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universal6 star tag team

Making history

Started by Simon Lee Nash, May 15, 2018, 11:15:00 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash Jason stratus and Tina has a chance of making history as they go up against the Painless Paine and Rick Reyonlds for the right to become the SEF Triple tag team champions at the upcoming war show. Now there has been alot of talk about if Jason and Simon work together as a team however in the recent weeks there was some attacks where both men help each other out fighting off would be attackers

Now simon and Jason has one of the best in the SEF the golden Goddess herself Tina Andrews as their partner. Simon has partner with Tina in the past and they have been pretty good together, However this is the first time that Jason will be teaming with her and there is some certainly about if they can get along.

Whatever the case they need to be on the same page if they want to walk away with the Triple tag team championship.

Jason is laughing

Jason: Priceless Paine and Rick Reyonlds so you have been holding down the Triple Tag team championship for a little bit, I am impressed with that. However now you are going to face off with us. Three psychopaths that is going to love to cause Pain, Destroy you three in a pool of your own blood and most of all will gladly take those titles off your shoulders or any other parts of your bodies.

Simon looks a little freaked out.

Simon: All you boys need to know is that your time of being champions in SEF is running out and very soon boys. A new changing of the guard will happen. It will be us three walking out with those belts. We have the heart and the will to dig down deep and show you guys why we are not just three regular superstar talents. No we are more than that.

Simon: We was set on a mission and that job is clear. To destroy and take what we believe is ours. Those championship looks pretty damn night. So what the hell not.

waits for Tina to respond.

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