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Extreme 158 {1/27/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 11:09:00 AM

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January 27th, 2010

Last Extreme of the month and here we be inside the Civic Coliseum down in Knoxville Tennessee where it might be a bit chilly outside, but its hotter than hell inside with the array of pyro shooting off over the ring and then the fans screaming loud in anticipation as A NEW LEVEL blasts over the pa. Camaera go around everywhere filming everyone and Nick Miller opens the show.

Welcome to Extreme everyone, welcome to the fucking hardcore haven of the wrestling world today, welcome to BEEEEEP...what the hell?!

Greg chimes in now.

That was fucking weird, but anyways, this is the place to be on a Wednesday night and on this night we get to see the demise of Mack and the World Champ by the DSS!

Nick responds.

Maybe, but Ravenna is kidnapped, though its no secret he can find a replacement, so what's that gonna do to the tag match?

Greg says.

Throw Mack and Orton off their game and make them lose, but they would anyways!

Nick responds.

Lack of belief in two men who are the top two of BEEP today, so....did I just get beeped again?

Nick seems confused and Greg shrugs and says.

Maybe someone is finally wising up and shutting you up?

Nick responds.

No, its beeping out BEEP, the companies name, what-

He's cut off by the sound of POLITICS coming over the pa and out walks an angry looking owner of SEF, Richard E Dangerously. He gets to ringside and grabs a mic, then steps in the ring and wastes no time getting to the point.

Alright, alright, I got a huge shocker for everyone, a huge announcement and not one I want to make, but here goes. This company can no longer be called what it is anymore and all due to our wonderful patent system this worthless government instilled for us!

Booing is heard over the sound of the companies name being seized from them and Ric speaks again.

I'm fucking furious over this bullshit, its an outrage that a name we used for almost eight years now can't even be uttered on our own show without something fucking prick beeping it out for some big corporate, greedy, fat asshole and I can even so those fucking words, but not BEEP!

He just looks disgusted and the crowd is outraged, then Ric speaks some more.

So now what, now fucking what is gonna happen cause it ain't just the three letters, it's the first word of the whole name, so now fucking what?

The crowd still booing and Ric speaks again.

Well anyways, I've been fighting this for a while and its finally over, I lost the fucking fight, but BEEP will not lose because of it, we will live on and continue, but as what, the Extreme Federation?

He shrugs like maybe and the crowd boos and chants begins which can't realistically be censored cause they ain't putting on the show.


Ric just speaks again.

Well ya know, were a near eight year old company, so we need to go with something catchy as what we had we made catchy over the years! So now, Extreme Federation Wrestling...nah, no, fuck that, Extreme F'N Wrestling is what ya can call the ol' BEEP, so fuck you!

He drops the mic and raises both hands with only his middle fingers extended to the camera, a gesture to whatever company fucked him over. The crowd cheers a little for that name, cause it is catchy, its hardcore, just like what it always has been. A name change is huge and can change a lot, but not everything, not what really matters when ya don't let it! Anyways, POLITICS is playing and Ric is walking to the back as we go back to hear what Nick Miller has to say.

Well folks, apparently BEEP can no longer be said on our airwaves, what a fucking joke that is, but this announcement is no joke, we are now called Extreme F'N Wrestling, ironically, what we have been since day one!

Greg responds.

That is true, BEEP has always been Extreme F'N Wrestling, but now were officially gonna have to go by that name, EFNW, E...F'N...W!

Nick says.

Yes, the name ain't no lie, fits like a glove, so ok, lets get on with the show cause we ain't even had our first match yet and it's the first match under the banner of E F'N W!

We now hear OBSCURE hit the pa and out walks Azreal showing intimidation with his size and facial expressions as Nick now makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Tokyo Japan, weighing in at 353 pounds..........Azreal!

The big man gets to the ring and rolls in, stand sup and thrusts his arms in the air. BETTER THAN YOU now hits and out walks Dante to boos, a smirk on his face. He stands still staring in the ring at Azreal while Nick introduces him.

And his opponent, from Minneapolis Minnesota, weighing in at 237 pounds........Dante Davlin!

He now walks down the aisle raising his arms out to welcome praise, but gets jeered instead. Dante heads up the steps and into the ring looking smug at Azreal who cracks his neck and looks ready to maim. The bell rings and Azreal takes of not waiting for a lock up. Dante dives out of the ring and Azreal chases him around it. Dante gets ahead of the big man, slide sin the ring and springs up. Azreal climbs up through the ropes and gets a knee to his head, then Dante turns him over on the middle rope and quickly hit's The Guillotine on him and quickly goes for the pin, 1.......................2................kickout! Nick Miller chimes in now.

Way to wind the bigger man with a chase, then catch him quickly with that devastating ddt which nearly won the match!

Greg responds.

Azreal is a big man, gonna take a little more, but Dante may be capable.

Dante is on his feet and kicking at Azreal now, backs to the ropes and comes off dropping a knee to his head, then sits Azreal up into a sleeper hold. Dante wrenches it on tight and Azreal screams and reaches out. He tries to get free, but Dante is latched on tight, so Azreal fights up and pulls Dante on to his back. He runs for a corner, but Dante lets him go and jumps off, then leaps up with a dropkick sending Azreal into the corner. Azreal staggers out and around and Dante leaps up hitting him with an enziguiri bringing the big man down. Dante kneels him up and rains down a few punches, then backs up to a corner hopping on the middle turnbuckle. He dives off for a clothesline, but Azreal bolts up catching Dante and spins around slamming him down with Lust and falls to his back. Azreal rolls up and covers Dante, 1......................2..............kickout! He gets up pulling Dante up and runs him into a corner, then lifts him to the top rope and nails a couple forearms to his jaw. Azreal starts to climb up, but gets kicked away and turned around. Dante leaps off catching him in a side headlock for a bulldog, but gets caught, lifted up and back suplexed. Azreal gets up and pulls up Dante kneeing him in the head, then rips him up for Pride. Dante flips over landing on his feet, then turns and dives with a chop block to the back of Azreal's left knee. He doesn't go down, but Dante runs to the ropes and comes back with a kick to his head sending him to both knees. Dante then grabs him in a facelock and snaps Azreal down with a hard ddt and turns him over for the pin, 1......................2................kickout! He gets up irate and the crowd is into the match, booing Dante mostly, so showing happiness for him not winning. Dante gets up and kicks at Azreal's head, then he exit's the ring and grabs a steel chair bringing it in. He raises it up to send down to Azreal's head, but the ref grabs the chair away and turns to toss it out. Dante quickly slips brass knuckles from his tights and tattoos a kneeling Azreal right in the head, then tosses them out of the ring. Azreal falls to his back and the ref turns, then Dante drops down hooking the big mans leg, 1.........................2.......................3! The crowd boos as Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is the winner of the match..........Dante Davlin!

BETTER THAN YOU hits as Dante slowly stands up grinning and allows his hand to be raised, a smug look coming back across his face. He kicks at Azreal's arm and snickers, then exit's the ring and makes his way to the back among the booing fans. Azreal gets helped out now and Greg Boone says.

Ha...ha, Dante did it, he showed why bigger ain't always better!

Nick responds.

He cheated to win, though it fits your philosophy, he still did cheat.

Greg says.

Whatever, buzz kill!

Time for the title match of the night and COLORS is now heard coming over the pa bringing the crowd to boos as Gabriel steps out and sneers while Nick makes the introduction.

The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF International Championship! Introducing first, from Huntington Beach California, weighing in at 235 pounds.......The Devils Messenger.......Gabriel!

He swaggers down the aisle and rolls in the ring, stands up and throws off his vest looking to ready to just fight. IN LEAGUE hits and the crowd cheers some as Dogg runs out and Nick introduces him.

And his opponents, first, from Sarasota Florida, weighing in at 260 pounds........Diamond Dogg!

He gets to the ring and slides in, pops up and Gabriel meets him with a tackle taking them both through the ropes to the floor. The two men throw fists while trying to shove the other away. A video plays over the screen showing various clips of Nikky just rocking the shit as usual, and as KICK START MY HEART plays, lights flash purple, silver and orange through a mainly dark arena. After about ten seconds, Nikky walks through the curtain to a few cheers. He's appreciative of it, but he doesn't necessarily show it, as he looks up at the fans around him with lights flashing everywhere. He has a black bandana tied around his head, and a black jacket covering his heavily tattoed arms, and pops the color with a smirk, before continuing down the ramp. Nick Miller finally introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 259 pounds, he is The Devils Saint and the International Championship........Nikky Venom!

He unstraps his title while walking down the aisle and Dogg is first up, so he takes a title to the head and goes back down. Gabriel gets up and tackles Nikky into the ring steps, then knees him in the ribs and tries delivering a Piledriver. Nikky pulls Gabriel's legs out flipping him to his back, then catapults him on top of the ring steps. He rolls off to the floor as Nikky pulls up Dogg and rolls him in the ring. He slide sin and pulls Dogg up and whips him to the ropes, then drops him with Bad Time. Nikky quickly applies an Armbar on Dogg wrenching it on good. Dogg screams and tries fighting up, gets on his knees, but Nikky slams a knee to his back, then lets his arm go and slams him back to the mat. He drops a knee to Dogg's head and sits him up in a sleeper. Dogg quickly fight sup and tries for a back suplex, but Nikky rolls through taking him down in a side headlock. Gabriel gets in the ring with a ballbat in hand and runs over jabbing it down into Nikky's ribs. He jabs it to Dogg's ribs, then Nikky's, then Dogg's again. Gabriel rips up Nikky with the ballbat and delivers a Russian leg sweep with it. Gabriel pulls up Dogg and hammers him with punches into a corner, buries a shoulder to his ribs, then pulls him out for a suplex. Dogg blocks it and brings a knee up to Gabriel's ribs, then spins out slamming Gabriel to his back. Nikky is getting up, but Dogg runs over kicking him in the head, then rips him up and delivers a suplex to him. Dogg rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring. He tosses a Singapore cane in, a trash can, and a cheese grater. He then pulls out three fluorescent light tubes and slides them in a corner. Dogg rolls in and picks one up. Gabriel is getting up when Dogg runs over and smashes the tube over his head shattering it. He kicks Gabriel in the gut and rips him up hitting the Diamond Cutter, then goes for the pin, 1.........................2...........Nikky lunges over slamming an arm to Dogg's back, then yanks him delivering some knees to his ribs and lifts him up hitting The World Wide Suicide. Nikky kicks at him, then goes up to the top turnbuckle and flies off with the Fuckstar Press, but no one home when Dogg rolls out of the way and pulls the trash can in his place. Nikky crushes it and his ribs as Dogg pulls himself. Gabriel is up and bleeding and charges Dogg dropping him with a clothesline, then picks up the Singapore cane and starts lighting him up with hard shots to the back. Dogg screams in pain as Gabriel just goes to town welting the hell out of his back. He finally stops and picks up Dogg delivering a Powerbomb on him and then drops down in a laxxed pin, 1.....................2...............kickout! Gabriel sees the light tubes and picks one up now, then smirks and waits for Dogg to get up. He sees Nikky recovering and so picks up the tube as well. He waves them around some and when Dogg pulls himself up gets the glass to the head and goes back down. Gabriel rushes to Nikky swinging the tube, but gets it kicked into his face with Bad Time. Nikky gets up and yanks Gabriel up and whips him into a corner. He charges in at him and ends up hitting Dante's Inferno on him. Nikky goes to the top rope looking for the Fuckstar Press again and leaps off hitting it on Gabriel. Dogg is up and bleeding, but runs over booting Nikky right in the head, then rips him up and hit's a Diamond Cutter on top of Gabriel. Nikky rolls off and Dogg kicks him from the ring, then rips up Gabriel and delivers a Rock Bottom and hooks his leg, 1...........................2.............................3! The crowd lets out some cheers as Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner and the new International Champion...........Diamond Dogg!

Nikky takes off running to the back looking to not even think about the title he just lost as KICK START MY HEART hit's the pa. Dogg gets handed the title and he raises it up high, then lowers it and stares at it all fixated. Gabriel rolls from the ring and sneers at Dogg, then heads to the back as the new champ celebrates and Nick Miller says.

Wow, Diamond Dogg just took the International Title, we got a new champ, what a huge win for him!

Greg responds.

He got lucky with that win over Gabriel, lucky it wasn't one on one with him.

Nick says.

Maybe, I don't know, Dogg was impressive tonight, be good to see some rematches from this one though.

Greg responds.

Nikky don't deserve it, look at the way he ran out of here after it was over!

Nick says.

His damn near girlfriend was kidnapped, fucked the guy up, may be why he lost anyways.

Before anymore is said we cut to the back where Mack is standing in his ring pants and an ol' Ultimate Rebel shirt with Smoke McWeed next to him baked and ready to cut an interview, so he says.

Hey everyone, Smokey here with Mack and fuck man, was gonna get yer thoughts on all the new talent who been coming in, but we got bigger news. The name change of BEEP to E F'N W!

Mack nods his head and smirks a little showing his uneasy feelings on it, then says.

When the hand is forced, ya fight to control it, but when ya lose that fight what else can ya do except change yer ways, but still reflect every goddamn thing ya stood for before. Dick E may be a dick, but at least he knows what this company stands for, what we aim to do as a group, so no matter what name we operate under, we will always be BEEP because we have always been Extreme F'N Wrestling!

Mack seems a bit fired up, he loves this company though. Smokey nods in agreement and says.

So how about these cats in here then, what ya think of them all?

Mack thinks for a second and says.

Well, I think its about damn time we got some new guys stepping up to help rebuild this place and especially now after this we need it. Though with as much as they are stepping up, I'm a be stepping up as well because BEEP will never die!

Smokey smiles and says.

Nice man, so what's that mean for Midnight, for al the DSS, for Ravyn and whoever teams with him tonight?

Mack just says.

It means they better be ready to aim higher than they wanted cause Mack ain't holding back. I'm representing this company no matter what and in this time of switching to E F'N W I gotta represent like never before. So if all the DSS wants use me to get ahead, if Dante Davlin wants to, if Weigel, James, Camaro, Venom, Murdock, Dogg, Gabriel, Azreal, Shadow Dragon or even Sandman and Chris Orton and right down to the fucking beer vendors, if they wanna make it, they better really step up now. I ain't one to keep making idle threats or promises or whatever your supposed to call it, I make them and then I execute them, not a lot of warning for me, just doing!

Smokey nods and says.

Fuck yea, Mack is back bitches, so step up cause this is gonna be a wild fucking ride!

Mack throws an arm around Smokey and does a half a crotch chop as he shouts out.


Smokey quickly does the other half of the chop and the we cut back to ringside where Nick Miller says.

Seems Mack is fired up and ready to show up everyone in S-, I mean E F'N W, have to get used to that, but we all will.

Greg responds.

Its hard to argue against Mack, but damn it!

Nick just laughs, but gets ready for the next match and announces it now.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a Hardcore match! Introducing first from Newport Beach California...

SAVE ME hits and the lights change from normal to orange, the crowd starts to cheer.

Weighing in at 228lbs, he is the self-proclaimed Quintessential Star............Johnnnnny Camaaaaroooo!

Johnny Camaro walks through the curtain and stops. He poses with his arms wide open showing off his abs as sparks cover the entrance. He walks down the ramp with the sparks still on, he turns around still walking and points the the stage where the sparks have just turned off, Camaro turns back around and continues to walk to the ring. He reaches ringside and runs to the ring just sliding in, he hops up and jogs to the corner and jumps landing on the middle ropes. Once again he spreads his arms open, waits a few second and then jumps down and waits for the opponent who Nick announces.

And his opponent! from Boston, Massachusetts...

UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE hits and Bobby James wastes not time. He comes running out with a chair in hand, he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring ready to fight. Johnny bails out of the ring and goes under it to grab weapons. He pulls out a table and slides it in, he grabs street signs and tosses those in. Finally, he grabs a chair and slides in the ring ready to fight. The two stand there waiting for the other to make the first move while trashing each other. After 30 seconds or so they both drop their weapons and go for a test of strength. They lock each others hands and Bobby has got the advantage pushing Camaro down, he's in a bridge looking position and Bobby has a smirk on his face. Johnny somehow gets out of the bridge position and is fighting back now sending Bobby almost to his knees, but is able to hit him with a low blow before on his knees. James is now taunting the crowd and yelling about how Camaro isn't a challenge, the fans are giving him a massive amount of boos which just make him smirk even more. James walks over to Camaro and pins him, the ref gets down and checks him, Camaros shoulders are down so he starts counting...1.....2......kick out. Bobby jumps up and gets right in the refs face, he clearly isn't happy about this. He walks over to Camaro still wrathing from that nut shot, and connects the Silencer. You can tell Camaro is in excruciating pain, he`s trying to reach the ropes and James lets him because there were no rope breaks. You can tell Camaro is starting to doze off, and the ref checks him. He lifts up Johnny`s arm and falls down.


He does it again, and once again Camaros arm falls.


He does it again but this time Camaros arm stays in the air and the crowd cheers and chants "Lets Go Johnny." Camaro stands up with James on his back and staggers but is able to slam himself backwards causing James to be sandwiched between a sign and Camaro. They're both laid out and the ref looks them over making sure their ok to proceed. Bobby James starts to move and getting up using the ropes to help him. He is now up and laughing at how he is going to beat Camaro once again. Camaro does a handspring and gets up, James turns around to finish him and sees Camaro standing and staring a hole through him. James is stunned a little and is backing off and bails to the outside. Camaro not having any of that runs for the ropes and suicide dive James down while landing on his feet. The fans are really starting to get into it and really getting behind Camaro. He picks up James and throws him in the ring, he goes under the ring and picks up a ladder and is about to send it in when James baseball slides it into Camaros face. James goes out and picks up Camaro hitting him with his signature Double Arm DDT then goes right back to taunting the crowd. Camaro is busted wide open from the ladder shot and is completely juiced. Bobby meanwhile is still taunting the crowd and gets right in the face of one who is yelling at him, he slaps the fan and the fan tries to jump the barrier but is pulled back by the security. Bobby watches him get pulled back and yells to the fans making fun of him. He finally goes back to Camaro and picks him up, Camaro is basically lifeless and James is struggling to keep him on his feet. He picks him up one more time and gets him on his feet, James yells at him and slaps Camaro who drops to his knees rather quickly and low blows James. James is on the ground wrathing and Camaro is standing over him.


Blood is running off his face and onto James' chest, he's picked up and thrown into the ring. Camaro picks up the ladder and this time gets it in the ring, he goes in and sets it up in the corner then picks up James and drags him up the ladder with him. Camaro ties James legs into the top step on the other side hanging James upside down. Camaro goes out of the ring and grabs another ladder throws it into the ring and sets it up in the middle of the ring and NOOOO! CAMARO JUST HIT THE TRADEMARK OFF OF TWO LADDERS!!!!!!!!!!!! James might be knocked out but Camaro gets up quickly and starts taunting with the fans causing them to cheer. Camaro turns around and is hit with a chair from the ref!!! Wait that's not the ref!! That's Steve Weigel, he knocked out the ref before Camaro! It looks like he came out here to help his buddy Bobby James!!!! Now they are both laid out and a new ref comes running down to check on both competitors. James seems to be conscious and he drags himself slowly to Camaro, he gets himself on top of Johnny and the ref starts counting......1........2.......Kick out!!!! James again argues with the ref and pushes him aside. James changes his sights to Camaro who is out of it, James picks up Camaro and drags him on top of a ladder. He starts to yell at a lifeless Camaro and hooks him up for a Double Arm DDT!!! James jumps backwards off the ladder with Camaro!!! OH MY GOOODDDDD!!!! CAMARO AND JAMES JUST LANDED ON ALL THE WEAPONS!!!!! AND LOOK CAMARO`S ARM IS ON TOP OF JAMES!!!! The ref starts counting..1..2..3!!!!! Here`s Nick to announce the winner!

Here is your winner! The self-proclaimed Quintessential Star..............Johnnnnny Camaaaaroooo!

SAVE ME hits and the irony sets in that Camaro really does need someone to save him. The fans are screaming as they have seen two new stars step up and deliver a good match! Paramedics come running down and Camaros music stops. They separate James and Camaro from all the weapons and each other. They are both carried out on stretchers and before Camaros stretcher goes behind the curtain he gives the fans a thumbs up causing them to cheer and Camaros music to hit once again hit.

This match is scheduled for one fall and has a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first!

OBSCURE plays.

From Parts Unknown, weighing 210lbs.......Shadoooww Drrraaaagooonn!

The lights go out, when they come back on he's in the ring and his Music fades out. Silence is heard throughout the arena as BEAUITFUL blasts through the pa system. The lights dim and a green spot light shines down on the enterence as Steve Weigel walks out. He stands there with his right fist in the air as the crowd starts to fill the arena with boo. As he lowers his arm and raises his head you can see a smirk on his face. Steve slowly starts to walk down the rampway smirking at the crowd and putting his nose up at them like he is better while Nick Miller introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at 255 pounds........Steeeeeeve Weeeeeigel!

He slides into the ring and spin around with his arms out at his side. He goes right after Shadow Dragon who hits him with a Step Up Enziguri and quickly pins him. Kick out. Not even a one count. Weigel gets up and hit The Last Rites, and Shadow Dragon flips up and trys to hit a Yakuza Kick but is ducked by Weigel who hits My Suicide. Weigel goes for the pin....1....2......3! Here's Nick Miller with the official decision.

Here is your winner..............Steeeeeeve Weeeeeigel!

BEAUTIFUL plays as Steve stands up and smirks arrogantly while the crowd boos him. He kicks Dragon from the ring and laughs at him, then makes his exit walking with cocky steps to the back, but stops when the lights go out and the Tron lights up. BANG BANG BANG is heard over the pa while images of Salman Van Dam flying across the ring and out of it and off the ropes and all over are seen. He is shown delivering moves and then a still pic flashes...

And then the words...


...flash across the tron and then it turns out and the lights come back on. Weigel is gone and Dragon is being helped out now as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a show so far and more hype for the returning SVD, but its time for the main event now, so lets get to it!

And we hear DEADMAN WALKING hit the pa and out walks Ravyn and Midnight side byside snarling at the booing crowd while Nick introduces them.

The following is a Tag Team Title Tournament match and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 500 pounds, they are the Dark Shadow Society..........Ravyn Crow and Midnight!

The fans jeer as Ravyn and Midnight head down the aisle and Greg chimes in.

Looks official, Midnight did take her daughters place after all!

They both get in the ring and then YOU'RE GOING DOWN hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtain hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp stares down his challengers, and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right as Nick Miller announces his entrance.

And their opponents, first, making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring stares at the challengers again, makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps few times to loosen his legs to get ready for his match. Chris lays the title in a corner and we now hear SLAVE TO THE GRIND and the crowd really pops loud as Mack swaggers out with a smirk, then Nick Miller introduces him.

And his partner, from-

He stops when Dante Davlin rushes out behind Mack with a chair to the back of his skull. Mack falls to his face and the chair is swung to his back twice, then Dante drops it and pulls Mack up dropping him with a ddt on it. The crowd is booing loud now and Dante gets up, looks down at Chris Orton who looks ready to run up there. Ravyn Crow prevents that with a kick to Chris' back sending him hurling on to the ropes. Ravyn clubs him across the back, then rips up Chris from behind and delivers a german suplex releasing him on to his stomach. Dante heads to the back now and Midnight is tagged in. She runs in dropkicking Orton in the head, then rips him up and delivers a Piledriver on him and pins, 1..................2.............kickout! Some officials are out checking on Mack who is bleeding from his head a little. Midnight punches Chris in the head, then pulls him up and tries for a choke slam. Chris grabs her by the throat to block it and pulls Midnight close, then delivers Laydown to her and keeps an arm on her, 1.......................2..............Ravyn comes in kicking Chris in the head. He backs off and Midnight pulls herself up as does Chris. Chris charges at her and Midnight kicks him low seeing the ref distracted by Ravyn. Chris staggers back and Midnight charges laying him out with the clothesline from hell. She tags in Ravyn, then pulls up Chris and whips him to the ropes. He bounces back and Ravyn gets in place dropping Chris with a big boot. Mack comes down the aisle staggering some and Midnight rolls from the ring to head him off. Ravyn kicks at Chris, then rips him up nailing Hell's Fury as Midnight gets out punched by Mack and dropped with SMOKED on the floor. Ravyn pins Chris, 1........................2.......................3! Mack slides in the ring and Ravyn gets up only to go down from Da Shows Ova and Nick Miller announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match...............Ravyn Crow and Midnight!

The crowd is bittersweet, but cheer mostly since Mack is standing tall, no, Gabriel comes from the crowd, gets in the ring with a steel chain and whips it across Mack's back, then rips him up and delivers The Message bring the crowd back to boos, trash being thrown out now. Gabriel just stands there sneering down at Mack as A NEW LEVEL plays over the pa signaling the end of the show and Nick Miller says.

Man, these young guys are stepping up, they are listening to Mack, this is gonna be some awesome tv in the future of this company and that too has changed, for the S and the E and the F is no more, were are now Extreme Federation Wrestling with a twists, Extreme F'N Wrestling and we'll see ya all next week-

Nick is cut off by the owner walking out from the curtain with a mic, the music cuts and he speaks.

Ya know what Mack, for you I will reveal your opponents in the match next week and one change. Were not doing a gauntlet match, its just gonna be handicapped. You will face Ravyn Crow, Midnight, Gabriel, and Dante Davlin and also I will be the referee for this huge match!

Gabriel looks at Ric who just smirks and lowers the mic now laughing, the crowd booing as loud as they can while A NEW LEVEL plays again and we finally have to come to an end, so Extreme now fades to black.

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