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Are you that stupid Chris, go home?!

Started by mack420, May 01, 2018, 06:29:14 PM

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Those words echo through the darkness backstage and A Native Americano's gruff voice speaks a slight bit softer than his opening line, but still loud.

"I don't expect you to do anything Chris, I expect you to be just another pushover in this match and any other match you have in SEF. As for you bringing something unexpected to wow us all, to get some win you don't need, no, I don't believe you and no one believes you. No one believes in Chris Orton anymore, so like Mack told you two weeks ago, go home Chris. As for a false speech that bores people to death..."

ANA steps out of the darkness wearing his unlaced combat boots, blue jeans, a IX shirt, and has his long hair hanging down his shoulders. His thumbs hooked on to his belt loops as he stands there with a bit of a cocky smile knowing what Chris is trying to get at, but Chris fails to see, to hear what is really going on.

"Chris, there is nothing false about me. I am not the guy running around claiming to be a part of a family that I am not a part of. And there sure as hell was nothing false about me kicking your ass eight years ago when I was running around here as Marijuana Mack. I built my legacy on shooting Chris, on spewing words you cannot claim are false, so if you do, it shows me that the truth hurts you Chris. You are seething about what I said, something I said has you so angry you can't even think straight, let alone speak. Listen to yourself Chris and maybe you will be the only one who does since no one else understands your nonsense, but if you listen to yourself, I doubt you would understand what you are saying. Mack was right, you are a shell of a man and tonight I expose you like he wouldn't do because I don't care about beating you Chris. I care about pushing you to the limit and your limit is less than mine Chris. You are in for a world you forgot about, a world you cannot prepare for, a world you left behind years ago. SEF has moved on Chris and you are going to be left behind as we all look to the future."

The cockiness gone now and ANA just snarls his upper lip a little as he says.

"You want a shocker Chris, how about I come to that ring tonight and knock you the f-- out in seven seconds or less? Now, I am not one to call my shot and deliver it because its not how I work, but against you, its probably close to what will really happen because you have lost it Chris. You don't have what it takes to compete in this ring against the very best or the second best, or even a rookie like Jade West. You Chris Orton are in desperate need to retire while you still have a shred of dignity left to your legacy. If you don't retire, you will not be celebrated anymore, no future hall of fame spot, no more titles, nothing Chris. You should find a new role if you want to stay in SEF because I am coming to that ring to represent SEF as the Icon Iron Champion and that means you lose Chris. From here on out you are going to be a loser and I don't want to see that, I hate having to say that about you because I remember promoting you as a World Champion, I remember the glory days of Chris Orton being the man around here. Now I have to go out there and have a match with you when you won't even give me your best. You won't step up and show the world how you became World Champion. You make people believe you didn't deserve to be champion and I know better than that Chris, I know you earned it and deserved it, but all you get for your past glory is a beatdown by A Native Americano. Two weeks ago it was the Impact X Facta laying you to waste after Mack stomped you in a matter of minutes. Tonight you don't have to worry about a post match beating because I will batter you enough during our match. And like I said, I don't care if I win, I am just going to beat you down and leave you laying to think about retiring, hell Chris, maybe I will cripple your ass, so you have no choice, but to retire!?! Maybe I will do that Chris, I don't really have a plan and I don't care what happens to you, I just want you gone. I want to save your legacy, so that one day you can be celebrated as a great champion, not a joke like you are becoming. But ya know, I doubt you are listening or care what I say, so forget it Chris, just know that the only black out is gonna be your career in SEF and that's a shoot."

ANA walking away with his boots clomping across the cement floor growing fainter as he gets further and soon darkness is all we see again.

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