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universal6 star tag team

WAR 190

Started by Simon Lee Nash, May 02, 2018, 05:18:48 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Event Date
8 PM EST on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Promo Deadline
11:59:59 PM EST on May 15th 2018
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Minimum Promo Word Count

Maximum Promo Word Count

Promo Limit Per Match For Each Character

Promo Board
Live News Promos @ The SEF Office

This Brand is Rated TV-PG with a caution for Violence!

Scottstrade Center St. Louis MO

Theme Music
Mayhem by Halestorm

Opening Contest
Singles Match

Jade West vs Seth Moxley

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match

Cliff O Clink vs Sammy

Special promo segement
The Showsteala

Mid Card Bout
Singles Match

Chris Orton vs J X Cash

Main Event
SEF Triple Tag Team Championship Match

Priceless Paine(c) and Rick Reynolds(c) vs Tina, Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus

Card Is Subject To Change



Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Mayhem by Halestorm plays over the pa of the Scottstrade Center in St Louis Missouri as that familiar voice of SEF shouts from ringside.

"Hello and welcome to Wednesday night WAR here on the SEFWUN channel. Nick Miller with you all and a big fight feel in tonight's main event with members of Impact X Facta teaming with Jason Stratus to battle for the Triple Tag Team Titles. We also have a special promo from The Showsteala, whatever that is all about. Wonder what my partner, Bill McLane, can make of it?"

Bill says.

"The Showsteala can do whatever he wants, so he has the spot on the card to do it. I just wonder what he will do?"

Nick says.

"True, but it doesn't feel like something he would do, then again, what do I know!? Chris Orton and J X Cash should be a good match as these two had a bit of a rivalry about ten years ago. Cliff O Clink and Sammy go head to head and the two have history as of late over the RXF Title."

Bill says.

"Sammy and Cliff could be a good match for sure and we know X is gonna own Chris like he did a decade ago! That main event you mentioned is a match I am looking forward to as well cause Rick Reynolds is the real franchise of SEF and going to show us all why, tonight!"

Nick says.

"He is one third of the Triple Tag Team Champions defending his title along with Priceless Paine, Jason Price and Chris Paine. Their challengers are Tina, Simon Lee Nash, and Jason Stratus in what is a main event on any card and we get it tonight on WAR. Kicking off the show is newcomer Jade West in action again Jon Moxley, but I am not sure who that is as the only Moxley's in SEF are Dean and Seth. So let's go to the ring and find out who Jade is facing."

Opening Contest
Jade West vs Dean/Seth Moxley

Jade in the ring ready for a fight when Dean and Seth Moxley both make their way out to enter the ring. They nod to each other, then rush Jade clobbering her into a corner. The Perry Sisters rush to the ring jumping Dean and Seth from behind. Jade recovers to help her teammates when Sounds of the Wolf plays over the pa and here comes The Wolf. She runs down with her pet wolf on a long leash to chase everyone from the ring and The Wolf stands tall with her pet wolf. Dean and Seth leaving through the crowd as The Devil's Playground stands on the stage watching The Wolf and her pet wolf as Nick Miller says.

"Well that was interesting to say the least and not much of a match, but a big debut for The Wolf who has a pet wolf."

Bill says.

"Yea, you said it Nick, so moving on."

Nick says.

"We do have Cliff O Clink backstage ready for his match against Sammy, so let's go hear from The CoC."

And there is Cliff O Clink in his jeans and a black sleeveless shirt doing a little shadow boxing until he realizes its go time. Cliff looking up to smirk a bit rugged.

"Sammy and I had a couple of battles this year over a belt I would love to have my hands on again, but tonight its all about WAR. Its about standing out on my own cause..."

Cliff trails off when Troy Storms enters the picture covered in a black robe with the hood down. His hair black and his expression one of displeasure as he stares down to Cliff. Troy says.

"You should know that I will be watching your match and your performance will determine your fate among your brothers."

Cliff a bit upset at the interruption and snaps back.

"I know who my brothers are. Now what are you asking of me?"

Troy smirks a bit arrogantly and says.

"I am not asking you to do a damn thing, boy. You either want to be in MY Resurrection of Pain or you don't!"

Cliff says.

"I don't know yet, maybe after my performance you can give me a review."

Cliff turns to walk away from Troy who just snarls.

Mid Card Bout
Cliff O Clink vs Sammy

A good match seeing some back and forth action, but Cliff looking like he may have the edge in this one when Hal Havoc runs out to ringside. Jake Voss on his trail to yank him off the apron and Sammy distracted by this gets hit with a spear from Cliff. The CoC picking her up for The End and makes the pin to win.

Winner: Cliff O Clink @ 16 Minutes 48 Seconds

Lounge Act by Nirvana plays over the pa and Cliff rolls from the ring to pull Hal away from Jake, then stands by his VP. Hal backing off to head up the ramp as Jake and Cliff bump fists and head to the back as Nick Miller says.

"Dissension among the Resurrection of Pain with Jake Voss backing up Cliff O Clink against Hal Havoc who appeared to be doing the bidding of Troy Storms. A good match nonetheless and now we get ready for The Showsteala's special promo."

Bill McLane says.

"I can't wait to see this actually."

Backstage now and the door to the Impact X Facta locker room is swung open with Tina stomping out in blue jeans, strappy white heels, and a leather jacket zipped up with her blonde hair in a ponytail. She looks back over her shoulder to A Native Americano who stands in his combat boots, blue jeans, and IX shirt looking down to the sofa where the Undisputed World Title belts lay. Tina says with a scornful scowl.

"And Mack said to do what you gotta do, even if you gotta rip his name off, again. As for me, I gotta go follow him to Japan, but I may be back sooner than later. We're taking San Yo home."

Tina marching off and outta sight as ANA sits on the sofa running his hands through his hair, then stands to kick the door shut. Back at ringside and Nick Miller says.

"So it appears Mack is not going to show and Tina is leaving too!?"

Bill McLane says.

"And San Yo Mitzu? What the hell? Two of our top stars walk out and they are taking San Yo home!"

Nick says.

"I guess the show must go on without them, but now we have no World Champion."

Mid Card Bout
Chris Orton vs J X Cash

X toying with Chris a bit in this match, but nearly gets caught for it and beaten. Viper and Jenom stick their noses into this match though and Jenom with a distraction allowing Viper to nail Chris with a sledgehammer to the head. X with the pin to win it.

Winner: J X Cash @ 19 Minutes 27 Seconds

The Way I Am by Eminem plays over the pa as X stands tall, but Viper in the ring with the sledgehammer to smack Chris in the head again, then mounts him to nail punches to his head spilling blood all over the ring. Viper stands up in his black suit ripping the jacket and tie off to loosen his shirt and even rips that off tossing it on top of Chris. X slapping Viper on his back and hugs Jenom bringing her into the group for a big hug as Nick Miller says.

"Oh my god, Chris Orton just got beat down into a bloody mess by the DVF who are hugging it out in the middle of the ring."

Bill McLane says.

"That's what Chris gets for thinking he can continue to compete against stars of this caliber. He got the new Anarchy Championship, so he needs to stick to Anarchy and defending that belt in that division."

Nick says.

"Can't argue that as he does need to watch his back for his next challenger, but that beat down was just too much, I mean, a sledgehammer, c'mon."

Backstage we go to find Simon Lee Nash and Jason Stratus ready to make their entrances when A Native Americano comes up between them. Simon looking at ANA with confusion and the IXF leader says.

"Relax Simon, I got your back, and I got Jason's back, so hopefully he knows how to throw up the X and represent Impact X Facta or else this night is going to go even worse for us. Not only did SEF lose their biggest stars, we lost a brother and a sister, so Jason, you a brother, or not!?"

ANA staring at Jason now, then the native one says.

"Answer me in the ring cause its time for Justice!"

Main Event
SEF Triple Tag Team Championship Match
A Native Americano + Simon Lee Nash + Jason Stratus v. Rick Reynolds(c) & Priceless Paine(c)

Rick Reynolds leading his team to what looks like a victory when Jason Stratus is knocked from the apron by a superkick from Jason Price that caused Stratus to land throat first on the guard rail. Simon with a spear to Price and both men crawl to their corners. ANA comes in to meet Chris Paine with punches, but Jason Price helping his partner. Simon Lee runs over, but his met with a superkick from Rick Reynolds coming in the ring. ANA getting whipped to the ropes and rushes back knocking both members of Priceless Paine down with a clothesline. Rick with a superkick to the back of ANA's head sending him to a corner, but the ref getting him out of the ring before Rick can do more. Simon and Jason Price are sent to their corners while Jason Stratus is still down, but stirring. ANA on his knees as Chris gets up looking for a side headlock, but gets back suplexed. ANA rolling away to uses the ropes in helping himself to his feet. Chris getting up and ANA running in for Justice, but the Paine leapfrogging rather quickly and turns with a right hand to ANA. Chris whipping the big man across the ring and looks for a powerslam, but ANA leaping up to nail a superman punch. ANA running over to nail one to Jason Price which causes Rick Reynolds to jump down, then ANA charges into Chris with Justice and makes the pin to win the match.

Winners via Pinfall over Chris: ANA + Simon Lee + Jason @ 24 Minutes 59 Seconds

Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi plays over the pa bringing the crowd to their feet and ANA as well who shoots his arms into the air. Simon coming in to celebrate with the leader of IXF as Jason rolls in holding his throat still. The ref handing them their belts and ANA raising Simon's hand as both raise their belts high. Jason joining in to lift his belt in the air in unison as the show goes off the air.

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