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Started by Daddy Mack, April 18, 2018, 12:04:19 AM

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Daddy Mack

Sometime Last Week, Before Friday

The Showsteala sits on the porch of a old house in the ghetto of Detroit, his blue eyes fixed on the road in front of him. He wears blue jeans, some old sneakers on his feet, and a windbreaker, black with trim around the snaps. The hood up on this windy day and Mack just sits there staring away as he says.

"Go home...just pack your things and go on home Chris Orton, you are done living off past glory. You were done with that a while ago, now its just sad to see what you have beoome Chris, after how much potential you once showed. The next Daddy Mack they said, and I welcomed a challenge from you, now I just have to ask, what are you doing!?"

The Showsteala looking up very sincere with them blue eyes and truly wants to know what Chris Orton is doing here in SEF.

"Chris, you have nothing to prove, like me, but I stay because its my life, it is my true love, it is all I know. But you, you are not like that, you are not like me, you don't really care that much about SEF, about wrestling. You were a great addition brother, you rode the wave that SEF made for you and you deserve everything you got, you earned it. You are a future hall of famer, but you are going to earn yourself a spot on the jobbers list if you keep hanging around here though cause you don't got it anymore. Chris, you lost it and that is sad. I can't even be my usual self right now cause what may have been between us today is not and I don't know why, I don't know what happened to Chris Orton. What was it, a decade ago or more when you came in here a rookie and I admit it now, you were on fire brother, you pinned me in your rookie year, good times. You even came back and became World Champion three years later, you done well, but WAR is not going to go well for you. You should stay away Chris, stay far away from SEF, cause you can't pin me now and that is not myself talking, no arrogance and that sucks. I don't want to face some washed up hasbeen who can't lace my boots, so just go home Chris."

Mack stands up and shoves his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker hugging himself a bit as he walks down the sidewalk of Mack Avenue.

Saturday, April 14th, 2018: Around 9 pm or later...

The Showsteala sits on a bench in the locker room with sweat still pouring off his head and chest. Mack in his ring tights with the Undisputed SEF World Championship belts laying on his lap and he just stares at them engrossed, mesmerized by the championship he now holds. Bill McLane walks in to ask Mack.

"Hey champ, got a few words about that awesome match we just saw and the fact that you emerged the winner and new Undisputed World Champion?!"

Mack cracking a smile and looks up at Bill who seems eager like a fan, so the champ stands up and begrudgingly slings the belts over his left shoulder looking like he just wrestled for nearly an hour, which he did, so yea. He just says.

"I think Jordan Brooks deserves to hold these more than I do, but like I told him out there, I will hold them for him, until he can take them back. But what you may not have heard was me telling him thank you...thank you for doing it on your own and making your dream a reality, you earned it, you earned everything and I believe you'll be back and BADDER than ever!"

Mack smirking a bit now and says.

"As for being Undisputed World Champion, it feels better than the first time I was undisputed champion because this is a merger of epic proportions. Six championships all combined to make up the Undisputed SEF World Championship and I see X got a new belt, so where is mine!?"

Mack a bit cocky, but semi serious perhaps and Bill says.

"You mean the new Revolution Xtreme Franchise Championship belt J X Cash presented to the world yesterday I take it. Nice looking title, but I have no idea when we are getting a new one for you. I do have to ask how this win tonight affects you going into WAR this Wednesday against Chris Orton!?"

Mack just smiles.

"You have to ask? Ok, well forgetting that lil bit and to be honest, it don't affect me. I still feel like Chris Orton is wasting his time in SEF and only going to hurt his legacy. I mean c'mon, he couldn't beat Jade West and yea, that's a knock on Jade for sure cause she may have heart and want to be here, but she got a long way to go before she is a contender to me, the Undisputed World Champion."

Bill nodding and says.

"I can understand what you mean by that as Jade West is simply not in your league, but if she keeps pursuing her dream, she could be."

Mack shrugs and says.

"Yea, like Chris Orton did, he came in here on fire when he debuted and while he was no World Title contender then, he had heart and he rose up and he became one. Now Chris just doesn't have that drive, his fire has been extinguished a long time ago and that is what really sucks about all this. If he was still as good as he claims he is, he and I would tear the arena down, although I still have the drive to do that cause I just did it tonight with Jordan Brooks. Chris simply needs to go home."

Mack walking past Bill to exit the locker room.

Present Day

The Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit Michigan is the place to be because that is where WAR emanates from this week with a lineup of who's who from the main roster of SEF. The Perry Sisters finally make their big debut after running around with Jade West for weeks and the RXF Championship is on the line in the opening contest of the night, plus we got a hardcore match, but most important is The Showsteala has a match. The problem is its against Chris Orton and so a match it may not be as much as it is a predictable night for SEF's number one star. The Showsteala, or more commonly refereed to as Mack, sits backstage wearing blue jeans and a white tee with his long hair hanging down his shoulders. A glazed look over his blue eyes as he stares off lost in thought it seems, then his eyes dart this way seeing he is on the SEF Network now. Mack sits up on the metal crate to smile and try to look enthused, tries to look cocky and arrogant, but appears to be a bit let down as he says.

"I have in my schedule for the night a match with a man who doesn't realize when he doesn't have it anymore. Chris Orton, you can have all the books you want and I think its great that you finally learned to read something because your failure to read your opponents is going to cost you big time. You can talk about your success and I will be the first to admit you had success in SEF, you didn't have to come back. No one expects you to beat me because you are a shell of the wrestler who scored that win over me twelve years ago. I don't really care what you say about who is better Chris because it means nothing coming from you. I don't care who you beat anywhere else because if it wasn't in SEF, it wasn't the best talent in the world as the best wrestlers in the world reside in SEF. If you are already looking past me to focus on winning some championship you never won here, then you are already a beaten man Chris, you will lose to me. I agree that beating me would put you in line for championship matches, however, you offer no reason why you should beat me. I honestly don't know what I am getting into against you because I don't know that you will give me your best as I have yet to see you bring your best back to SEF. Again, you are a shell of what you once were Chris and at this point I don't know that you could do anything to be as big as you once were. I feel for you Chris, I once thought I was in the same boat as you, a shell of myself, but I got over it and now I am a twenty eight time World Champion in SEF alone. I have held over thirty World Championships over my three decades in this business and that has to be some kind of record. I hope to see a return of the old Chris Orton, of someone who could actually challenge me to a match, but I am not seeing anything worth my time anymore. I feel like I have wasted more time than I should have on you Chris, but I always wanted to see you succeed, so I give you my best in hopes that I can get the same from you. Give me your best Chris or go home."

Mack a bit somber as he scoots off the crate to walk off down the hall looking for someone as we go to a commercial for WAR.

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