just kneels up hammering him with punches. Spike gets up and strips off the title from Matt, then waits for him to get up nad bashes him in the head with it. Spike tosses the title down and lifts up Matt looking for the Dudley Dog off the steps, but Matt hangs on to him and runs Spike to the guard rail dropping him split legged over it. Spike yells in pain as Matt recovers some, then clotheslines him off the railing into the crowd.

Nick Miller: Ooh, a nasty drop on to the rail for Spike.

Frankie Malone: He's lucky he has a kid cause he may have no more now.

Spike rolls from the rail and gets up to his feet, then Matt carefully gets on the rail and leaps off with a double axe handle smash to Spike's back dropping on the floor. He starts hammering Spike with punches, then lifts him up looking to run him towards trhe back when Spike kicks him low. Some fans are handing their beers towards him and Spike grabs one, takes a drink, then smashes it into Matt's face. Spike then runs him a rail where the bleachers are and smashes Matt's head into that. He delivers a ddt to him, then climbs up on the bleachers and looks for some highflying move. Matt though grabs some fan and pulls them in front of him as he gets to his feet, so Spike scratches the move not wanting to hurt a fan.

Nick Miller: What a low move by Matt, shoving a fan in front of him.

Frankie Malone: Smart of ya ask me, he knows Spike won't hurt a fan, using it to his advantage.

Matt shoves the fan into Spike, then runs off towards th eback ducking behind the curtain. Spike comes chasing after him and just as he head sthrough the curtain we see Matt drop him with a steel pole to the head. Matt then grabs a chair laying on a rack with several more and clobbers Spike in the head with that busting him wide open. He pulls Spike to his feet and delivers Animal Instincts right on the floor, then pins, 1.............2...............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and still the SEF International Champion, Matt Matlock!

Getting Away With Murder hits the pa as Matt stands up thrusting his hands in the air. Then we see a foot come into view and BAM, Matt is flat on his back and we see Mack standing over him after deliver the Shows Ova. He looks down at Matt with a smirk, then reaches down to Spike offering a hand up. Spike looks up at Mack, takes his hand and gets up. Mack just nods to him, puts an arm around Spike and they walk off down the hall as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Looks like Mack got a lil payback opf his own, but was that an offer of friendship or partnership or both to Spike?

Frankie Malone: Who knows, who cares, but Matlock will get his revenge!

Singles Match
Bubba Ray Dudley
Jason Price 

No one comes out for the match and we soon cut to the back inside the Dudley locker room where Bubba is seen laying on the floor, his camo shirt ripped halfway off and blood gushing out of his head. EMT's are rushing in now and we cut back to ringside now.

Nick Miller: Well what the hell, who did that to Bubba?

Frankie Malone: Like I know? Maybe it was Jason Price.

Nick Miller: Seems like if he did it the guy would show up and get a count out win, I haven't seen him anywhere today.

Frankie Malone: Well who knows then, its a just a stinking Dudley.

Nick Miller: I think Bubba would like to know or he may knows unless it was a sneak attack, so we'll see I guess, guess the match isn't happening.

We go to the back where we find Spike talking to Whitney somewhere in the hall, his head bandaged up now. 

Spike Dudley: So I asked to see you cause I need to clear this up. We are friends and nothing will come between us, but I would like a rematch as I never said I don't want one.

Whitney Marret: Oh, I'm sorry Spike, I ju-

Just then we see D-Von come walking up and shove Spike.

D-Von Dudley: What's this, you want a title shot, well too damn bad Spike. I earned it by beating Mack, I pinned him and the next title shot is mine!

Spike Dudley: Hey you hothead, I earned that title and everyone has a rematch, one rematch after losing it, so my right is as much as yours.

We see Sean Martin walk up now behind them and stay undected till he speaks.

Sean Martin: You both have a right for the title, doesn't matter who gets their match first.

They turn to face Sean and we see Mack and McMoney come walking by for their match when Mack stops puts an arm around Sean.

Shane Mack: That title, Whitney's title, well hell, what about my rematch I never got when I lost to Spike? Everyone gets one, right?

D-Von Dudley: I beat you Mack, I earned the match, you lost it.

Shane Mack: Ok dippity do dah, you beat me for the contendership, not my rematch, so you and your lil band of bitches you ripped off from a group in TNA can bite me.

D-Von gets pissed and McMoney lets him know he's here, so D-Von just stays still.

Sean Martin: You know, you all make great points, you all could very well deserve a shot at the SEF World Title, so maybe I have an idea to give you all a shot. Next week on Extreme we have a Fatal Four Way Elimination match for the World Heavyweight Title. Shane Mack versus D-Von Dudley versus Spike Dudley versus Whitney Marret, sound good to all of you?

Shane Mack: Yea, but why not save that shit for our pay per view, I can wait as I got patience, something that is a virtue.

Sean Martin: True, but who knows what the future of SEF may hold, who knows if SEF has a future!

Sean walks off now leaving them in cofusion, but Mack and and McMoney walk off for their match. D-Von heads down the hall and Spike talks more with Whitney as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: A hell of a match made for next week on Extreme and what was Sean hinting at, no more future for SEF?

Frankie Malone: I don't know, that's crazy, but a hell of a match it sounds like.

Main Event
Tag Team Ladder Match
SEF World Tag Team Championship
Shane Mack(c) & Michael McMoney(c)
Travis Cross & Ryan Cross 

Travis and Ryan are in the ring now and we hear the theme of Impact X blasting over the pa as Mack and McMoney are coming down the ramo now. They pass the ladder, each stepping around it, then look up at the titles hanging above the ring. Travis and Ryan do the same now and we see Mack and McMoney slide in the ring, then jump up and meet their opponents with punches. Mack hammers Ryan into a corner as Mike and Travis trade punches a bit before Mike nails a knee to Travis' gut and turns him into a backbreaker. He stands up and Mack whips Ryan out to Mike who delivers a powerslam. Mack is out of the ring now and he grabs the ladder sliding it in.

Nick Miller: The ladder is coming into play already, could be over soon or just getting dangerous.

Mack rolls in now and Mike has the ladder set up, but Travis is up and clubs him in the back. Mack flies over with a forearm smash sending Travis staggering backwards into a corner. Mack starts chopping away at him as Mike lifts up Ryan and sends him into the ropes looking for a back body drop. Ryan kicks him in the head though and clotheslines him soon after. He then looks up the ladder and starts climbing, but looks back to Mack who left Travis be and starts after himself. Ryan leaps down with a splash on to Mack taking him to the mat and rolls off. Travis comes outta the corner and picks up Mack, whips him to the ropes and catches him for a powerslam, but Mack slips through and shoves Travis into the ladder, then grabs him in a waistlock and delivers a german suplex. Ryan kicks Mack in the ribs, then Mike comes charging at Ryan and backs him into a corner nailing a few shoulder thrusts. Mack gets to his feet and sets the ladder back up, then he starts climbing it. Mike lifts Ryan up on the top rope, punches him a few times, then turns and nails Trvis with a right hand and whips him into the corner right into Ryan on the top rope. Mack is still on the ladder and nearing the top as Mike grabs Travis and hits a russian leg sweep. He gets up and climbs up the ropes punching Ryan, then sets him up for Money Talks and nails it off the top rope.

Nick Miller: My god what a way to his his finisher, that had to hurt.

Frankie Malone: No shit and it seems Mack has the titles.

And that he does, Mack unstraps the second title and holds them high into the air.

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners and still the SEF World Tag Team Champions, Shane Mack and Michael McMoney!

The Impact X theme hits the pa and Mack drops the title down to the mat. He signals to Mike to lay Ryan and and Travis side to side and he does, then Mack leaps off the ladder with the frog splash rolling off holding his ribs. Mike grabs the titles and helps up Mack now as the crowd goes nuts and chants for Impact X.

Nick Miller: That was a hell of a move to cap off the win for Mack's team and a great match it was.

Frankie Malone: Yea, it was good, we saw some good action through the night as well.

Nick Miller: That we did and the news of the fatal four way for next week is astonishing, I can't wait and I'm sure no one else can, so we'll see ya then, take care everyone and good night.

We pan up over the crowd now, Impact X is still in the ring flaunting their gold and we soon fade to black.

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