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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 156 {1/13/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 10:56:12 AM

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January 13th, 2010

We come on the air to see the back of the R & R Sportsplex in Booneville Mississippi where a long, black limo, very sleek looking, is parked just outside the of the employee door. The driver steps to the back door of the limo and opens it and from inside a rather tall man steps out wearing a leather jacket, slacks and a nice dress shirt, silk perhaps. He has on loafers and is mostly bald except for some long hair in the back in a ponytail. The man walks on to the door in a powerful stride. Security opens the door for him seeing he must be important and in he walks, the door shutting and now we go inside where pyro blasts off over the ring bringing this sold out crowd to their feet. A NEW LEVEL now blasts over the pa as our cameras roam around the arena in a frenzy as Nick Miller says.

Welcome to Extreme everyone and welcome to what looks like a huge lineup for our show. Now before I get on to that, lets welcome back my partner Greg Boone to the announce table as he'll be calling match with me again, so welcome back Greg.

Greg responds now.

About damn time someone with some sense put me back where I belong, now I just gotta carry your ass again!

Nick laughs and says.

Some things never change, but SEF is and for the better. We got a lot of new talent in here lately and tonight's card is evidence of that with Diamond Dogg, Dante Davlin, Emmett Murdock, and Bobby James all making their debuts tonight in separate matches.

Greg Responds to him.

This Davlin guy seems to have his wits about him and Emmett, I hope he kills Sandman, that fucking drunk needs to go down!

Nick just laughs and says.

We also have the return of a tag team, L.A Jay and Mesa who seems more focused on the Tag Titles this time around, hopefully they can finally step up just like Gabriel has to do against Mack tonight!

Greg responds to him.

I don't have faith in Jay and Mesa together, but Mesa alone, maybe. As for Mack, I hope the guy gets taken out tonight, his career ended and then Gabriel gets the title shot by default and gets rid of Chris Orton! Ya know though, I wonder who that guy was who showed up before the intro?!

Nick responds to Greg.

Yea, I have been thinking about that too, but maybe we'll find out tonight. Lets get to our first match.

We hear IN LEAGUE hit the pa and jogs Diamond Dogg, he runs in place warming himself up, then pumps his fist in the air, the crowd into him a little with a few cheers as Nick Miller makes the introduction.

The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Sarasota Florida, weighing in at 260 pounds.........Diamond Dogg!

He runs down the aisle slapping fans hands, then dives into the ring, rolls and springs up to his feet leaping on the turnbuckles nearest him and pumps his fists in the air getting a few more cheers. He hops down now and FLIRT hit's the pa now and out walks Eden strutting out all snobbish like as Nick introduces her.

And his first opponent, from East Hampton New York, weighing in at 122 pounds.........Eden St Claire!

Eden makes her way down the aisle shooing fans from touching her, gets to the ring and heads into it via the steps. She looks at Dogg and shakes her head in disgust as I AM hit's the pa and out walks Ravenna al seductive like and smiling the same way. She garners another mixed reaction as Nick introduces her.

And the final opponent in this match, from Louisville Kentucky, she weighs in at 150 pounds......Ravenna Crow!

Ravenna makes her down and even high fives some fans again, then she gets to the ring and hops on to the apron and steps into the ring. The three opponents look at each other and the bell rings, then Dogg charges across at Eden ripping her into a corner engulfing her with all his mass. Ravenna is behind him with kicks to his back, then drags Dogg backwards dropping him with a reverse ddt. She gets up and rushes at Eden with elbows to her face, then applies a side headlock and runs out of the corner dropping Eden with a bulldog. Dogg gets up near the ropes and rushes at Ravenna with a kick to the head while she is sitting down, then rips her up and nails a rock bottom slamming her to the mat. Dogg gets up and yanks Eden up to his shoulders, then spins her off hitting a diamond cutter and goes for the pin, 1..................2...........Ravenna barely crashes on his back with a double axe handle smash. She then rakes his back and pulls him up kicking him in the ribs. Ravenna hooks Dogg into a front facelock and tries to snap back with a ddt, but he rips her up off the mat and runs to the ropes tossing Ravenna out to the floor. Eden is getting up and Dogg turns rushing her with a hard boot to her chest causing a response from Nick Miller.

Diamond Dogg is on fire and Eden may be out.

Dogg has Eden up, her back to him and he bends her backwards, then leaps up wrapping his legs around falling back and has her locked in the Beast Choker. Eden thrashes wildly and shrieks, then in seconds she taps out as Ravenna starts to get back in the ring and Nick now makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match...........Diamond Dogg!

The crowd cheers some as IN LEAGUE plays and Dogg stands up getting his arm raised. Ravenna stands on the floor looking in at him with a scowl and slowly backs up the aisle. Dogg makes his exit now as Eden rolls to the floor to clear out and we Nick again.

What a return to SEF by Diamond Dogg, guy showed up to fight and fight he did and he won, always good to do!

Greg responds.

Yea, well Eden was no contest against anyone and Ravenna, she could maybe step up, but Dogg really wasn't that impressive.

Nick just says.

He's a good wrestler and I look for him...whoa, I got word our next match is starting right now in the back, good thing its hardcore rules!

And so our view cuts to the back where Nikky Venom is seen throwing Dante Davlin into a garage door, then runs up behind him slamming a knee to his back and drops him to the floor with a reverse ddt. Nikky gets up and pulls up Dante running him to a metal crate on wheels tossing him on top of it, then drops an elbow to his back. Nikky gets up and pushes the cart towards the arena, heading down a small corridor and through a curtain emerging in the aisle to a pop from the crowd. Nikky gets running with the cart slamming it with Dante into the ring and Nick says.

Well folks, no introductions for this, the match is a hardcore contest scheduled for one fall and Nikky Venom seems to have the advantage!

Greg responds to that.

Hopefully this Dante kid puts that punk Venom in his place!

But it seems not to be as Nikky runs up on Dante with a kick to his head, then yanks him up and slams Dante into the ringpost headfirst and now rolls him in the ring. Nikky looks under the ring now and pulls a guitar with barbed wire strings out and slides it in the ring, then he yanks out a table to cheers. He slides that in and rolls in as well. Dante is getting up and Nikky runs up on him with Bad Time sending Dante back down. Nikky then grabs the table setting it up near a corner and now picks up the guitar. He waits for Dante to get up and swings hard smashing the guitar over his head, the wire cutting him open a little and down goes Dante. Nikky throws the handle down and pulls up Dante kneeing him in the ribs, then rips him up for a suplex, turns to the table and drops him with The World Wide Suicide right through the table. Nikky kicks the table pieces away, the crowd is cheering and he kicks Dante moving more parallel with the corner. Nikky climbs to the top now and leaps off with the Fuckstar Press slamming on top of Dante and stays on for the pin, 1........................2.......................3! He pops up to his feet getting his hand raised while Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match..............Nikky Venom!

The crowd cheers for him as KICK START MY HEART plays over the pa and Nikky pumps boths fists in the air, then stares down at Dante and spits at him, kicks him in the ribs and then looks to leave when his music is cut off with the sound of POLITICS by Korn. The crowd is shocked and Nikky is confused, but ready to fight in case its someone new looking to make a name. Instead we see the guy who arrived earlier via the limo come walking out with a big ol' smirk on his face and swaggering with cockiness. And Nick Miller exclaims.

What the hell, is that who I think it is? But it can't be, he's dead!

Nikky calms himself as the man makes his way down to the ring, takes his time, heads up the steps and into the ring. He looks at Nikky still with that smirk and asks for a mic, gets it and steps to Nikky extending a hand to him. Nikky cautiously shakes and then the man lifts the mic up as his music fades.

Nice match kid, nice intensity, now make your way to the back, but listen to what I have to say!

He pats Nikky on the back who makes his exit and backs up the aisle to listen, it's a natural reaction anyways. The man speaks again.

First of all, I know what you all may be thinking and let me correct you right now. I am not who you think I am, but then again, I am!

He smirks again and the crowd is just confused now. The man speaks some more.

You all think I am Richard Leer formerly Martin or Marret, once known as Fate. Well Fate is who I once was when I wrestled full time my last name has never been revealed and never will. I am Richard and to all of you and for my brother who really did die, I am Richard E Dangerously!"

A huge gasp and then a lot of buzzing, not really boos or cheers. Ric keeps his smirk and keeps talking.

Yes, Frank was my brother and I used the accident he was involved in to fake my own death in order to regain full control of SEF and I did it, I manipulated the system and it feels fucking good!

A mixed reaction from the crowd as rebels are cool, but man what an asshole he is. Ric still smirks and says.

I am your 'new' owner of SEF, its all mine, one hundred percent and no one has any loophole to get it from me, it all belongs to me. I could shut down this company right this second and no one could stop me...

He grins big and the crowd boos loud at the sound of that, then Ric says.

Lucky you for you I have my own reasons to not do such a move and really its because I don't want, plus maybe something else! As far as everyone in SEF, everyone new coming in, EVERYONE...you better be here to BE HERE and you will go far, but if your not here for SEF....YOUR FIRED!

Mostly boos, but kind of mixed as it was a rather honest line. Ric tosses the mic down and POLITICS plays as he exit's the ring and heads to the back still with a smirk on his face. Nick Miller now chimes in.

So it was Ric, he's back again and again pulls a huge stunt, faked his own death, man.

Greg responds happily.

I think it was a great move by him, he got SEF back, he is in control again and that is the way it should be!

Nick says.

Well he has been successful running SEF, its just how he operates, but I suppose that makes him a great businessman. Wonder how Whitney is gonna react to this, damn, wonder if she is here?

But right now its time for a tag match and VAMPIRE HEART is heard coming over the pa. Out walks Angel looking all demonic and the crowd isn't into her very much as Nick announces the match and her entrance.

The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Chino California, weighing in at 135 pounds.........Angel!

She gets to the ring and crawls in all seductive like, then stands up by the ropes hanging on them still being all seductive. BAT COUNTRY is now heard and out comes Zacky to a little reaction as well and Nick introduces him.

And her partner, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 156 pounds..........Zacky Shadows!

He runs down the aisle and slides in the ring, pops up and looks at Angel who looks at him. NO HOPE = NO FEAR now hits and the crowd cheers as Jay and Mesa walk high fiving each other, then head down the aisle high fiving fans as Nick makes the introduction.

And the opponents, at a combined weight of 445 pounds, they are the West Coast Connection.........L.A. Jay and Mesa!

The team now rushes to the ring sliding in and stands up. Mesa removes his headgear tossing out of the ring and stands by Jay. Mesa starts for his team as Angel is hissing and biting the air at her opponents. Zacky says he'll start, but Angel pushes him back and whips around rushing across the ring. The bell rings and Mesa ducks Angel who hit's the ropes and bounces back getting taken down with a Hurricanrana. Mesa rolls up and stomps on Angel's head, then lifts her up and drops her with the Mesa Slam near a corner. He climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a moonsault crashing down on Angel. Mesa pops up to his feet and jumps into the air dropping both legs on her ribs. He rolls to his feet and sees Jay wanting in, so goes over and tags him. Angel crawls for her corner as Jay leaps to the top rope. Zacky gets tagged and he rushes in right across for Jay who leaps off the ropes over him landing on his feet. Zacky turns and takes a West Coast Kick to the head and goes down. The crowd pops at that and Jay gets up and leaps up spinning and drops a leg across his throat. He gets to his feet and lifts up Zacky delivering a snap suplex near a corner, then quickly goes up top and flies off with a senton bomb to him. Jay gets up and runs over with a low dropkick to Angel's legs. She drops off the ring and hits her head on the apron, then crumples to the floor. Jay gets up and grabs Zacky lifting him up and nails another snap suplex putting him in the middle of the ring now. Jay gets up and tags in Mesa, then runs across the ring leaping to the top rope and flies off with the West Coast Splash, rolls off and down comes Mesa with his Arabian Ariel Assault across Zacky's throat making the combo they call the West Coast Crash. Mesa floats into a pin hooking Zacky's leg, 1......................2....................3! The crowd cheers now and Nick Miller makes the announcement.

Here are your winners, the West Coast Connection..........Mesa and L.A. Jay!

And we hear NO HOPE = NO FEAR come over the pa as Jay helps up Mesa and they raise up their arms in victory, the crowd continues to cheer. We hear from Nick Miller again.

Good return for Jay and Mesa, hopefully they can get a roll going and get those Tag Title that eluded them so long.

Greg responds in a drone tone.

Oh who cares?! They won't get the titles now because they still suck!

Nick appears to respond, but doesn't when everyone's view shows us backstage and we see the owner Ric talking with someone when Whitney Marret storms up to him and stares a hole through him. The other guy backs away seeing the rage and Whitney says in anger.

You son of a bitch! How could you do that, why would you do that...WHY?

She pounds a fist to his chest and Ric goes to grab her, but she pulls away and then slaps him hard across the face and turns walking away. We see Ric now and he just looks disappointed, but not surprised, then we cut back to ringside and hear Nick Miller say.

I guess Whitney was here and she didn't take kindly to the stunt pulled by Ric and can ya blame her, that's her own father!

Greg responds kinda cold.

Oh please, like Whitney is any 'better', she probably is behind more stunts like that than her father!

Nick just shakes his head gets ready to announce the next match as some gray and goldenrod lights flash as THE EXTREMIST plays over the pa and Emmett is seen with his back turned to everyone who boos him. After a few seconds he turns pumping his arms in the air and then begins to calmly walk down the aisle while Nick introduces him.

The following is a hardcore match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, making his way to the ring, from St Gabriel Louisiana, weighing in at 230 pounds.........Emmett Murdock!

He heads up the steps still calm and gets in the ring stretching on the ropes waiting to begin the match. The crowd now cheers when ENTER SANDMAN hit's the pa and the crowd begins singing along as The Sandman comes from the crowd drinking his beer and wielding his cane like only he can and Nick introduces him.

And the opponent, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds............The Sandman!

He gets to the guard rail now, appropriately he is by a hot chick in a tank top and cracks a beer. Sandman looks at her and she smiles, then he yanks her head back by the hair, pours the beer down her chest and slurps it up to a huge cheers. He lets her go and the chick smiles as Sandman finishes the beer and tosses the can in the ring at Emmett who dodges it with little effort. Sandman slams his cane to the ropes, then rolls in the ring and stands up opening another beer and slams that down. He crushes the can to his head and tosses it at Emmett who moves and gets sprayed by beer from Sandman's mouth who then cracks him over the head with the cane and moves in looking for the White Russian Leg Sweep. Emmett elbows Sandman in the head and scurries away hopping out to the floor and composes himself, calls for a timeout, but obviously he don't get one, just gets booed. Sandman flips him off, then comes out to the floor and chases him. Emmett runs around the ring showing his speed advantage and slips in the ring grabbing the cane. Sandman slides in and Emmett gets around in time slamming the cane to Sandman's head, then quickly grabs him whipping Sandman across the ring to the ropes. He bounces back and Emmett charges nailing Sandman with Blind Justice diving to the mat as he hits it. Emmett scramble up behind Sandman sitting him up and wrenches on a sleeper. Sandman flails around like a, well, like a drunk man, heh. He fights up to his feet elbowing Emmett in the ribs, but gets his hair pulled and Emmett now brings his arm around Sandman's neck and applies a dragon sleeper ripping him backwards locking it in tight. Sandman reaches up trying to punch Emmett, twists around trying to get free and manages to turns so he is facing down. Sandman tries to backdrop Emmett, but gets clubbed across the back and dropped with a stiff ddt. Emmett gets up stepping in the middle of Sandman's back, grabs both his arms and rips them backwards locking in the surfboard stretch. The crowd keeps booing as Emmett stays in control and Sandman thrashes his body to try and somehow get free. Emmett stomps with his right floor a couple times, then his left and Sandman settles some, but not a lot. Emmett now lets his arms go and swings out to the side with his legs dropping an elbow to Sandman's back. He floats around to Sandman's legs and steps through them to apply an stf. Sandman screams in pain now, the crowd booing now turns into chants for Sandman.


He tries crawling for the ropes, his face showing the fight inside of him, but Emmett is like a pitbull latched on to him. Sandman inches his way over to the ropes, raises a hand to grab them, but a couple inches too far. He almost taps the mat, but instead punches, twist his knuckles into the canvas and inches over more, but Emmett lets him go and tries pulling him away now. Sandman is able to roll over and kick Emmett backwards, then rolls from the ring. Emmett comes running over and drops down with a baseball slide dropkick knocking Sandman into the guard rail. Emmett slides out to the floor and slams a knee to Sandman's ribs, then pulls him backwards for a dragon sleeper, no, Emmett twists around looking for the Straight End. Sandman stays on his feet and pushes Emmett to the floor, then leaps up and stomps on his face. He reaches under the ring and grabs a stop sign, then slams it down over Emmett's head and lays it there. Sandman hops up on the ring apron and backs up to the corner, then runs off with a senton bomb on top of the sign and Emmett. The crowd cheers and Sandman reaches under the ring pulling out a small roll of barbed wire and a table. He picks the table up sliding that in the ring, then grabs the barbed wire and kicks the stop sign off Emmett. He drops down slamming the wire on his face, then grinds it across Emmett's face tearing him open with little nicks and cuts. Emmett screams in pain as the crowd goes crazy for this. Sandman tosses the wire in the ring and pulls a trash can out now, gets a cheese grater from inside of it and beats Emmett over the head with slicing him up as well. He tosses that down and pulls out a kendo stick, then tosses the trash can with more sticks in the ring. Sandman pulls up Emmett and nails the White Russian Leg Sweep right against the guard rail. He gets up with the stick and cracks Emmett in the ribs now, then rolls him in the ring. Sandman tosses the stick down and now pulls a ladder from under the ring and slides it in. He finally gets back in and picks up the ladder standing it near a corner. He then picks up the table setting it up in the middle of the ring and now he picks up Emmett looking to roll him on the table. Emmett throws some punches at Sandman who manages to get a knee to Emmett's ribs and whips him into a corner. He picks up the barbed wire and runs wraps it around his right arm, then charges with a clothesline smashing the wire into Emmett's neck. Sandman takes the wire now and begins wrapping it around Emmet's neck and arms and head and all over his upper body. The crowd is really into the match and cheering. Sandman pulls Emmett out of the corner with a side headlock into a bulldog, then stands up and kicks him in the head. He lifts up Emmett and rolls him on the table, then heads up the ladder now. About halfway up Sandman notices Emmett roll off, so he turns and leaps at him for the Heineken-Rana. Emmett manages to catch him and hold on long enough to whip around and send Sandman into the turnbuckles with a Powerbomb variation. He falls to the mat and Sandman slumps down in the corner. Emmett pulls himself up and runs to the corner slamming a knee into Sandman's head, then rips him up and nails the Straight Flush and goes for the pin hooking Sandman's leg, 1........................2.................kickout! The crowd lets out a pop and Emmett snarls some, but gets up yanking Sandman up and slams his head into the table, then rolls him on top of it. He picks up the trash can and slams it down on Sandman, then tosses it down and picks up a kendo stick slamming that down to Sandman's ribs repeatedly like a madman. He soon stops, looks around at the booing crowd and grins as he drops the stick. Emmett slowly moves to the ladder and takes a look at Sandman, then climbs up the ladder now as Nick Miller says.

This battle is getting fierce and Emmett looks to be going for something big here to try and put away Sandman!

Greg responds.

Its about damn time, kill that stupid drunk!

Emmett gets almost to the top and Sandman now rolls off the table, then climbs up under Emmett who looks down to survey the situation and sees Sandman. He starts down to head him off, but Sandman seems to know a ladder even in his state. He gets up rather quick and the fists begin flying, especially when they get level. Sandman ducks one and nails a rib shot, then slams Emmett into the ladder and drags him back up to the top. He slams Emmett into the top rung and pulls him more, gets to where both are standing on the second to top rung and the ladder is moving, the crowd is oohing. Emmett elbows Sandman in the ribs and they both try slamming each other to the ladder. Sandman gets a leg hooked around Emmett's and tries to nail a Russian leg sweep, but Emmett tries for the same and both men go flying backwards and crash down through the table. Emmett its more on the side and thus his body rolls halfway on to Sandman's due to the middle giving way easier. The crowd is going nuts for the fall and the ref surveys the situation for a second before making the count, 1...............................2...............................3! Sandman moves a shoulder probably from instinct, but too later and the ref calls for bell as Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match....................Emmett Murdock!

The crowd boos for that as THE EXTREMIST hit's the pa and the ref lifts up Emmett's arm. He then checks on Emmett and check on Sandman as well. Some officials come out to clear up the ring and a couple check on the wrestlers and help them to the back separately. Meanwhile we here from Nick Miller.

Emmett just got a huge win in his debut here, but barely got it and I feel he and Sandman are just getting to know each other!

Greg responds.

So Sandman actually put up a fight for once. In a rematch he would get owned because Emmett Murdock is superior!

Nick responds to that.

Sandman always puts up a fight, he grew up fighting, he can give what he takes and that's a lot.

Greg just rolls his eyes and says.

Please, he's a joke and what little time he had in ECW is way over unlike him!

The time for talk is done as the ring is cleared and we get set for another match. UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE now plays and the crowd boos as Bobby walks out all arrogantly while Nick Miller makes the announcement.

The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 263 pounds, he is Boston's Best.........Bobby James!

Bobby heads down the aisle and up the steps now, then gets in the ring and spreads hid arms arrogantly. We now hear KISS MY EYES AND LAY ME TO SLEEP and a few cheers as Spiderman runs out and hops around like usual pretending to shoot web and gets introduced.

And his first opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 230 pounds.............Spiderman!

He high fives some fans, then runs down and rolls in the ring. Bobby immediately charges kicking Spiderman in the head as the loud and distorted openning riff of SAVE ME hits the pa. The lights, which have dimmed, begin to light silver and slowly fade out along with the beat, as smoke comes out over the entrance. Once the chorus begins, about 25 seconds into the song, Johnny walks through the curtain, his swagger slow and cocky. He stands within the smoke, loosening himself up, before walking down the ramp and Nick Miller introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Newport Beach California, weighing in at 228 pounds.........Johnny Camaro!

He stops about mid-way down the ramp, and spreads his legs apart, and throws his arms in the air, forming a diamond, as pyro flies up behind him. the pyro finishes, he smirks, and walks down the ramp, Bobby waits for him and Johnny hops on the apron. Spiderman suddenly leaps up with a dropkick sending Bobby into Johnny who hit's the floor. Bobby whips around and barely ducks a roundhouse kick. Bobby clubs Spiderman across the back, then nails him in the kidneys and spins Spiderman around ripping him up for a fisherman's suplex and spins into The Highlight, then hooks his leg and pins, 1......................2......................3! Johnny comes in and drops a double axe handle smash across his back as Nick makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match...............Bobby James!

Johnny rips him up a little and quickly nails the Lovegun DDT on Bobby. He gets up getting cheered for it and SAVE ME now hits as Johnny looks pissed over the loss, but just leaves the ring as Nick says.

A quick match that was, Spiderman got taken out easily by the new Bobby James which seemed to make Johnny mad as he couldn't even get in the ring to try and win.

Greg responds.

Maybe he's not good enough to win in the first place?

Nick says.

I doubt that after last week, we just need to see the two men go one on one and maybe next week. Right now were going to the back where Mack is getting ready for the main event!

So back we go to find Mack standing in front of the usual backdrop for SEF, the barbed wire covered mesh fence with the SEF logo hanging loosely in the middle. Mack is dressed to compete, got on an XR shirt from the SEFZONE and says.

So Gabriel, ya seem to think ya got it all figured out, but what makes you any different than all the rest of the fucking pricks who think that same thing? A lot because were all too damn different to have it all figured out, so maybe you should shut up and listen for once, it helps ya learn a lot.

Mack stops talking when a figure approaches him and its Richard E Dangerously who steps into view, the two men now go nose to nose and Mack speaks first.

Do yourself a favor, stay away from me, stay away from Whitney for damn sure, and the last one might be the hardest, but stay the fuck away from SEF!

Ric smirks and says.

SEF is mine, no one can take it away, so why don't you stay away?

Mack shrugs and nods no way, then says.

Without me, SEF wouldn't be here and without me you'd lose your biggest draw, so Mack ain't going nowhere anytime soon! You steer clear of my wife and myself, let us do our thing and we'll steer clear of you, but listen good DICK E Dangerously....I'll fucking kill SEF and kill you if ya don't heed my warning, steer clear of us!

Ric looks serious as does Mack and Ric says.

Don't threaten me Mack, just stay down at the bottom off my radar or your in for big trouble!

Mack just gets a cocky grin and steps back waving him arrogantly to bring it on. Ric just sneers and shakes his head disgustingly, then walks past Mack and out of view. Mack doesn't even watch him go, just turns to the camera and says.

Gabriel, stop preaching what is already known, just step up into the unknown and take what ya get which tonight is no fit, just a good ol' beating!

The camera cuts to ringside now where the crowd is pumped up after the showdown and Mack's words. Nick Miller makes the announcement for out main event now.

The following is the main event of Extreme and it is scheduled for one fall!

We hear COLORS come over the pa and the crowd boos as Gabriel walks out in a swagger with a sneer on his face and Nick introduces him now.

Introducing first, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 235 pounds.............Gabriel!

Boos fill the arena as walks to the ring and rolls in, then stands up and pumps a fist in the air. Gabriel backs into a corner, then SLAVE TO THE GRIND bets out of the pa and this crowd like all of them come fucking unglued for the man of SEF who swaggers out with a smile on his face . He walks down the aisle some getting mauled by fans as Nick introduces him.

And his opponent, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 269 pounds, he is The Ultimate Rebel..........MACK!

He gets to the ring and hops up on the apron, then stands up and steps into the ring raising up his arms and circling a couple times before doing a crotch chop to Gabriel. Mack rips off his shirt tossing it to the crowd causing a near fight, but security is on top of it. The bell sounds and Gabriel steps out moving closer and Mack rushes in shoving him backwards. Gabriel looks stunned for a split second, then bolts forward for a spear. Mack gets a knee up to his head, pounds a forearm across his back, then rips him up and circles around hitting Sinned right in the middle of the ring. Mack stands up and kicks at Gabriel's ribs, drops a knee to them and turns him over to his stomach applying Crippled on him. Gabriel tries to crawl out of it and Mack barely has it on, so its not painless. Gabriel inches his way over, he lets out a couple yells of pain, but refuses to tap and keeps crawling. Mack lets him go and pops up dropping back down with an elbow to his back. He tries to re apply Crippled, but Gabriel pulls himself forward grabbing the bottom rope, so Mack is held back by the ref. Its no easy task and once Gabriel gets up and runs off the ropes Mack runs for him and they collide with right hands swinging. Mack overpowers Gabriel and hammers him into a corner, then whips him across the ring and follows right up for a splash leaping a little. Gabriel drops to the mat letting Mack hit the turnbuckles and stagger backwards, then he bolts up hitting that spear on Mack and lays into him with punches. He pulls up Mack keeping him bent down and nails a Piledriver, then hooks his leg for the pin, 1.....................2............kickout! Gabriel gets up and stomps on Mack's ribs, then goes all the way around him with intense stomps, then leaps up drops a knee to his head. Gabriel picks him up and goes for a side Russian leg sweep, but Mack swings over kneeing him in the gut, then bends him down and hooks Gabriel's arms. Mack lifts him up and nails the Violent Impact and falls to his back. The crowd cheers for Mack who quickly pulls himself up and picks up Gabriel and now rips him and twists around nailing the Cyclone Slam near a corner. Mack rolls out to the apron and starts to climb the ropes. He gets to the top and raises his hands up flashing da gangsta sign, then flies off for the Gangsta Splash, but Gabriel rolls out of the way at the last second and Mack eats the mat. Gabriel gets up and runs at Mack punting him in the ribs, then rips him up to his shoulders and tries hitting The Message. Mack gets his hands in the way blocking Gabriel's knee and lands on his feet, irish whips Gabriel to the ropes and BAM....Da Shows Ova puts him down near the ropes and Mack falls to his face. Mack stirs as the fans cheer him on and he rolls over draping an arm over Gabriel for the pin, 1..........Gabriel puts a foot on the ropes.........2..........the ref sees the foot and breaks the count. Mack looks up and now pushes himself up, pulls Gabriel's leg off the ropes and hooks it for the pin, 1......................2.............kickout! The crowd lets out more boos at the fall breaking up again. Mack pulls himself up and picks up Gabriel dropping him with the Ghetto Busta. He then climbs out on the apron and to the top rope again and flies off quicker dropping X right to Gabriel's chest. The crowd cheers sensing this could be a set up to put away Gabriel and Mack rolls to a corner and turns his back to it kneeling down. Gabriel is getting up holding his chest and Mack bounces now readying himself for that maim job he calls a finisher. Gabriel turns and Mack rushes out to hit him, but Gabriel dodges away rolling out to the floor. Mack puts the brakes on and dives out to the floor, goes to grab Gabriel, but gets a cookie sheet to the skull. Gabriel gets up and swings again smashing it to Mack's head, drops it and drops him with a ddt on the cookie sheet as the crowd is booing loud now and the bell has rung. Nick Miller now announces the outcome.

Here is your winner due to a disqualification...............MACK!

Gabriel is kicking Mack in the ribs, then lifts him up and rolls him in the ring, pulls a baseball bat from under the ring and slides in with it. He waits for Mack to try and stand, then slams the bat to his back, runs to the ropes and comes back swinging it to his ribs as hard as he can. Mack keels over clutching his ribs and Gabriel rips him and using the mat nails a Russian leg sweep on him. Gabriel gets back up and lifts Mack to his shoulder nailing The Message on him and kneels down next to Mack grinning as the crowd is still booing real loud. COLORS begins to play and Gabriel rolls out to the floor, looks at the fans jeering him and just keeps grinning as he now heads to the back. Nick Miller chimes in now.

Wow, a good looking match, Mack on the verge of winning, but Gabriel picked up a weapon and ruined it and damn near ruined Mack with that vicious beating.

Greg responds.

So what, Mack deserved it for being rude to the owner of SEF earlier!

Nick starts to speak, but stops when the lights begin to flicker, then a masked man is being lowered to the ring by a rope and Nick now says.

Who the hell is this?

The crowd is confused, but booing as it is probably another Midnight assault. The man is just a few feet from hitting the ring and the rope is tied in a noose, he is holding on to the loop and Greg says.

Whoa, a noose, maybe their gonna hang Mack this time?

The masked man looks down at Mack who is stirring and sees the ball bat. He picks the bat up and drives the end down to Mack's ribs, then drops down slamming it to his throat and chokes him with it. He puts all his weight down and Mack struggles to get free, but he's been worn down from that assault a few seconds earlier. The masked man stands now and kicks Mack in the head, drops the bat and lifts him up. He holds Mack up against himself, grabs the noose and fastens it around his neck, but doesn't tighten it. The masked man holds Mack up and looks to the rafter nodding his head ok and Mack begins to lift up off the mat. His eyes go wide and he grabs at the rope, but the pressure on his neck makes him fade quick and he soon passes out. He is stopped about twenty feet over the ring, then the lights flicker some more before dimming down and the masked man stands under Mack laughing loud while the crowd boos just as loud and we hear A NEW LEVEL it the pa signaling the end of tonight as Nick Miller signs us off.

Well folks, yet again Mack is assaulted and yet again he is symbolically killed, though if your not gonna do it for real to Mack, you're a dead man for trying!

Greg responds.

Please, Mack needs to just accept it and go away, he sucks!

Nick responds to that.

We'll see about that, but next week and so on, so goodnight everyone!

And we see some trash begin to litter the ring, the fans hating this shit as the masked man just stands there in an orgasmic state, then the show ends and fades to black.

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