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Extreme 100 {5/7/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 20, 2014, 11:49:28 PM

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Daddy Mack

May 7th, 2006

Our first show on Sunday night and we open up inside the Cobo Arena for Extreme! "F'ck Off" plays over the pa as the camera roams around the arena and we soon drop down to the ringside.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme on its new night, Sunday night and we got a good show for ya all tonight. Two titles on the line and one is the SEF Title which Mack defends against New Jack in a stairway to hell match!

Frankie Malone: Time for Mack to show that waste of space New Jack just why Sandman couldn't handle the showsteala!

Nick Miller: We'll see, New Jack still has tricks up his sleeve. Oddly our other title on the line is Sandman's King of the Cage title which he defends against Neo Monoxide, Chris Orton, and Spike Dudley.

Frankie Malone: Should be an interesting fatal four way inside a cage, hopefully all these idiots just beat each other senseless.

Nick Miller: No doubt they will try, but idiots I wouldn't call them, just some tough sumbitches. Sorta like Bubba Ray, Ryan Cross, and Dean Estinhouse who clash in a triple threat.

Frankie Malone: Pfft, Bubba and Ryan may be somewhat tough, but Dean will destroy them, he is what he says and he is the future of SEF!

Nick Miller: I won't argue that he is a promising young talent, but tonbight is no walk in the park. Whitney and Blaze clash tonight as well and two other women do the same, Leyla and Jennifer Arsonal.

Frankie Malone: Who cares, only thing good that could happen in those matches is wardrobe malfuctions!

Nick Miller: Your hopeless!

We see Blaze in the ring ready for the first match of the night and making her up the steps now is Whitney. Mack stands at ringside in his gear with his title around his waist just smirking. Whitney enters the ring now and unstraps her title, looks to set it down, but suddenly whips around throwing it at Blaze who catches it. Whitney catches Blaze with some punches now, then whips her to the ropes and catches her with a hiptoss. Whitney rips her up and sends Blaze into a corner, then charges her with a clothesline. Blaze ducks out quickly and ends up dropping Whitney with a neckbreaker.

Nick Miller: As expected, fast paced action so far between these two kick ass women.

Frankie Malone: Mainly dominated by Whitney till Blaze got that cheap shot.

Nick just looks confused as Blaze gets to her feet in the ring. She pulls up Whitney who starts firing away with punches, then grabs Blaze's head and drops down with a jawbreaker. Blaze staggers back into the ropes where Mack pulls down the top one and she goes tumbling out to the floor. The ref yells at Mack to keep out of it as Blaze starts up to her feet. Whitney comes sliding at her with a baseball slide dropkick sending Blaze to the floor. Whitney slides out to her feet and kicks at Blaze, then lifts her up and throws her into the ring steps. Mack has a bottle of.....lighter fluid?!

Nick Miller: What the hell?

He tosses a book of matches to Whitney, then squirts fluid all over Blaze's left arm and drops the bottle backing up. Whitney strikes a match and grins evily, then tosses it on Blaze's arm. Flames shoot up sending her arm into a blaze as Blaze rolls on the floor trying to put it out. Whitney and Mack just back up the ramp smirking now as a couple guys run out with an extuinguisher and a blanket putting the fire out.

Nick Miller: Good god!

Frankie Malone: That was awesome, way to go Whitney!

Nick Miller: You sick bastard!

The ref apparently throws the match, no official word on it, but Blaze obviously can't continue as her arm looks like she has at least second degree burns. Mack and Whitney just make their exit as the crowd boos them.

We cut to the back where the Commissioner, Sly is standing in a hall and holding, what, the Brass Knuckles Title?

Sly: New Jack can try the tricks he wants, but sad fact for his lame ass is that this belt stays in SEF, it will not be burnt up and forgotten and since he is leaving for the so called, "better" company, f'ck him! Next week on Extreme we'll be having a match to determine a new champ for this belt, the match, not sure yet, but one will be booked, so keep an eye on the card, all of you!

And so we now cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Sly has the Brass Knuckles Title that we saw burned by New Jack, odd.

Frankie Malone: Not really, maybe New Jack's was a replica!?

The cage is lowered around the ring and inside it we see Orton, Spike, and Neo all waiting for the champ. Sandman is coming over the guard rail now and he smashes his empty beer can to his head, then throws his title to the ref and climbs up into the cage with his cane. He swings at Neo who ducks and Orton charges Sandman smashing him to the cage with a clothesline. Spike leaps up with a dropkick sending Orton facefirst to the cage, then gets up to be met with punches by Neo. Orton and Sandman start brawling near the cage as well. neo gets Spike into a corner, then climbs up the ropes raining down on him with punches. Spike manages to charge out dropping Neo with a running powerbomb. Orton sends Sandman reeling and starts smashing him into the cage cutting him open more since he was bleeding from the beer can anyways. Spike comes charging over now and orton sidesteps him letting Sandman get smashed against the cage. Orton then grabs Spike and drops him with a backbreaker.

Nick Miller: Good match so far, all these men want to win as they should.

Orton pulls up Neo now and runs him into a corner, but Neo quickly gets a foot up and blocking the head smash, elbows Orton in the gut, then runs up the ropes and springboards off with a hurricanrana taking Orton down. Neo comes off the ropes and kicks Orton in the gut, then Sandman comes up and clotheslines Neo. Sandman leans on the ropes, but Neo is up quick and the two start trading punches. Spike gets up and starts climbing the ropes looking to win. Sandman knees Neo in the gut, then drops him with a ddt. He gets up and grabs his cane, then goe sover nailing Spike in the back. Sandman climbs up after him now as Neo gets up and drops Orton with a swinging neckbreaker, then heads up the cage opposite Spike. Sandman is level with Spike now and executes a russian leg sweep sending Spike to the mat, but Sandman hangs on to the cage. Orton sprints up to his feet and gets on the ropes clubbing Sandman in the back, then he grabs Sandman and nails the Sexy Slam down to the mat.

Nick Miller: All three men down and Neo is nearing the top of the cage.

Orton crawls to the door now which opens and he gets on his feet looking to step out of the door. Neo is over the top and heading down. Dean Estinhouse comes running down and comes to the door, grabs it and slams it into orton's head sending him flying backwards to the mat. Neo drops down to the floor now winning the match.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner and the new SEF King Of The Cage Champion, Neo Monoxide!

Revenge hits the pa as Neo grabs his title and makes an exit. Dean gets in the ring now and pulls up a now bloody Orton ramming him into the cage. Sandman rolls out the door and staggers up the ramp now as Spike gets up and clears his head. He grabs the cane in the ring and starts nailing Dean in the legs with it, but Shane Mack comes running down with McMoney who carries a chain. They get into the cage and face off with Spike now, Dean looks to all three, then suudenly boots Spike in the head knocking him flat. Mack smirks and grabs Orton tossing him out of the cage, then he shuts the door and locks it with a padlock. McMoney wraps the chain around Spike's neck now and with Dean's help runs him headfirst into the cage several times busting him open.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this all about?

Frankie Malone: A message to Bubba, who knows? One less Dudley in SEF hopefully!

They chain Spike to the cage now as Mack pulls some brass knuckles out putting them on his hand. He grabs the cane though and nails a hard shot to Spike's throat, then drops it and punches him in the ribs a few times. Spike coughs up blood and Mack just raises up Spike's chin, steps back doing a crotch chop, then turns and nails Da Shows Ova to Spike which just drives his head against the cage. His head hangs dopwn as he appears out of it, his neck may be hurt with his history of problems and the whiplash from the kick. The crowd just boos heavily now as Mack undoes the padlock and motions for Dean to leave now and as he does Mack pats him on the back. Dean just smirks and leaves as Mack and McMoney soon head out and EMT's come in the ring to help Spike.

Nick Miller: If this was a message for Bubba I'd say Mack is a dead man!

Frankie Malone: Not likely, Mack had Bubba's number and will simply beat him once again if he has to.

We cut to the back where we see Mack and McMoney laughing up what they just did as they get backstage. Julie and Whitney greet them with smiles and the four head to their room talking.

D-Mack: man, I wonder where Viper was, cat was suppiosed to help us out there.

McMoney: Yea, but least that big dude Dean helped us, cool guy.

Just then Sly comes walking out of IX's room and comes face to face with Mack, they were close, so he heard what was just said.

Sly: Funny who mention Viper, but he will no longer be around because Viper has been released from SEF.

D-Mack: What!?

Sly: The guy wants to show up on my shows, but not wrestle yet he signs with another company, well he is gone now and if you don't like it, go join him.

Mack just smirks now.

D-Mack: Pfft, you'd like that considering I am the one man you can't fire, iron clad contract for four years now.

Sly: But I am your boss and I make you wish you would quit!

D-Mack: Never!

Sly just smiles and steps aside letting IX in their room, then walks off.

Nick Miller: Interesting showdown there and Viper released, crazy!

Frankie Malone: Sly better watch who he talks to, Mack is the man around here.

In the ring is Jennifer Arsonal and Leyla. The two women lock up and Jen backs up Leyla to a corner. The ref calls for a clean break and they give it. Leyla comes charging out though and gets hiptossed by Jen who then comes off the ropes dropping and elbow to her. Jen moves into a sleeper, but Leyla fights up and elbows Jen in the stomach. She runs the ropes and come scharging back, but Jen leaps up and brings Leyla down with a hurricanrana. Jen gets up and climbs the ropes, then as Leyla gets up she leaps off with the Loaded Trigger and rolls into a pin, 1.........2..........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Jennifer Arsonal!

Bullets hits the pa now as Jen gets up celebrating her victory!

Nick Miller: A quick match for Jen, guess Leyla isn't much of a wrestler.

Frasnkie Malone: No, but she can come see after the show and I'll help her recover!

Nick Miller: Geez man, stop already!

Were all set for the triple threat and we find Dean in the ring with Ryan at ringside now and he slides in. Dean charges, but Ryan gets up ducking his clothesline and comes flying off the ropes with a dropkick to Dean's right knee. Bombfall plays over the pa as we see Bubba Ray come running down to the ring and slide in. Ryan is kicking at the back of Dean's knee as Bubba suddenly comes running into the ropes and then at Dean sending him down with a clothesline.

Nick Miller: Lil teamwork by Bubba and Ryan early on.

Frankie Malone: No fair, its supposed to everyone for themselves.

The teamwork is short lived as Ryan clubs Bubba in the back, then turns him around nailing a couple european uppercuts on him, then lifts up Bubba hitting a snap suplex. Dean is up and sends a boot to Ryan's head, then lifts him up and sends him into the ropes looking for a big boot. Ryan holds on to the ropes and Bubba soon gets up behind Dean looking for a full nelson. Ryan comes charging Dean for a clothesline, but he isn't locked in by Bubba and moves ou tof the way causing Bubba to take the clothesline and go down. Dean clubs Ryan in the back now, then lifts him up pump handle style nailing a powerslam and pins, 1.........2.........kickout!

Frankie Malone: What, damn it ref, that was three!

Nick Miller: A close two count, but two nonetheless.

Dean gets to his feet yelling at the ref and shoves him, but Joe not one to take it gets in his face and tells him the way it is, gets those crazy eyes and looks ready to fight. Dean just waves him off and turns back to Bubba who starts letting some classic Bubba punches fly landing there mark on Dean's jaw. Bubba gets Dean reeling and backs up doing his gesture, then buries an elbow to Dean's head staggering him more. Bubba backs up to the ropes and comes at Dean with a double axe handle, but Dean suddenly grabs Bubba and nails a powerslam on him and looks for a pin, 1.....Ryan flies off the ropes with an elbow to the back of Dean. He gets up and starts kicking away at Dean, then backs up to the ropes and comes running at him delivering a straight kick to his head. Dean rolls to the ropes and Bubba is up now catching Ryan with some punches, then whips him into a corner and charges at him with a running splash. Dean is outon the floor kneeling down as Bubba pulls Ryan from the corner and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He goes up the rope snow getting on the middle and leaps off with a sitting senton only he misses when Ryan rolls out of the way. Dean lunges at the timekeeper knocking him down, then grabs his chair and slides in the ring.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this?

Ryan is up and BAM, chairshot from Dean. Bubba sits up and gets one as well, then the ref manages to grab the chair and get it from the ring. He gets in Dean's face yelling at him not to be doing that. Dean just blows him off knowing that in a triple threat he can get away with it. He soon pulls up Ryan and looks for the Final Call, but somehow Ryan manages to counter with a hurricanrana.

Nick Miller: Hell of a counter by Ryan!

Frankie Malone: Noooo!

Dean is getting up quick, but Ryan is already up and firing away at him with punches. Bubba manages to get up and bounces himself off the ropes nailing a spear on Dean taking him down. Ryan gets on the top rope as Bubba rolls away and Ryan leaps off with Freedom of Sound on Dean staying on him for the pin, 1.........2.........Bubba clubs Ryan in the back. He pulls him up and nails a german suplex on Ryan, then gets to his feet and looks at both men down, then to the crowd who are cheering and chanting. Bubba looks crazy and suddenly snaps and the fans start yelling, "BUBBA, Get The Tables!" And so Bubba exits the rings, gets a table and slides in the ring. He climbs up on the apron, but Mack and McMoney come running down to ringside and clobber him in the back, then they climb up and nail a double russian leg sweep taking Bubba to the floor.

Nick Miller: GODDAMN IT! When is this gonna stop?

Frankie just looks wide eyed at Nick for what he said. Mack and McMoney smirk as they back up the ramp looking like their mission is accomplished, but Neo Monoxide comes out and slams a chair to McMoney's back sending him to the ramp on his face. Neo turns to Mack who quickly fires some punches causing the chair to drop and Neo fires back. Ryan in the ring is on the top rope and he flies off at Dean who is on his feet and counters the cross body with a backbreaker. Chris Orton suddenly bolts down the ramp with a bandaged head from earlier and slides in the ring charging Dean spearing him into a corner. Orton starts hammering Dean with a fury just going to town on him. Bubba is getting to his feet now and he looks in the ring at Ryan down, but turns seeing Neo battle Mack and mouths, "f'ck it".

Nick Miller: Seems Bubba would rather take out Mack than try and win the match.

Frankie Malone: Dumbass Dudley, bet hey, match is over anyways probably.

Bubba stomps up the ramp and pulls Mack around laying in some punches on him, Neo nails some, then the two look for a double suplex. Julie comes running out and buries a ballbat into Neo's ribs, then slams it against his head knocking him down. Mack hammers Bubba in the gut now, then Julie charges him sending the bat into his head at the same time Mack slams him down adding extra force. The two head into the ring now and club Ryan in the back, then Mack hits a russian leg sweep. Julie goes up top and comes off with frog splash as Mack hammers Orton in the back.

Nick Miller: This is a damn mugging, this horrible, its bullshit!

Frankie Malone: Geez man, your irate tonight.

Orton whips around hammering Mack back, but Julie is up now and comes over double teaming Orton. He still fights, but Dean gets up and clubs Orton in the back. Mack whips Orton to the ropes and Dean readies for a big boot, but mack nails Da Shows Ova before he can flooring Orton. Dean just eyes him and smirks. McMoney rolls in the ring holding his back now and stands with Mack and Julie while Dean hangs back behind them and they sorta admire the carnage, the fans booing like crazy and suddenly we see Sly come out on the stage with a mic and he actually gets a cheer.

Sly: Nice work Mack, way to go, hope youy happy!

Sly claps sarcastically as Mack smirks all smug like.

Sly: Dean, you may like what Mack did, you may be fine with having all these people beat down, but I am not and I am the Commissioner, the boss! Since Mack wants to be involved so badly in this match, next week he'll be thrown in with all you in a six man tag match, but not three on three. It'll be Mack and Dean against Orton, Neo, Ryan, and Bubba Ray!

The crowd goes insane for this and cheers like crazy as Mack and Dean just look pissed.

Sly: And by the way, if your team loses Mack, then Neo and Ryan get a Tag Title shot against the champs, Julie and Whitney!

Julie looks pissed now, Ryan and Orton are out of the ring recovering as is Bubba and Neo, all four smiling at hearing the news as they stagger to the back. Mack just looks back at Dean and nods to him letting him know to step it up and holds a fist out at him. Dean nods back and touches his fist to Mack's showing he will and everyone in the ring clears as Sly heads to the back.

Nick Miller: Holy shit, that's a huge match for next week and what odds against IX, I love it!

Frankie Malone: Are you kidding, its so unfair, this unjust and Sly ha sno right to do it.

Nick Miller: I'd say he does, he is the boss!

We cut backstage where we see Mack parting ways with McMoney and Julie who head off to the locker room. Whitney joins Mack now ready for the main event when Sly comes up to Mack with a smirk. Mack just looks at him suspiciously.

Sly: Ya know, I forgot to inform you fo something when we were there.

D-Mack: Oh, and just what is that, "boss"!

Sly: Our next pay per view will be When Worlds Collide and it will be the 28th of this month and the main event will be a rematch for Bubba Ray against you for the SEF Title!

The crowd can be heard cheer all the way back here and Mack looks mad.

D-Mack: What the f'ck has his fat ass done to deserve a rematch!

Sly: I'd say how you won last Sunday justifies it.

D-Mack: What'd he do, go to you and bitch, moan, and whine for a rematch?

Sly: Actually no. Bubba hasn't talked to me in a while, I don't think he likes me as many don't, but like you I don't care. I am doing this for SEF and Bubba versus you equals ratings and by the way Mack, just to make sure this stays between you two, ya know, one on one. I am making this a match you know very well, a good ol' DOGG Fight!

Mack arches a brow and well it shard to read him now, one might think he would be mad, but he just seems to be thinking and soon turns away from Sly who grabs Mack's arm turning him back.

Sly: One more thing, in two weeks, providing you win tonight, you will face Ryan Cross in a hardcore match and yea, for the SEF Title. That's it, take care Mack!

Sly pats Mack on the shoulder, then walks off as Mack just rolls his eyes and walks off with Whitney.

Nick Miller: Wow, that's a huge main event for our next pay per view and not to mention Ryan's shot in two weeks.

Frankie Malone: This a consipiracy against Mack to get the belt off him, but it won't work cause no one beats Daddy Mack!

Were ready for the main event now and above the ring hands the ball of razor sharp barbed wire, the real shit. New Jack is already in the ring which he has filled full of his weapons out of his shopping cart and stands in the middle of it holding a sickle and a staple gun. Cocky plays over the pa as Mack is coming down the ramp follows by Whitney, a ladder stands at ringside which he slides around and disrobes, hands his title to Whitney and then hops up on the apron. Jack drops the gun and lunges at Mack with the sickle, but he leaps back while holding the top rope and comes sliding under the bottom rope under Jack's legs. Mack pops up to his feet as Jack turns swinging the sickle like a madman. Mack dodges it in time and kicks Jack in the kneecap, then hammers him in the head with some rights and nails a few chops to his chest. Mack whips him to the ropes and charges with a cross body, but Jack ducks it and Mack lands near the ropes. Jack grabs a toaster and turns clocking Mack right in the head, then he pulls a fork from his belt and starts jabbing it into Mack's forehead.

Frankie Malone: That ain't right, this isn't dinner time, its a wrestling match.

Nick Miller: Its a hardcore match, so anything goes!

Blood drops from his head and Jack drops the fork, then grabs his sickle and tries some carving, but Mack rolls away from him and turns back nailing Jack with some punches, then hits a snap suplex. Mack grabs the sickle now and kicks Jack over, puts a foot on his head and starts jabbing the sickle into his back. Jack screams in pain as we see blood start to soak the back of his shirt. Mack soon tosses it away, then runs the ropes and comes back with a baseball slide dropkick hitting Jack in the head. Mack gets to his feet and hops outta the ring, folds up the ladder and slides it in. He gets a steel chair and brings that in, waits for Jack to get up, then slams him over the head letting the chair stay wrapped around him as he falls.

Nick Miller: Oooh, hard shot by Mack and New Jack is down.

Mack sets the ladder up and steadies it, then starts climbing, Jack getting up and trying to get up the ladder. The crowd cheers like crazy though and Sandman comes running down with his cane and slides in the ring.

Frankie Malone: No, he has no right being out here!

Mack sees Sandman and quickly leaps off the ladder splashing down on Sandman taking him to the mat. Mack starts hammering Sandman with punches as New Jack climbs the ladder going for the razor wire. Mack gets up and climbs up the other side now, but Sandman follows him closely. Mack and Jack near the top when Sandman slams a fist across Mack's back, then climbs up to him and tries getting him down. McMoney comes running out and hits the ring, grabs the chair and climbs up slamming Jack in the back, then pulls him down and nails a reverse ddt off the ladder.

Nick Miller: This is turning into a tag match, but the title is still on the line, just no rules, crazy!

Mack and Sandman are trading punches on the ladder when McMoney tries climbing up under them and grabbing at Sandman's legs. He kicks at him, but Mack gets the upperhand with punches, then slams Sandman's head off the ladder and pulls him off into a side effect to the mat. McMoney has jumped out of the way and grabs the cane slamming it into Sandman's ribs, Jack is up and nails a football tackle on him sending McMoney's head bouncing off the bottom turnbuckle hard. Mack has a vcr and smashes it over Jack's back, then grabs him and delivers a release german suplex. Mack heads up the ladder and gets almost to the top when Sandman starts up it. McMoney makes it up though and comes behind Sandman with some clubbing blows allowing Mack to get up top and unhook the ball of razor wire.

Frankie Malone: Oh yea, Mack is in complete control now!

McMoney sends Sandman into a corner and charges him, but gets kicked in the face and clotheslined. New Jack charges the ladder and tackles it sending it over and Mack over the top rope landing on the floor, the wire flying up the ramp some. Sandman looks at Jack and motions for him to take care of Mack, then he heads out on the other side looking under the ring. Jack heads out after the wire, but Whitney comes from behind smashing Jack in the back of his head with the SEF Title.

Nick Miller: Damn it, forgot about her, now its three on one!

Frankie Malone: Never forget about Whitney, she'll make ya sorry ya did!

Sandman is sliding a table in the ring with a bottle of lighter fluid. He slides in and sets it up, then sets the bottle on it and grabs his cane laying in some shots to McMoney. Whitney helps Mack up who gets the wire and starts wrapping it around Jack's head like a mummy. Blood comes from Jack's head and Mack's hands, Mack lifts him up and runs Jack into the ringpost sending him flying to the floor. Mack rolls him in the ring, then slides in behind Sandman who soon turns and the two lock eyes. Julie suddenly runs out and slides in behind Sandman charging him with a clothesline. Mack catches Sandman with an uppercut, then drops him with a ddt. Mack grabs the lighter fluid and squirts it all on the table, then Julie holds up matches. Mack gets New Jack on the top rope and climbs up with him. McMoney is laying into Sandman as Julie watches on and Whitney watches from ringside. Julie lights a match and throws it on the table sending flames shooting way up, then Mack stands on the top rope and snaps back with a superplex sending Jack down through the flaming table and after hitting both men roll away quickly as the crowd starts chanting holy shit.

Nick Miller: My god that was crazy, New Jack may be done.

Frankie Malone: Well yea, Mack has his number.

Julie just backs up as Mack grabs Jack's arm and locks him in the Show Strangla, the barbed wire around his neck digging into Mack's legs, but he locks it in tight anyways. McMoney drops Sandman with Money Talks and we see Bubba Ray, Chris Orton, Neo Monoxide, and Ryan Cross come running down the ramp. behind them is Dean Estinhouse with a chair and he sends Ryan crumpling into the ring steps, then delivers a knock out shot to Neo. Bubba and Orton enter the ring and brawl with Julie and McMoney, but Dean enters the ring and slams the chair across Orton's back. McMoney drops him with Money Talks, then Dean raises the chair over Bubba who drops Julie and turns punching Dean. He drops the chair and Bubba rocks him, but McMoney has a cookie sheet and slams it into Bubba's face, then Dean drops Bubba with a big boot. Jack has finally had enough and taps to Mack.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by submission and still the SEF Champion, Shane Mack!

Cocky hits as Mack lets him go and gets to his feet. Whitney comes in the ring celebrating with him as she hands him the title.

Nick Miller: A tainted victory as the ring was filled with about half the roster or close to it, but still a brutal and bloody match.

Frankie Malone: Tainted my ass, Mack whooped New Jack's ass plain and simple!

Cocky still plays as Mack holds the title and Whitney, Julie next to her and McMoney next to Mack as Dean leaves the ring now, but we focus on Impact X doing crotch chops to the booing crowd as we end our show and fade to black.

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