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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 134 {6/22/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 21, 2014, 11:06:33 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 22nd, 2009

So were still in Cali over in the San Jose Arena for Extreme and the opening pyro blasts off the stage lighting it up in here and pumping up these fans. This sold out crowd is in a frenzy like all other crowds and we hear "A New Level" by Pantera come over the pa as our cameras roam all over the place.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme, to Monday Night Extreme foir one night only. Tonight is the start of the King of SEF tournament and we have four first round matches taking place with one being our main event, Nick Torres against Mack! Our World Champ faces a rival from elsewhere Matt Ward in a first round match and we got a six person tag match with the alliance of Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez facing Jordan Brooks, Storm, and Taylor Johnson. Two more first round matches see the Drakmen brothers in singles action against Suicide hank and Killa Wolf respectively. Should be a good start to the tournament and yet another good Extreme, so lets get on with it.

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Josh Drakmen v. Suicide Hank

Hank did the usual and ran in from the crowd behind Josh knocking him down with a singapore cane, tossed it out and put the boots to him hard. He tossed Josh around the ring a bit, then finished him with the Suicide Bomb to pick up the win.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match.........Suicide Hank!

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Joey Drakmen v. Killa Wolf

Started off as a good contest between the two, some decent highflying action and Wolf showing more determination managed to escape more moves letting Joey crash and burn wearing himself down. Wolf went to work on his legs a little, then went back to the air and finally ended it with his big move The Insane he does off the top rope and won.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Killa Wolf!

Six Person Tag Team Match
Scorpion + Xanthus + Corez v. Taylor Johnson w/Chris Orton + Storm + Jordan Brooks

As all six competitors were in the ring we saw Scorpion charge over tackling Jordan from the ring, then X took advantage of a distracted Storm shoving her to a corner, then hit a spinning back kick and dropped her with the Ghetto Busta. Taylor and Corez were trading punches in the middle of the ring, the ref preoccupised in the ring, so Orton helped Brooks fight off Scorpion who got back to his corner. Storm rolled out and X was forced back. Corez overpowered Taylor and took her down, kept her that way a while, but she showed she's a fighter and got up making a tag to Jordan. He was on fire taking Corez down and yanking Scorpion in to beat on him some. Corez would make the tag to X who flew in off the top rope, but got powerslammed and almost pinned for three. Jordan was in definite control from there, still on fire and going nuts, though X would come back and prove why he is who he is. Still, Jordan seemed to be almost unstoppable and so Scorpion got tagged in and tried taking him down. Jordan kept going strong and we saw Storm run in using herself to take Corez off the apron, but she got dropped with a leg from X across her back and Taylor ran over after him. The ref trying to break that up missed Big Bill Butcher running in from the crowd and spearing Jordan hard, just fucking creaming him into a corner, then whipped him out with a belly to belly suplex and rolled from the ring heading up the ramp. Scorpion went for the pin, but the ref was still distracted and by the time he restored order Jordan would kick out. Scorpion was livid, went for SIN, but Jordan ducked away and tagged in Storm who went for some punches, but Scorpion dropped her with a flapjack in a corner, then a superkick followed by a german suplex into a pin, his variation he calls SIN, and he won the match for his team.

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match.........Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez!

The three celebrated on the ramp after Jordan and Orton ran them out, Taylor checked on Storm.

Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
Matt Ward v. Chris Orton w/Taylor Johnson

Matt had the power advantage and used it at the start beating Orton down, cornering him and seemed somewhat impressive, but Orton showed why he is World Champ and soon overcame that disadvantage. Using his quickness and even went flying he got Matt down and proceeded to wear him down on the canvas, then once he had him reeling he dropped that CKO lightning quick and won.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match..........Chris Orton!


Were backstage in a locker room seeing Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez sitting on a bench facing someone else.

Scorpion: Nice save brother, way to have our backs.

Corez: Yea, fucking chumps out there almost screwed us out of the win.

The camera pans out and we see its Big Bill Buitcher, but he has long black hair now. We know its him from the gear he wears, but what the hell, how can this be?

Bill: No problem, but one second alright, I got get this suit off, it killed me before and its just as bad now.

With that he stands up and rips off the clothing unzipping what is a body suit and drops it down. He steps out of the legs and is wearing a black singlet, turns around tossing the suit in a corner and we see THOR in blue letters on his singlet. He then turns and sits back down, whoa, does that mean Thor was Big Bill Butcher all along?.

Thor: None of those morons had a clue it was me and now its four strong, the true unstoppable force!

Scorpion: Oh yea, fuck Matt!

Xanthus: He's a poppy ass whore anyways, now lets go celebrate in style brothers!

They all agree and shout here here, then we cut to ringside.

Main Event
Singles Match
King of SEF 1st Round
MACK v. Nick Torres

An awesome match and no summarry could do it justice, but here goes. It began seeing the usual tie up and Torres had the power, he shoved Mack back who kept coming back showing who the hell he is. Mack would use his speed, but Torres was on his game and kept Mack at bay, took him down quite a bit and had control over the match for a little while. The crowd was hot for this one, cheered for both and loved it. Mack fired back taking control for a bit, used his high risks getting paid off for it by taking Torres off his game. He managed to keep the big man down and really went for his legs, but Torres would rally back showing the fire in him like we haven't seen in the past. This match was going for well over forty minutes and both men were showing the fatique, then Torres went for the Gangstas Edge, but Mack slid out and Da Shows Ova, no, Torres ducked and again lifted Mack up, but he flipped bakwards landing front of Torres and turned for his kick again. Torres caught his leg and lifted him hitting The Westside for a near three. Suddenly we saw Suicide Hank cume down and in the ring kicking Torres in the head, then he slid out as the ref called for the bell and Hank ran up the ramp grinning because Mack loses by dq.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match..............Nick Torres!

We saw Mack staring down Hank who made his way to the back, then Torres approached him and you could see him being just as disgusted, but Mack raised his hand and said you go do this brother, you deserve it, then the show ended.

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