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WAR 188

Started by mack420, April 01, 2018, 07:26:21 PM

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Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

Promo Deadline
11:59:59 PM EST on April 17th, 2018
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Promo Limit Per Match For Each Character

Promo Board
Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
SEF Revolution Xtreme Franchise Championship Match

Simon Lee Nash v. J X Cash(c)

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match

The Lunatics v. Priceless Paine

Mid Card Bout
Hardcore Match

Jade West v. Jason Stratus

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Singles Match

Chris Orton v. The Showsteala

Main Event
Tag Team Match

A Native Americano & Tina v. The Perry Sisters

Card Is Subject To Change



Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

"Welcome to Wednesday Night WAR!!!"

Shouts the voice of SEF who sits ringside to call all the action as Mayhem by Halestorm plays over the pa.

"Hello everyone, Nick Miller here with you all and ready for an awesome show as this rowdy crowd in Detroit seems to be. The Little Ceasers Arena is packed and with the lineup we got, I know why. With me to help call all the action is Bill McLane. You ready Bill?"

Bill says.

"Ready as I ever will be to see the debut of The Perry Sisters against perhaps the best version of Impact X Facta. Not sure how these girls are going to get past the hottest team in town, but its the main event, so they better."

Nick says.

"Yea, big opportunity for The Perry Sisters who have shown us very little about themselves, so we'll have to wait and see what they have to offer. Jade West has shown us she is willing to get hardcore and use her friends to help her win and she has Jason Stratus in a Hardcore match."

Bill says.

"Jason could beat her if he cared enough to do it, but I don't know why that guy has been so lazy as of late!? He has all the tools to be a big star here, maybe even World Champion, I don't know, but he certainly is a long way from that in his current mindset, whatever that is!?"

Nick says.

"Jason does have the tools to be a star here after winning the International Title right off his debut, but that was so long ago, I don't know what he has to offer anymore!? Simon Lee Nash seems like he is on a similar path to Jason with not putting as much effort in as he used to. Although he did manage to win the Revolution Title before it was merged into the RXF Title and now has a match against the champ, J X Cash, tonight, and that match will kick off WAR!"

Bill says.

"Simon still sucks! Sure, he is showing his allegiance to Impact X Facta and appears to genuinely wants to be a part of a pack, but J X Cash is money baby, he is so far over Simon its not even silly. Simon's best bet for gold is to find a partner who can carry him, anyone in IXF would do!"

Nick says.

"When Simon is on he can carry himself in a match, although Chris Orton may be having some trouble with that since his latest return."

Bill says.

"He should have never returned to SEF. He can't hang in the ring anymore, so he should hang up the boots and just retire while he still can claim to be a success story."

Nick says.

"A shame to see that happen to a man who once stood on top of SEF as World Champion, but I guess he is not The Showsteala like who he faces tonight. Also in action we have Priceless Paine facing The Lunatics, Dean and Seth Moxley in a tag team match."

Opening Contest
SEF Revolution Xtreme Franchise Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. J X Cash(c)

X acting arrogant the whole match leading Simon into a sense of false hope almost and seems to have the son of Nash beaten. Simon not staying down though and rallies back after a Gangsta Splash to set up for a F5. X spins out to his feet and nails a flying round house kick to Simon's head, then applies the Lockdown. Simon screaming in pain as X twists his ankle sideways and the son of Nash struggling to get to the ropes, but he does grab the bottom rung. X letting go on a count of four from the ref and backs off to shout.


Simon trying to pull himself up on the ropes and X rushing in with quick kicks to the legs and whips Simon across the ring to look for a superkick. Simon ducking to spring off the ropes again and nail X with a spear, then rolls him up for the F5. X slips down to nail a roundhouse kick to the back of Simon's head spinning him around to hoist up the son of Nash into the Asshole Cutta. X with the pin to win the match.

Winner via Pinfall and still RXF Champion: J X Cash @ 17 Minutes 39 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Tag Team Match
The Lunatics v. Priceless Paine

Chris makes Seth tap out to The Shoot.

Winners via Submission: Priceless Paine @ 11 Minutes 58 Seconds

Mid Card Bout
Hardcore Match
Jade West v. Jason Stratus

Jade using her bag of tricks to gain the advantage over Jason and The Perry Sisters end up at ringside to distract Jason. Sierra getting involved with a hurricanrana to Jason taking him off the ring apron to the floor and that is when Tina and A Native Americano run out to the ring. Tina with a running dropkick to Cruella as ANA hits Sierra with Justice. Jade comes flying over the top rope with a senton bomb crashing down on ANA and Tina leaving six bodies at ringside now. The crowd all excited for this wild brawl the hardcore match has turned into and Jason actually stirs first. Jade getting up to drag him in the ring and Cruella follows. Jason with a superkick to Jade, but Cruella with a tackle to Jason and hammers him with punches and elbows. Tina sliding in the ring as ANA gets up and the Golden Gal springing off the ropes with dropkick to Cruella's face. Tina dragging her up to nail a powerbomb, then sees Jade getting up and drops her with a sto into the T & A locking it in tight. Jade screaming loud as Jason gets up groggy and confused. ANA pulls Cruella from the ring and slides in to pull Tina off Jade and back her off to motion to Jason, then does a crotch chop at Jade. Jason still confused, but shrugs and smiles to stalk Jade as she stands, then nails a jumping reverse bulldog before making the pin to win.

Winner via Pinfall: Jason Stratus @ 15 Minutes 27 Seconds

Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi plays over the pa as ANA rolls from the ring and Tina yells down to Jade.


Tina rolling from the ring now and grins as she heads up on the stage with ANA doing a few crotch chops before making ther exit and Nick Miller says.

"Well that was strange, almost like a motion to offer Jason Stratus a spot in Impact X Facta it looks like, although ANA and Tina coming out had to be due to their main event match against The Perry Sisters who decided to get involved in this match."

Bill McLane says.

"Impact X Facta had no business in the match though as their match is later. Jade was getting help from her family in taking care of a lazy wrestler taking up space on the roster."

Nick says.

"Well I understand they are family, but SEF has a whole is a family and ANA has always been about justice, plus Tina is a hothead who appears to have Jade's number and wants to remind her every chance she gets."

Mid Card Bout
Non Title Singles Match
Chris Orton v. The Showsteala

Chris charges Mack who slides out of the ring making the CKO chase him around the ring a few times before sliding back in to pop up and look for Da Shows Ova. Chris catching Mack's foot and spins him around looking for Lights Out. Mack shoves Chris away and chop blocks the back of his left knee. Mack springing off the ropes with a flying roundhouse kick to Chris' head knocking him down. Mack heading up top to fly off with X to Chris' chest, then pops up dancing around like a maniac doing a few crotch chops. Chris getting up and Mack with a kick to his midsection and nails the Showstunna making the pin to win the match.

Winner via Pinfall: The Showsteala @ 5 Minutes 48 Seconds

Simon Lee Nash jumps in the ring from nowhere and starts pounding away at Chris, then we see Tina and A Native Americano heading into the ring with a couple metal folding chairs. Simon pulling Chris up to deliver a F5, then Tina wears him out with her chair just beating Chris around the ring. ANA shrugging and Mack motioning to set the chair up for him. ANA confused, but unfolds it and sets it down, so Mack has a seat to watch Tina continue bending the chair around Chris Orton's body. ANA sporting black cargo pants with his combat boots laced up tonight and a Impact X shirt. He pulls a can of spray paint from one the side pockets and hands it to Mack, then motions for Tina and Simon to lift Chris up to him. They do and what we see next is a triple powerbomb landing Chris on the chair Tina used. Mack smiling from his chair, then stands up shaking the can. Mack kneeling down by Chris and sprays the word loser across his chest, then turns him over and sprays IXF on his back. Mack drops the can and stands up crossing his arms in a X above his head as ANA stands behind him holding the Undisputed SEF World Championship belts up on either side of the champ. Tina and Simon on either side doing crotch chops as Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi plays over pa and Nick Miller says.

"A short match that was, but the after match beatdown may have been longer and Chris has to be hurting after that triple powerbomb. Mack just watching on, then adding insult to injury by spraying graffiti all over Chris."

Bill McLane says.

"Hey, that was artwork, like a Picasso or Michelangelo, only better because it was a classic Mack moment starring The Showsteala."

Mack making his way over to the announce table having a seat next to Nick who says.

"Well it seems The Showsteala is joining us now. How goes it Mack and what was that all about now?"

Mack laying his belts on the table in front of himself, then gets a headset on to say sarcastically.

"Geez Nick, I just sit down and you hounding me for answers when the answer is obvious. Chris Orton needs to go home, I already said it and I am done saying it."

Nick says.

"Well ok, how about this main event then, The Perry Sisters debuting against your teammates in Impact X Facta."

Mack says.

"Can't wait to see it honestly. The Perry Sisters said some things that reminded me of some two bit jobbers who said the same thing years ago when Impact X first banded together, but ya know we proved them wrong. Now we got nothing to prove, but since we are going nowhere, we will continue to prove who the best team is in SEF history and damn sure the most original."

Main Event
Tag Team Match
A Native Americano & Tina v. The Perry Sisters

Simon Lee Nash and Jade West hang around ringside supporting their teams, but remain as a distraction only with neither getting involved thus far. Tina finally getting taken down after a double team assault from The Perry Sisters and she tries fighting both. The ref keeping ANA out, then eventually counts Sierra out since Cruella is legal. Tina looking for a irish whip on Cruella, but gets reversed and sent down with a clothesline. Cruella pulling Tina up to tag in Sierra who comes in to quickly double team Tina again with the sisters nailing a spiked piledriver before Cruella gets out. Sierra going for the pin,




kickout. Sierra sits up angry at the ref who warns her it was two. She pulls Tina up to tag her sister again and Cruella comes in to once again take advantage of the double team to just beat Tina down. Cruella backs up to talk trash to ANA who smirks at her. Jade West coming over to yank ANA off the apron smacking his face off the edge of it. Simon Lee runs around with a spear taking Jade down and Tina sent to the ropes by Cruella who looks for a spinning kick. Tina ducks and takes down the Perry Sister with a roundhouse kick to her head. Tina down and looking to her corner where ANA slowly climbs up holding his head and reaches out. Tina crawls to him, but Cruells makes the tag and Sierra comes in. ANA tags in and cuts Sierra off with Justice, then pulls up Cruella to toss her out of the ring and goes for the pin on Sierra. Jade pulling the ref out of the ring and gets ordered to the back, then the ref gets back in the ring. Simon chasing Jade away from the ring as ANA tags in Tina, then nails Cruella with Justice as she gets on the apron sending her flying off into the guard rail. Tina with a sto to Sierra and locks in the T & A making her tap out to end the match.

Winners via Submission: Tina & ANA @ 13 Minutes 29 Seconds

Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi plays over the pa bringing Simon back to the ring to roll in and celebrate with his teammates who won the match. Simon stands to the right of ANA and Tina is on ANA's left as all three do crotch chops while green pyro shoots off to form X's behind them. The Showsteala just watching from ringside as Nick Miller says.

"Not a bad outing from The Perry Sisters who worked together as a solid team, but were just plain out matched by the Impact X Facta. These girls could work their way up to the top one day, but its clear who is at the top today."

Mack says.

"Yea, its me, what about it Nick!?"

Bill McLanes says.

"Nick doesn't get it Mack. He thinks there is hope for everyone, but doesn't realize some people are just the Chris Orton's of the world!"

Nick says.

"Chris Orton has done enough in SEF and I agree he should think about retirement for sure, but The Perry Sisters have the opportunity to learn and have the success Chris had, maybe more if they really work at it. Can't wait to see how Jade West can fair against Tina in two weeks in a thirty minute iron woman submission match."

Mack says.

"Yea, me neither, can't wait to see Tina humiliate this chick. She's a a hardcore girl no doubt, but Tina is just so far over Jade, like c'mon boys, we all know."

Nick says.

"Maybe so, but there is hope and at least she can try to prepare to give Tina a good match, that is what we want above all else, to cling to hope and be entertained. That is all the entertainment for tonight though and we will see you in two weeks for another edition of WAR on Wednesday night, May second. Until then, have a goodnight."

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