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jade will destroy jason stratus

Started by The Perry Family, August 22, 2018, 02:14:03 AM

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The Perry Family

jade sees the anachy card so happy she get to face jason stratus live and in person she then  begin to talk.

jade about time stratus is going get his ass kicked like never before where has he been anyway i need this win there schould be more to this one on one match im not sure what i mean im willing go through anything but let me say this he schould thank me for being in this match this company is about the devil playground and the world knows it!!

jade il humiliate embarrass him in front of the hole entire world im not going loose im not im not he can pull out all the stops i don't care i never be embarrased like he is going to be this coming week,

she run her hand through her hair and begin to talk again

jade after this match who knows but this is the world to me ido anything risks it all i dont care i need this win i need to he is a worthless human being im the devil princess evil over good what can he throw at me haha the devil has come to play i shall suriave

she plays with her sissors aomebody comes by and talks
Jade West

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