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universal6 star tag team

WAR 185

Started by mack420, January 11, 2018, 08:28:33 PM

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Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Rebel Coliseum in Jackson, Mississippi

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Match
Triple Threat Tag Team Match
SEF Tag Team Championship

Destruction v. Priceless Paine v. West Coast Connection(c)

Mid Card Bout
Revolution Championship

Main Event
The Network World Title Match

Card Is Subject To Change



Shouts Marijuana Mack from the darkness, then a match lights a candle before him and he flicks it away to let us see the maniacal face of his staring through the single light of the candlestick.

"I am not going anywhere my friends, I am here forever and ever, so get used to it. This Mack will never leave you, not ever will I go away. For better or worse my brothers and sisters, we are in this together and I will lead you to the light, so follow me down the path of darkness for it is I who knows the way."

A look of sorrow coming over his face as he says.

"I know the way, I know the way Whitney, come back to me, leave that devil in disguise you are with and follow my path to your light, please my love, my Jenom, my being. We once ruled this company as A Native Americano and Elizabeth Marret, we fooled the world, we owned this professional wrestling organization. We can do it again Whitney, we can do it better because Marijuana Mack is the true light that never comes, so follow me my dear, sweet Jenom, and leave that venomous Viper to rot in his hole. I beg you dear, please come home, please show the world who you really are, show me, show us all how well you carried the name Whitney Marret, how you stole the name and made it your own, how you became Elizabeth Marret, and how you nearly destroyed this company for good. You made Fate forgettable is what you did for not even that mind could do what you did to SEF, but I will always forgive you my sweetness, I will love you, cradle you, and send you to the light you deserve. Come home, please come home."

Marijuana Mack backing up to drop to his knees and lower his head with arms straight out in a crucifix pose.

"Jenom, you will leave me no choice, but to eliminate him myself. I am Marijuana Mack and I will reign down a darkness that this company has never seen before, that no one has ever seen anywhere because no one has ever seen Marijuana Mack at his peak. Come home Whitney, or I will be forced to take you down with your venomous bastard and anyone else who is surrounding that seedy son of a bitch. It is inevitable that I be the one who destroys the legend of Viper, that I, Marijuana Mack, makes the Dominant Player look like the weak, old man he has become. That is why Viper hides in the shadows now more than ever before in his career, because he knows that he can't dominate anymore, he cannot keep up today, he is outta here man. Viper is ancient history, he is not even worth it to anyone, but me. I am the light that never comes because I am willing to lower myself to anyone's level just to make an example out of them and I can get away with it. Marijuana Mack can get away with anything because I built my career on doing just that. I proved I could carry the top title win this company when I was just a nobody ripping off the most legendary name to ever step into a SEF ring. I will see you in hell Viper, and I will leave you to rot where you belong while I continue on my path to lead SEF into the light. You see, while I may embrace the darkness better than you and I may bring a dark shadow bigger than anyone else has ever brought on to this company, I will do it not destroy SEF, but to destroy those who seek to destroy SEF. Like you Viper, you and your mentor, you sick, sadistic bastards, I will give you a level of sadism that permanently erases you from SEF. When I am done with you Viper, no one will ever remember the days of glory when you dominated opponents in the ring and played everyone for fools because you will be the biggest fool of all...Viper, you already are the biggest fool for you created this monster, Marijuana Mack, you made me to destroy you. Your sacrifice of yourself failed, but I will not fail to rid SEF of you Viper, I will never fail because I can't. I am not a success story, just a man made to balance the system and do so I will. SEF needs me now more than ever before Viper, I am needed to face the darkness by creating  my own darkness that will shadow you and any other enemy who is of our state, of this universe we belong to in SEF."

Marijuana Mack looking up with a almost a new light in his eyes, but that maniacal smile casting his darkness.

"You can only run from me Viper, run as far as you can, bury yourself deep in your hole, and hide forever because I will bury you deeper, I will suffocate you Viper, I will destroy you because you are already dead to me."

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Mayhem by Halestorm playing over the pa of the Rebel Coliseum as we go to ringside for Nick Miller to say.

"Welcome to Wednesday night WAR right here in Jackson Mississippi for the third week in row with a packed Rebel Coliseum of diehard fans. I am Nick Miller ladies and gentlemen and we got three titles on the line tonight, but only one has any participants named, so stay tuned to find out who else is going to get a title shot cause in our opening match we will see the Tag Team Titles defended in a triple threat tag match when the West Connection puts up the straps against Destruction and Priceless Paine. I have a new partner, though a old face to SEF audiences and a man familiar with this position next to me, so let's hear what the new WAR announcer, Bill McLane, has to say about this match."

Bill says.

"Thank you Nick, and what can I say except that Destruction is back, badder than ever before and they are going to destroy two teams to take back their Tag Team Titles. The monsters of mayhem are unstoppable, let alone indestructible, so its only a matter of time before they are champs again!"

Nick says.

"Not a bad pick to win the titles, but it is a triple threat and while they were away we saw Jay and Mesa move up, as a team, and as individuals. Priceless Paine have remained a solid team and are looking for their big opportunity and this is big tonight. Should be a killer opening match and hopefully the Network Title match in the main event can keep up."

Walk by Pantera plays over the pa now and the crowd standing up for Nick Torres who just walks out like a regular person donned in black like last week, his hair tied back this week in a ponytail. The Westsiders Edge looking ready for business as he stomps up the steel steps into the ring, gets a microphone from the announcer and turns to look up the ramp.

"Its all about you Troy, and I know you hinted at taking care of me, of our unfinished business, when you are ready, but I am ready now, so get your big ass out here!!"

Torres tossing the mic down and rips off his shirt tossing it up the ramp, then motions for a fight when Dark Age by Vader plays over the pa and out rushes the entire Resurrection of Pain, all except The Resurrector. Jake Voss leading the charge and gets in first to end up on the mat from a couple rights by the Westsiders Edge. Cliff O Clink coming in to tackle Torres into a corner, but gets shoved away and taken down with a boot to the face. PBR, Josh Diabolical, and Steve White hit the ring now and bombard Torres with a three on one assault, then Jake Voss gets back to his feet helping the other members. They get Torres down and Cliff running in to unload with punches on the Westsiders Edge, drags him up and delivers The End. Jake directing Steve to hit Torres with a gutwrench powerbomb, then PBR and Josh deliver a double spinebuster. Jake getting a steel chair to bash Torres over the head with, then sticks the Westsiders Edge leg in the chair before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Shedding Skin by Pantera plays over the pa and here comes Hick Janes with a his own steel chair in hand, but Jake leaping from the top rope to smash Torres' leg in the chair, then escapes Hick Janes wielding his chair. PBR gets taken out of the ring with a chair shot and the rest escape, except Steve White who is clobbered to the mat a couple times by Hick. Jake Voss standing on the stage with the other members of the Resurrection of Pain when Smokey McWeed comes rushing out with a microphone in hand to stand in front of Jake, glancing between him and Hick Janes in the ring.

"Ok, ok, Hick Janes and Jake Voss, tonight you two go one on one, but we got a Tag Team Title match first tonight here on WAR and we need to get Nick Torres some help, so clear out or I'll have you ejected from the building."

Smokey looking at the Resurrection of Pain and Jake holding his hands up innocently, then leads his crew to the back as Hick Janes waits for medics to come down with a stretcher and help his friend to the back leaving Nick Miller to say.

"Nick Torres keeping it short and sweet with his words and seemed to hold his own for a minute or so, but the numbers of the RoP too much for him and his leg may be seriously hurt, so we will keep everyone updated on that as the night progresses."

Bill McLane says.

"The Resurrection of Pain with a huge start to WAR leaving one of the top wrestlers perhaps on the injured list and now we get to see what should be a stellar match between Jake Voss and Hick Janes."

Nick says.

"Jake is II Champ too, so if Hick Janes can get a win you have to believe he would be in line for a title match."

Bill says.

"Well yea, but this is Jake Voss we are talking about, the defiant god, a man who rises like the phoenix every time he comes back to SEF cause you just can't keep him down!"

Nick says.

"Not taking anything away from Jake, he is a hell of a competitor and he is like the phoenix, good name for that guy, he rises when you think he is dead and shows how alive he is, but Hick Janes seemed pretty damn alive after seeing his friend in danger, so we'll see who wins right here, live on WAR."

Opening Match
Triple Threat Tag Team Match
SEF Tag Team Championship
Destruction v. Priceless Paine v. West Coast Connection(c)

Winners via Pinfall over Jay and NEW Tag Team Champions:
Priceless Paine @ 26 Minutes 40 Seconds

Raise Up by Saliva plays over the pa and the new champs exiting the ring quick to grab their belts and head up to the stage celebrating as Destruction looking ready to keep this match going. Jason and Chris slamming their belts together, then hug each other and raise their arms high in unison for the cheering crowd as Nick Miller says.

"What a action packed match that was and what a win for Priceless Paine who are walking out as the new SEF Tag Team Champions, but Destruction wanting more and Frankie in the ring to say a few words it seems."

Frank Malone is in the ring with a microphone and stands between his monsters of mayhem to say with a snarl.

"No, Destruction was not beat, they are not done, and they deserve a fair shot to become Tag Team Champions, not some triple threat scenario where they can lose without being in the deciding fall. No, they are going to remain out here to hold this show hostage until this wrong is righted, so I don't care if its the Owner, Mr Bear, or the Commissioner, Smokey McWeed, get your ass out here to fix this or you will have a show to fix after Destruction cancels the rest of WAR!!!"

Frank lowering the mic showing he is all business and looks at Thrash and Slash ready to unless them, but hustling out on the stage is the WAR Commissioner, Smokey McWeed who has a mic in hand and says his peace from the stage.

"I gotta get some theme music, but no time for that now cause we got WAR to run and I can't have this show held hostage, so Frank, I give you this. Next week Destruction will face the West Coast Connection in a tag team match with the winner receiving a Tag Team Title shot the week after that on WAR. All your monsters have to do is beat Jay and Mesa, two on two, then they earn their shot at the champs in a two on two match, what ya say!?!"

Smokey spreading his arms out and Frank just grins at that as he list his mic to say.

"Ok Smokey, we'll let you finish WAR your way and wait for next week to show the world what Destruction does best!"

Indestructible by Disturbed plays over the pa and the monsters exit the ring with Frank in tow, so Smokey disappears to the back and Nick Miller says.

"Smokey wasted no time in appeasing Destruction and a hell of a match that should be next week after witnessing an awesome triple threat just now to open our show."

Bill McLane says.

"Oh no doubt, but Frank Malone had a good point and Destruction does deserve a fair opportunity. These guys revolutionized tag team wrestling over a decade ago, now are back to do it again, only now get the credit they didn't get back then."

Nick says.

"And we will see if they can get those titles like they want, but remember, this is a different tag team division than they entered over a decade ago and the teams today remember what Destruction is all about. Jay and Mesa are both former World Champions in the singles division and helped redefine tag team wrestling as well, so they deserve a two on two rematch."

Bill says.

"In all fairness yes, but Jay and Mesa are more than a team, they are individuals who work well together, like brothers."

Nick says.

"They are to each other and they have fought each other, but always have each other's backs, so this is fun times in tag team wrestling right here in SEF. No one wants to miss it, but blink during the action in the next match and you may miss it as these guys have been fighting hard over the Revolution Title."

Mid Card Bout
Fatal 4 Way Match
Revolution Championship
Cliff O Clink v. Barry v. PBR v. Steve White(c)

Winner via Pinfall over Barry and NEW Revolution Champion:
PBR @ 13 Minutes 54 Seconds

Suicide Note Part 1 by Pantera plays over the pa as PBR staggers up to collect his title and Cliff in his face yelling for a rematch next week. Steve White recovering in a corner and sees his two teammates face to face, so he rushes over to drop both with a double clothesline, then picks up the title and yells.


Steve leaving the ring with the title as Cliff and PBR roll from the ring to get on their feet and follow him, so Nick Miller says.

"Whoa, Steve White just stole the Revolution Title from a fellow member of the RoP after knocking him and another member down with that double lariat. I told you the action over that title is hot, so hot that band mates are turning one each other!"

Bill Mclane says.

"Hopefully Steve hands the belt back and takes it the right way, but yea, that action is hot. These guys are killing each other to be Revolution Champion. Speaking of the RoP though, The VP, Jake Voss is in action next when he takes on the friend of the man the RoP injured at the start of the night."

Nick says.

"Classic match in the making there and no doubt Hick Janes is going to be hot in this one, but will his emotions get the best of him after seeing what happened to his friend!?"

Mid Card Bout
Hick Janes v. Jake Voss

Winner via Pinfall:
Hick Janes @ 33 Minutes 59 Seconds

Shedding Skin by Pantera plays over the pa bringing Hick Janes shooting up after a hard fought one on one match, which was unexpected, but refreshing. The referee raising the winners arm in the air as Nick Miller says.

"What a win for Hick Janes who just pinned the Icon-Iron Champion of SEF, so if he wanted a shot at that title, he may have it. He did avenge his friend, however, I got word during the match that Nick Torres has been taken to a hospital and is going to have to see a specialist for his knee as the damage is going to require surgery, so he won't be in the ring for some time, weeks, months maybe, I don't know!?!"

Bill McLane says.

"Its a shame, the guy was ranked three overall of the entire roster, a legend some may call him, and a damn great wrestler. But the show must roll on, so when he does return, there is something for him to come back to."

Nick says.

"Yes, when he does return he will come back for business cause Nick Torres is that kind of man."

Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays over the pa bringing Rick Reynolds and Thor out in their wrestling gear. Reynolds in a flashy robe while Thor sports the old sweatshirt and they march to the ring together. Reynolds taking his time up the steps as Thor slides in to get a microphone and does the talking for once.

"Last week The Triad proved why we are indeed the version of World Champions when we dominated The Showsteala, Jordan Brooks, and Ruemash. We took The Network World Title home and it remains with us because what many didn't see was The Triad dominate after WAR went off the air, so I may not have a title, for now, but Ruemash, I will take the SEF World Title off you. Now get out here, so I can give these people a preview of what will happen when we meet, one on one!"

For The Fight by Butcher Babies blasts over the pa bringing Ruemash out who wastes no time in getting to the ring causing Thor and Rick to bail out and save the fight for the match.

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Singles Match
Thor v. Ruemash

Winner via DQ:
Ruemash @ 3 Minutes 14 Seconds

Jordan Brooks comes out to make sure Ruemash isn't suffering a beat down by the hands of The Triad, a group he has had runs in with recently. WAR Commissioner Smokey McWeed decides to make this a tag team match.

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match
Ruemash & Jordan Brooks v. Rick Reynolds & Thor

Winners via Pinfall over Thor:
Jordan Brooks & Ruemash @ 22 Minutes 37 Seconds

Jordan getting to his feet after pinning Thor, but Reynolds from behind with a superkick to the back of his head followed up by a german suplex for SIN. Ruemash coming in the ring to mow down Reynolds with the Rogue Kick and checks on Jordan as Nick Miller says.

"The Triad not fairing so well against the World Champ and Titan Champ, but a war brewing for sure."

Bill McLane says.

"The Triad will get some payback, just wait and see, Rick Reynolds is way to cunning to let this stand!"

The Infection by Disturbed played over the pa bringing out the new Network World Champion to the ring who carries himself like a bitter champion who has had enough. Bill marching into the ring where he gets a microphone and holds the title on his shoulder while saying.

"Last week I got what I deserved, but I deserved to win the main event, before the show went off the air. Nonetheless, I am the champ, I am a bonafide World Champion and sooner or later, that other World strap is coming home. But as for tonight, this title goes nowhere except home with me because there is no one in the back or in this entire world that can touch me in this ring!"

Best Of You by Foo Fighters plays over the pa bringing The Showsteala out to a rousing ovation and he does the usual dance to the ring. Bill tackling him as The Showsteala gets in the ropes to take him to the floor hammering The Showsteala with punches. The ref separating them and gets Bill in the ring, checks on The Showsteala who nods he is ok to go, then we get to the match.

Main Event
The Network World Title Match
The Showsteala v. Bill Roberts(c)

Winner via Pinfall and NEW Network Champion:
The Showsteala @ 41 Minutes 16 Seconds

Best Of You by Foo Fighters plays and The Showsteala on his knees in the ring looking winded and sweat still rolling down his face. The ref hands him the title and he takes it letting it drop on his lap as the crowd cheers him on and Nick Miller says.

"The Showsteala is champion again, my god this man never quits, he never gives up, he is the epitome of a spirit that will never die!"

Bill McLane says.

"I cannot argue with you Nick, The Showsteala proves time after time that just when you think he has had enough, he comes back and kicks it down your throat. I just wonder how long he can really hold up?"

Nick says.

"Most men would have quit a long time ago, so no telling with The Showsteala. But WAR is over on that note, for this week, and we will see you next week right here in Jackson, so until then, have a good night."

From the darkness comes a familiar voice of Marijuana Mack.


His voice echoing through the dark halls he hides in.

"Marijuana Mack died six years ago when The Mack returned to kick my head off at Wrestle X. Now he goes by The Showsteala because I, and I alone destroyed the name of Mack. I am A Native Americano and well I will remain in the darkness as the light that never comes, I will be bringing back justice to SEF once again. I started my crusade four years ago, but was derailed by Viper and his quest to destroy this great company. No more Viper, you will answer to A Native Americano now, you will be consumed by the darkness I embrace. The darkness that you hide in will be your undoing my unforgiven one. You cannot control the creatures of the night, you do not have a clue what lurks in the shadows, but A Native Americano is at home in the depths of the abyss. Run now Viper, or you will never live to tell your own tale and that's a shoot."

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